STTY(1) General Commands Manual STTY(1)

sttyinspect and alter teletype and window attributes

stty [-F teletype]
stty [-F teletype] -a
stty [-F teletype] -g
stty [-F teletype] saved-settings
stty [-F teletype] size|speed|attribute

Writes (some) attributes of teletype (the standard input stream by default) or sets them.

By default, a difference from stty sane is written as:

speed 38400 baud; rows 48; cols 128; line = 1;
iutf8 …
or as:
ispeed 38400 baud; ospeed 19200 baud; rows 54; cols 226; line = 0;
kill = ^Y;
-brkint -imaxbel …
if the speeds differ.

The first line lists the teletype speed in bits per second (which likely means very little if it's a pty(4)), the kernel's idea of the window size, and the current line discipline.

The next line lists the Special Control Characters in a visual format — "<undef>" if disabled, "M-" if top bit set, then literal if printable, else ^b.

Subsequent lines list the individial attributes for Input Attributes, Output Attributes, Control Attributes, and Local Attributes.

Consult/modify teletype, opened O_RDONLY | O_NONBLOCK, instead of the standard input stream.

, --all
Instead of the control characters and attributes that differ between the current settings and the current settings with sane applied, list all known characters and attributes of the current settings, negated if applicable.
, --save
Write current settings in a concise reproducible format suitable for use as saved-settings, cf. Saved Settings, below.

Specifying any attribute except for [-]drain suppresses the default output.

Write information about teletype to the standard output stream.

Query Information Format
size Window size Rows, then columns, separated by a space
speed Baud-rate Single number if the same, otherwise input speed, space, output speed

Special Control Characters

Must be followed by either the empty string, meaning , a single byte, used verbatim, "^-" or "undef", disabling the character, "^?" for DEL (0x7F, bottom 7 bits set), "^b" where b is any byte, of which the bottom 5 bits are used (this most likely corresponds to holding the Control key on your keyboard, then pressing the desired character, and yields distinct favourable results for @, the alphabet, brackets, \, ^, and _), or an integer.

cc Index Purpose When
intr VINTR Send SIGINT to foreground process group isig
quit VQUIT Send SIGQUIT to foreground process group isig
erase VERASE Erase last character icanon
kill VKILL Kill whole line icanon
eof VEOF Discard the eof and terminate line immediately icanon
eol VEOL Alternative keying for the newline icanon
eol2 VEOL2 Likewise icanon
swtch VSWTCH cf. HISTORY, UNIX System V Release 2.0 SVr2 & shl(1)
start VSTART Resume output suspended with stop ixon, ixoff
stop VSTOP Temporarily halt output to teletype
susp VSUSP Send SIGTSTP to foreground process group isig
rprnt VREPRINT Re-echo current input line iexten & echo
discard VDISCARD Toggle flusho (discarding output) iexten
werase VWERASE Erase last word icanon
lnext VLNEXT Next byte is literal — all processing is turned off iexten
dsusp VDSUSP Like susp, but sent when the byte would be read, not instantly isig
status VSTATUS Send SIGINFO to foreground process group icanon

These are also part of the Special Control Characters, but aren't actually characters, and control non-canonical input; as such, they take an integer only:

cc Index Purpose When
min VMIN Minimum bytes to return from a read() -icanon
time VTIME Tenths of a second to allow a read() to block -icanon
If both are non-zero, wait at most time after the last received byte that didn't satisfy min to return. If neither — () returns immediately with whatever's available.

Input Attributes

Except where specified otherwise, these all correspond to flags of the same name, but in upper-case. A BREAK means being on the receiving end of a tcsendbreak(3).

Attrib. Inverse Purpose When
ignbrk -ignbrk Discard BREAKs
brkint -brkint Send SIGINT to foreground process group under BREAK -ignbrk
ignpar -ignpar Discard framing/parity errors
parmrk -parmrk (see below)
inpck -inpck Check received parity for correctness
istrip -istrip Strip input bytes to 7 bits
inlcr -inlcr Convert input newlines to carriage returns
igncr -igncr Discard input carriage returns
icrnl -icrnl Convert input carriage returns to newlines
iuclc -iuclc Convert upper-case input bytes to lower-case iexten, after istrip
ixon -ixon Handle start and stop and as-described
ixany -ixany Allow any input byte to resume stopped output ixon
ixoff -ixoff Send start and stop to the input to prevent input queue overflow
imaxbel -imaxbel Ring bell when input queue full
iutf8 -iutf8 Process input line as UTF-8 instead of byte-wise icanon

If -ignpar parmrk, framing/parity errors yield bytes 0xFF, 0, then the erroneous one; to disambiguate, normal 0xFF bytes are doubled unless in this case. If -ignpar -parmrk — a single 0 byte.

If -ignbrk -parmrk, a break condition yields a single 0 byte, if -ignbrk parmrk0xFF, 0, 0.

Output Attributes

These allow correct output to quirky or moving teletypes.

Attrib. Inverse Purpose
opost -opost Enable all other Output Attributes
olcuc -olcuc Convert lower-case bytes to upper-case for output
onlcr -onlcr Output newline as carriage return, newline
ocrnl -ocrnl Output carriage return as newline
onocr -onocr Don't output carriage return at the first column
onlret -onlret Assume newline returns carriage to first column with cr? delays
ofill -ofill Transmit 0 bytes as filler instead of using time-based delays
ofdel -ofdel Use DEL (0x7F)s instead of 0s
nl0 No newline delay
nl1 Approximately 0.10s or two filler bytes
cr0 No carriage return delay
cr1 Dependent on current column or two filler bytes
cr2 Approximately 0.10s or four filler bytes
cr3 Approximately 0.15s
tab0 No tab delay
tab1 Dependent on current column or two filler bytes
tab2 Approximately 0.10s or two filler bytes
tab3 Expand tabs to spaces
bs0 No backspace delay
bs1 Approximately 0.05s or a filler byte
ff0 No form-feed delay
ff1 Approximately 2s
vt0 No vertical tab delay
vt1 Approximately 2s

Control Attributes

Attrib. Inverse Purpose Inverse Purpose
cs5 teletype bytes are 5 bits
cs6 teletype bytes are 6 bits
cs7 teletype bytes are 7 bits
cs8 teletype bytes are 8 bits
cstopb -cstopb Send two stop bits Send one
cread -cread Enable receiver Don't receive (read) anything
parenb -parenb Generate a parity bit for each byte Don't
parodd -parodd Odd parity Even parity
hupcl -hupcl Hang up when the last file descriptor for teletype is closed
clocal -clocal Local line — ignore link status
cmspar -cmspar (see below) Normal parity
crtscts -crtscts Hardware flow control No hardware flow control

If cmspar -parodd: space (always-0) parity; if cmspar parodd: mark (always-1) parity.

Local Attributes

Attrib. Inverse Purpose Inverse Purpose When
isig -isig Send signals when intr, quit, susp, or dsusp
icanon -icanon Canonical editable line-buffered input Raw input, minimally-buffered
xcase -xcase (see below) icanon
echo -echo Echo input back Input is hidden
echoe -echoe (see below) icanon & echo
echok -echok Represent kill (per [-]echoke) Echo kill per echoctl icanon & echo
echoke -echoke kill by erasing the whole line kill by echoing a newline & echok
echonl -echonl Echo newlines regardless of echo icanon
noflsh -noflsh Don't discard buffers when sending signals due to isig isig
tostop -tostop Send SIGTTOU to background process group attempting output
echoctl -echoctl Echo control bytes (sans start, stop) as ^b instead of verbatim echo
echoprt -echoprt (see below) icanon & echo
flusho -flusho Output discarded Output flowing
iexten -iexten Enable implementation-defined flags
extproc -extproc External processing for pty(4)s, cf. ioctl(TIOCPKT)
altwerase -altwerase Use alternative word-breaking algorithm for werase

Blocking SIGTTOU has the same effect as setting -tostop for the process would.

On systems where xcase does anything, a backslash followed by a lower-case byte is converted to an uppercase byte, and a backslash followed by any of '!^()\ becomes `|~{}\, respectively. Output is written with the inverse mapping (~ becomes \`, &c.). This is useful exclusively if you're calling from an extraordinarily cut-rate upper-case-only or punctuation-lacking teletype.

When erasing (icanon) (via erase, werase, kill with echok echoke, &c.), if echo:

if echoprt
echo a backslash, then each erased character in erasure order; if another byte on the same line is echoed, the first is preceded with a slash; this is friendly to teletypes that display to write-once media like paper,
if echoe and erased via erase
just echo back erase,
echo backspace, space, backspace for every character; this works best for re-writable media since it hides the erased columns.

On systems where flusho does anything, entering discard enables it until any subsequent input.

Line Speed

Attrib. Purpose
speed Equivalent to ospeed speed ispeed speed
ispeed speed Sets input baud-rate to speed, or same as ospeed if 0
ospeed speed Sets ouput baud-rate to speed, or hangs up if 0

Where speed is any of:

50 200 2400 57600 576000 2000000
75 300 4800 115200 921600 2500000
110 600 9600 230400 1000000 3000000
134.5 1200 19200 460800 1152000 3500000
150 1800 38400 500000 1500000 4000000

all of which correspond directly to the gross-bits-per-second speed of the link, or one of the following:

0 (see above)
134 134.5
exta 19200
extb 38400

Under Linux, 38400 potentially means 57600, 115200, 230400, , or some division of the clock, depending on additional link-specific configuration (ioctl(TIOCSSERIAL), setserial(8) spd_hi/spd_vhi/spd_shi/spd_warp/spd_cust divisor),

These take a single integer; the "window" is the systems's concept of the window dimensions — these won't resize an emulator, but can help get full-size windows and user-space wrapping on a remote system.

Dimension Dimension Unit
rows Vertical Lines
cols Horizontal Columns

Line Discipline

Takes a single integer as " discipline", which determines how bytes are packaged for delivery to/from the peer; in many ways this could be considered the "protocol" — "raw serial", X.25, GSM, PPP, &c. There should be no reason to set this manually.

Argument Effect
drain Block until all output is processed (TCSADRAIN); this is the default
-drain Affect the changes immediately (TCSANOW)

Argument Effect
ek Set erase and kill to their default values
raw Clear all Input Attributes, min 1 time 0 -opost -isig -icanon -xcase
cooked Set eof and eol to their default values, brkint ignpar istrip icrnl ixon opost isig icanon
sane Set all Special Control Characters to their default values, -ignbrk brkint -inlcr -igncr icrnl -iuclc -ixany -ixoff imaxbel -iutf8 opost -olcuc onlcr -ocrnl -onocr -onlret -ofill -ofdel nl0 cr0 tab0 bs0 ff0 vt0 cread isig icanon -xcase echo echoe echok echoke -echonl -noflsh -tostop echoctl -echoprt -flusho iexten -extproc

Argument Inverse Is Inverse Is
reprint rprnt
decctlq -decctlq -ixany ixany
tandem -tandem ixoff -ixoff
tabs -tabs tab0 tab3
hup -hup hupcl -hupcl
cbreak -cbreak -icanon icanon
crterase -crterase echoe -echoe
crtkill -crtkill echoke -echoke
ctlecho -ctlecho echoctl -echoctl
prterase -prterase echoprt -echoprt
columns cols
-cooked raw
-raw cooked
lcase -lcase LCASE -LCASE
parity -parity evenp -evenp
-oddp -evenp

Gang Aliases

Argument Is
dec intr ^C erase ^? kill ^U -ixany echoe echoke echoctl
litout -istrip -opost cs8 -parenb
-litout istrip opost cs7 parenb
pass8 -istrip cs8 -parenb
-pass8 istrip cs7 parenb
nl -icrnl -onlcr
-nl -inlcr -igncr icrnl onlcr -ocrnl -onlret
LCASE iuclc olcuc xcase
-LCASE -iuclc -olcuc -xcase
oddp cs7 parenb parodd
evenp cs7 parenb -parodd
-evenp cs8 -parenb
crt echoe echoke echoctl

Input Attributes, Output Attributes, Control Attributes, Local Attributes, then all Special Control Characters, hexadecimal, colon-separated.

Naturally, this doesn't preserve/restore Windowing information or the Line discipline.

1 if teletype couldn't be opened, new attributes couldn't be applied, or they weren't fully updated (the state after applying wasn't the state being applied — most likely this means altering a read-only attribute for the teletype).

Undo any weird modes, kill line with ^K:

$ stty sane kill ^K

Fully-portably save/restore teletype state around querying the teletype size (provided the line speed is at least 110, which all ANSI-X3.64-compliant video terminals support):

saved=$(stty -g; printf "rows %u cols %u" $(stty size))

stty -echo -icanon min 0 time 1
printf '\033[%s' s '99999;99999;H' 6n u
IFS='[;R' read -r _ r c
echo rows $r cols $c

stty $saved

tcgetattr(3), tcgetwinsize(3), termios(4), tty(4), ascii(7)

/proc/tty/ldiscs, under Linux, listing discipline mappings

High-level teletype semantics that result from these settings (raw and cooked in particular):
K. Thompson and D. M. Ritchie, UNIX Programmer's Manual,, pp. 162-164, November 3, 1971, /dev/tty0 ... tty5 (IV).

Conforms to the IEEE Std 1003.1-202x (“POSIX.1”), Draft 2.1 base spec, and, except where specified, its XSI parts — -ag are standard, also cf. Standard Attributes, below. No format is specified: -a must include: the ATTRIBUTES, separated by spaces, but may (and other implementations do) include additional information; "speed" or "ispeed"/"ospeed" if they're different, in the format listed in the DESCRIPTION, up to the semicolon, of which only "baud" is localisable; and Special Control Characters in the format listed in the DESCRIPTION, the value being either "<undef>", if undefined, the literal character if printable, or a "visual representation" thereof — this implementation's M- prefix for the top bit and ^@ for 0 matches the GNU system.

The default output is to be a "subset" of -a — this in general means delta from some default settings (and maybe additional data considered relevant, like min and time if -icanon).

The -g output is required to not require quoting (but may field-split, so it shouldn't be quoted for portability) and is required to save all standard ATTRIBUTES except Windowing information, which is optional (this naturally also excludes the Line Discipline). This implementation's format matches the GNU system's, which is equivalent to AT&T System III UNIX.

-F is an extension, compatible with the GNU system (4.4BSD spells it -f, but that clashes with -flusho); O_NONBLOCK means that this can be used on devices that aren't usable yet, and would block if spelled < teletype (cf. open(2)).

Speeds as reported in no-argument/-a output and in speed are truncated (i.e. 134.5 is reduced to "134"); the former for conformance, the latter for compatibility.

size, as described; exactly one space.

Special Control Characters

intr, quit, erase, kill, eof, eol, start, stop, susp, with arguments as-described (except for empty-string-as-0, an extension), but ^b is defined explicitly for the alphabet, brackets, \, ^, and _.

min, time, with just an integer, as-described.

VMIN is allowed to be VEOF, and VTIME VEOL, which is why raw and cooked set them, respectively.

Input Attributes

All as-described.

Attrib. Inverse Attrib. Inverse Attrib. Inverse Attrib. Inverse
ignbrk -ignbrk parmrk -parmrk inlcr -inlcr ixon -ixon
brkint -brkint inpck -inpck igncr -igncr ixany -ixany
ignpar -ignpar istrip -istrip icrnl -icrnl ixoff -ixoff

Output Attributes

opost and -opost are part of the base spec, and as-described. All others are shaded XSI:

Attrib. Inverse Attrib. Inverse Attrib. Inverse
onlcr -onlcr onocr -onocr ofill -ofill
ocrnl -ocrnl onlret -onlret ofdel -ofdel
nl0 nl1
cr0 cr1 cr2 cr3
tab0 tab1 tab2 tab3
bs0 bs1
ff0 ff1
vt0 vt1

Control Attributes

All as-described.

Attrib. Inverse Attrib. Inverse Attrib. Inverse
cs5 cs6 cs7 cs8
cstopb -cstopb parenb -parenb hupcl -hupcl
cread -cread parodd -parodd clocal -clocal

Local Attributes

All a superset of described.

Attrib. Inverse Note
isig -isig
icanon -icanon
echo -echo
echoe -echoe Defined generically as erasing the last character from the display, else echo applies
echok -echok [-]echoke selects between the two allowed behaviours
echonl -echonl
noflsh -noflsh
tostop -tostop
iexten -iexten If -iexten, icanon, isig, ixon, and ixoff are guaranteed to behave conformantly

Line Speed

Either "number" for "terminal baud rate" or "ispeed number"/ "ospeed number" for "terminal input baud rate"/"terminal output baud rate", with 0 semantics as described. The speeds supported are at :

Hang up           B0
50 baud                     B50
75 baud                     B75
110 baud                     B110
134.5 baud B134
150 baud                     B150
200 baud                     B200
300 baud                     B300
600 baud                     B600
1200 baud                     B1200
1800 baud                     B1800
2400 baud                     B2400
4800 baud                     B4800
9600 baud                     B9600
19200 baud                     B19200
38400 baud                     B38400

It's unclear what the minimum required mapping to the numbers for these is.

rows and cols, as described.

See also the standard LINES and COLUMNS environment variables in environ(7).

Line Discipline

Not part of the standard.

The standard doesn't require stty to use tcsetattr(3), and doesn't specify any flushing characteristics.

ek As described
sane "Reset all modes to some reasonable, unspecified, values."
oddp As described
evenp As described
-evenp As described

All as-described.

Argument Inverse
tabs -tabs
hup -hup
parity -parity

Gang Aliases

Argument Inverse Is Inverse Is
raw cooked (see below)
nl -nl -icrnl -inlcr -igncr icrnl

raw (and -raw, cooked) is shaded XSI, and supposed to enable (or disable for the inverse) "raw input and output". This raw mode is supposed to be equivalent to "cs8 erase ^- kill ^- intr ^- quit ^- eof ^- eol ^- -post -inpck"; what cooked is supposed to mean is unclear. This implementation's aliases match the GNU system's.

The additional -onlcr for nl and onlcr -ocrnl -onlret for -nl match the GNU system, and, since the additional attributes are shaded XSI while [-]nl isn't, may be considered a safe extension.

Version 3 of the Single UNIX Specification (“SUSv3”) removes the following, previously marked LEGACY and shaded EX (equivalent to present-day XSI).

Argument Inverse Note
iuclc -iuclc Defined in terms of characters and only in the POSIX locale; a problem, given that locales are user-space, unlike the line and teletype drivers
olcuc -olcuc
xcase -xcase Performs "canonical lower and canonical upper presentation", unexplained
lcase -lcase As described

(Nominally, IEEE Std 1003.1-202x (“POSIX.1”), Draft 2.1 doesn't contain -xcase, but this appears to be a mistake in the CHANGE HISTORY.)

gtty(II) and stty(II) syscalls appear in the first edition of the UNIX Programmer's Manual, operating on the DC11 asynchronous communications interfaces attached (UNIX Programmer's Manual, /dev/tty0 ... tty5 (IV)) , but not the console (ibid., /dev/tty (IV), p. 161) Teletype Model 33 ASR typewriter which is an integral part of the PDP-11.

stty(II) (ibid., p. 135) takes a file descriptor and a pointer to three 16-bit integers, the first of which (dcrsr) "is placed into the typewriter's reader control and status register", and the second (dcpsr) "is placed in the printer control and status register" — it then defers to the DC11 manual for their format and "until the typewriter is quiescent" (drain, TCSADRAIN); the BUGS section notes:

This call should be used with care. It is all too easy to turn off your typewriter.

Indeed, the DC11's two registers are the Receiver Status Register (RCSR), laid out as such (in short; read-only bits and bit omitted), compared to the present-day equivalents:

0 DATA TERMINAL READY Controls receiving data from modem — if 0, no input is processed. All too easy indeed!
1 BREAK Outputs a BREAK if set tcsendbreak(3)
[3, 4] RECEIVER SPEED SELECT (see below) cfsetispeed(3)
6 INTERRUPT ENABLE The DC11 will send an interrupt if there's data. Clearing this would likely also "turn off" the teletype.
[9, 10] CHARACTER LENGTH 8 - the value, i.e. down to 5 cs[5678]
and the Transmitter Status Register (TSCR) (in short; read-only bits and bit 2 omitted):
0 REQUEST TO SEND Controls sending data to modem.
[3, 4] TRANSMITTER SPEED SELECT (see below) cfsetospeed(3)
6 INTERRUPT ENABLE Send an interrupt if ready to send byte. Setting this inadvertently would most likely have undesirable effects.
8 STOP CODE 2 stop bits - the value [-]cstopb

The SPEED SELECT fields select between the four speeds available on the specific DC11 model — according to /etc/init (VII) (ibid., p. 202) and logging in and logging out(VII) (ibid., p. 208) the default teletype is a 150-baud Model 37 Teletype with a BREAK at the "login:" prompt selecting the 300-baud GE TermiNet 300; type(I) (ibid., p. 101) supports printing to 134.5-baud IBM 2741s — the remaining speed required to disambiguate the model used is 1200 baud, given in /dev/tty0 ... tty5 (IV), points squarely at the DC11-AG.

These are described in grueling detail in DC11 asynchronous line interface manual, DEC-11-HDCD-D, 5th Printing,, Chapter 3 (Operational Programming), Digital Equipment Corporation, Maynard, Massachusetts, September 1973.

The third integer is the mode, whose contents "determine the system's treatment of the typewriter" (octal):

   200  even (M37 tty) parity allowed
   100  odd (non-M37 tty) allowed
   040  raw mode: wake up on all characters
   020  map CR into LF; echo LF or CR as CR-LF
   010  don't echo (half duplex)
   004  map upper case to lower case on input (M33 TTY)
Received bytes with invalid parity are discarded. The closest present-day analogue to 300 is parodd to 100 and  parodd to 200, but allowing both is valid and common in this case.

Raw mode is the moral equivalent of present-day, well, raw, but spelled as the inverse of the default icanon (with min 1 time 0) implied: "every character is passed back immediately to the program. No erase or kill processing is done; the end-of-file character (EOT), the interrupt character (DELETE) and the quit character (FS) are not treated specially."; today, erase, kill, and eof are predicated on icanon directly, and intr and quit on isig.

020 is equivalent to icrnl onlcr, "used for GE TermiNet 300's".
010 can be recognised as -echo and 004iuclc.

The delays are hard-coded for the Model 37. It's unclear if they're the same at 300 baud or if they're altered for the TermiNet, except that it (supposedly) works.

The Special Control Characters are unchangeable:

ASCII DELETE (^?, 0x7F), "sometimes called »rub-out«"; (see below)
ASCII FS (^\, 0x1C), (see below)
ASCII EOT (End Of Transmission, ^D, 4), as present-day
(with \# typed for literal #), as present-day
(with \@ typed for literal @), as present-day
It's important to note that no additional output processing is done for erasing, à la echoe -echok.

intr and quit represent a primitive form of signals (even before signals got signals, job control is . it is known): "for practical purposes at random" a process whose control typewriter — the first /dev/tty* file opened by the process, inherited on fork(II) (cf. today's similar but much more complex credentials(7)); this means all processes in a login session share the same one — matches the one on which the intr (quit) was received and which hasn't ignored the "signal" by passing 0 to intr(II) (UNIX Programmer's Manual, p. 122) (quit(II) (ibid., p. 127))), is "forced to exit" (and dump core). (If a funciton is passed to intr(II) (quit(II)) it is executed, but this causes a cascade of errors that make it not worthwhile, and, as the BUGS proclaim: "I don't know how to make it work.".)

Hanging up the call makes all future reads return empty (the Manual calls this simulating end-of-file); nowadays, a SIGHUP is also delivered to the foreground process group.

gtty(II) (ibid., p. 120), expectedly, copies those three integers into the provided buffer.

/dev/tty (IV) (the "hard-wired" "console typewriter") is nominally out-of-scope since [gs]tty(II) don't apply to it, but it explicitly cannot be placed in raw mode (it's unclear how that would happen), quit is generated with the "alt mode" key, it's always in iuclc (004) mode, and "a carriage return is echoed when a line-feed is typed" — this doesn't appear to be a documented stty(II)able mode, and doesn't appear to have survived as a modern one either.

type(I), or

"produces output on an IBM 2741 terminal with a Correspondence type ball." on /dev/tty5 for reasons too murky to be understood outside of its geographical context and usage procedure from hell. Indeed, the BUGS say: "The best thing would be to support 2741's as a standard terminal.".

Of interest is also the hup(I) (ibid., p. 63) program, which "hangs up the phone on the typewriter which uses it", much like stty 0 would, but, per BUGS, "should not be used; sometimes causes the typewriter channel to be lost".

UNIX Programmer's Manual, 2nd Edition

The argument names are aligned with the DC11 manual in K. Thompson and D. M. Ritchie, UNIX Programmer's Manual, Second Edition,, pp. 166-167, Bell Telephone Laboratories, Inc., June 12, 1972, stty(II). dcrsr becomes "the typewriter's receiver control and status register" and dcpsr — "transmitter control and status register".

The [-]parodd and iuclc equivalents are clarified:

   200  even parity allowed on input (e. g. for m37s)
   100  odd parity allowed on input
   004  map upper case to lower on input (e. g. M33)
echo is inverted to match present-day:
   010  echo (full duplex)
icrnl onlcr is reversed:
   020  map CR into LF; echo LF or CR as LF-CR
and new modes appear in the bottom bits:
   002  echo and print tabs as spaces
   001  inhibit all function delays (e. g. CRTs)
where 001 is ideologically equivalent to nl0 cr0 tab0 ff0 and 002 to tab3 if set and tab[]/tab0 if clear/clear but 001.

The reasoning for 020 (icrnl onlcr) is expanded past the TermiNets, to "other teminals without the new-line function" — i.e. ones for which a newline doesn't return the carriage.

The top byte of the mode is "used to indicate that the terminal is an IBM 2741 and to specify 2741 modes.":

   400  terminal is an IBM 2741
  1000  the 2741 has the transmit interrupt feature
        (currently ignored)
  2000  use correspondence code conversion on output
  4000  use correspondence code conversion on input
        (currently ignored)
400 also ignores modes 331 and selects proper delays.

The counterpart to the "correspondence code" is the default "EBCDIC (e. g. 963 ball and corresponding keyboard)" — since the 2741s are IBM Selectric typewriters, these refer to the two common type balls: the "correspondence" ball (and keyboard) are those of the standard retail Selectric for office correspondence. It's unclear what EBCDIC actually means here, since the counterpart to correspondence is PTT/[E]BCD, neither of which even remotely correspond to a character set encoding¹.

With this, type(I) (ibid., pp. 211-214) becomes

copying the input files in chunks of lines, then waiting for a newline between them to allow manual feeding of loose paper.

tty0(IV) (ibid., pp. 211-214), now with eight devices, now explicitly notes the input buffer of 150 characters and echoes a # for each one lost. The newline, tab, and form-feed delays are appropriate for the Model 37, but the carriage return delay is appropriate for the GE TermiNet 300. The speeds now listed are also 110 and 600, which implies heterogeneity in the devices used since any given DC11 is capable of being on-line programmable for one set of four speeds, but this is excluded by the SPEED SELECT fields being hard-coded for autodetection.

ASCII EOT, which causes the Model 37 to hang up, is stripped from the output (previously it was sent with wrong parity). No mention is made of formerly-similar special processing for NAK, which would lock the keyboard.

Arrangements for the 2741 (and other supported teletypes) are made automatically with the new getty(VII) (ibid., pp. 251-252) as cs7 -cstopb -echo 134.5. echo is off because 2741 is half-duplex (transmission-wise; all characters typed are always hardware-echoed, much like on a typewriter, which it is), and incoming data excludes the keyboard being unlocked. Indeed, the keyboard is only unlocked when a read is being performed, intr is done by catching a BREAK from the ATTN key, quit and eof are impossible, the encoding conversion renders swathes of important punctuation missing and even more of the commonly-used ASCII plane with entirely unrelated characters. It's astonishing this doesn't simply render the 2741 unfit for purpose, but letter-quality prints may well have made it just about worth it — Joe Morris and Dennis Ritchie, IBM Selectric parallel/serial interface, alt.folklore.computers,,, 1998-09-03/04.

Login processing and rudimentary 150-baud/300-baud detection in /etc/init (VII) is delegated to the new getty(VII), executed after the call is established: the speed selection is generalised slightly, in that the "login:" message at 150 baud is prefixed with ‘\033:\a’ to put the Model 37 in full-duplex mode; at 300 baud — with ‘\033;’ to do the same for the GE TermiNet 300; this "is acceptable for other 300 baud terminals also."; at 134.5 — with nothing, see above.

The username is read in raw mode (with standard erase and kill processing emulated) with either parity allowed, which allows the next speed to be picked and the message re-printed when a zero byte is read (as part of a BREAK). At 150 baud, the 2741's (134.5-baud) ATTN and enter "looks like the ascii »~« (1748)" (actually 1768; 1748 is also recognised but it's "") and, if any of these is read, the 134.5-baud speed will be picked immediately (it is noted, however (login, logout(VII) (ibid., pp. 257-258)), that: "If the greeting doesn't appear after a few seconds, hang up and try again; something has gone wrong."). The "speed" here is loose, and includes model-specific flags (parity, 2741ness).

If the username is terminated with a carriage return instead of a newline, the post-getty mode will also have 020 (icrnl onlcr) set. If it didn't have any lower-case characters, it's mapped to lower-case and 004 (iuclc) is set as well.

Following this, it executes the also-new login(I) (ibid., p. 86), or

with the acquired username, and logging in proceeds as-expected (the passphrase is prompted for -echo (if possible, i.e. not on the 2741), the UID and working directory changed, the MOTD read and mailbox existence noted, the shell executed).

hup disappears, but stty(I) (ibid., p. 117) appears, and bears recalling in its entirety:

stty option1 ...

Stty will set certain I/O options on the current output teletype. The option strings are selected from the following set:

   even    allow even parity.
   -even   disallow even parity.
   odd     allow odd parity
   -odd    disallow odd parity
   raw     raw input (no erase/kill)
   -canon          "
   -raw    negate raw mode (erase/kill)
   canon           "
   cr      allow (and echo) cr for lf.
   -nl             "
   nl      negate cr mode.
   -cr             "
   echo    echo back every character typed.
   full            "
   -half           "
   half    do not echo caracters as typed.
   -echo           "
   -full           "
   lcase   map upper case to lower case
   -ucase          "
   ucase   do not map case
   -lcase          "
   space   map tabs into spaces
   -tab            "
   tab     do not map tabs
   -space          "
   delay   calculate cr and tab delays.
   -delay  no cr/tab delays
   ebcdic  ebcdic ball conversion (2741 only)
   -corres         "
   corres  correspondence ball conversion (2741 only)
   -ebcdic         "

These map trivially to the stty(II) mode argument. Of these, [-]echo, [-]raw, [-]lcase, and [-]nl survive semantically equivalent, [-]canon as [-]icanon, [-]tab similarly to [-]tabs, and [-]even [-]odd similarly to [-]evenp [-]oddp.

UNIX Programmer's Manual, 2nd Edition, add'l bibliog.

Three keyboards/line codes/type balls for the 2741 are the "Standard Selectric® Typewriter" (correspondence), "PTTC/BCD", and "PTTC/EBCD" — IBM 2741 Communications Terminal, TP-09 A24-3415-2, Third Edition,, figs. 5-10, pp. 15-20, International Business Machines Corporation, Data Processign Division, 112 East Post Road, White Plains, N.Y. 10601.
The line is stateful for the ball hemisphere selected (lower case/upper case headings in even-numbered fig. ibid.) et al., with the sent/received codes corresponding to the rotation and tilt of the ball: BA1 and C42 are: g/ and 6/¢ for the correspondence models, a/A and 6/{' for the standard charset, for the A and H ones, and ¢ for the typewriter(?) one} for the PTTC/BCD ones, and a/A and 6/' for the PTTC/EBCD ones. Trivially, since EBCDIC (or anything contemporary) isn't stateful, none of these are any given encoding.

The three substantive changes herein are the correction of the 200 mode description to "M37s" and removal of the "It is all too easy to turn off your typewriter." warning from BUGS in K. Thompson and D. M. Ritchie, UNIX Programmer's Manual, Third Edition,, ./man2/stty.2, Bell Telephone Laboratories, Inc., February, 1973, stty(II).

As well as a drastic culling of modes allowed in stty(I) (ibid., ./man1/stty.1), now:

   even    allow even parity.
   -even   disallow even parity.
   odd     allow odd parity
   -odd    disallow odd parity
   raw     raw mode input
           (no erase/kill/interrupt/quit/EOT)
   -raw    negate raw mode
   -nl     allow cr for lf (and echo lf cr)
   nl      allow nl only
   echo    echo back every character typed.
   -echo   do not echo characters.
   lcase   map upper case to lower case
   -lcase  do not map case
   -tabs   replace tabs by spaces
   tabs    preserve tabs
   delay   calculate cr and tab delays.
   -delay  no cr/tab delays
   ebcdic  ebcdic ball conversion (2741 only)
   corres  correspondence ball conversion (2741 only)
i.e. [-]tab becoming the present-day-spelling of [-]tabs and the redundant [-]canon, [-]cr, [-]full, [-]half, [-]ucase, [-]space, -ebcdic, -corres spellings being removed.

UNIX Programmer's Manual, 4th Edition

Sees a rewrite of the kernel in C, of the manual in troff(1), and is infested by gnomes — K. Thompson and D. M. Ritchie, UNIX Programmer's Manual, Fourth Edition,, ./man0/basinf, Bell Telephone Laboratories, Inc., November, 1973, How to Get Started, Logging in..

getty(VII) (ibid., ./man7/getty.7) cycles between just 150- and 300-baud and kernel support for the 2731 is removed entirely, and type(I) (ibid., ./man1/type.1) once again becomes

type - type on 2741
this time copying the input to /dev/ttyc "converting to 2741 EBCDIC output code."; the usage procedure specifies that while it still reads the teletype, the ATTN key is to be pressed (since the 2741 can't be raw and is always hard-echo, this is the only way to get indicate anything without messing up the letter, assuming the keyboard is even unlocked), and an inscrutable BUGS section follows; it appears that the 2741s were only worth as much hassle as was required to print letters, and no more — Tom Van Vleck, Home Terminals, Multicians,, para. 10, 1997-02-17.

The input buffer is bumped to 256 bytes (dc(IV) (ibid., ./man4/dc.4)), and overrun characters are "thrown out without notice". ASCII EOT is only stripped from output if not raw.

The "upper-case mode" (004) is additionally described as present-day xcase (with the mapped characters in the same order, even! This (and the already-extant lower-case) directly corresponds to the characters untypeable on a Teletype Model 33 (and 35), present on all DEC PDP-11s as standard²), but not predicated on icanon.

Recognisable (but unreliable, so not quite present-day) signals appear as signal(II) (ibid., ./man2/signal.2) and hanging up sends signal 1 (what we'd call SIGHUP), default action terminate without core, to all processes whose control typewriter matches the hanged-up one, then "returns with an end-of-file indication" as previous. This is as present-day.

This courtesy is extended to DEL's "interrupt signal" (2, SIGINT) and FS' "quit signal" (3, SIGQUIT). It's implied that but unclear how the shell protects itself from either signal.

stty(II) (ibid., ./man2/stty.2) sees a major rework with a SYNOPSIS of

(stty = 31.)
(file descriptor in r0)
sys stty; arg
arg:  speed; 0; mode

stty(fildes, arg)
int arg[3];
The "speed and general handling of the input side of the typewriter" (ispeed, unclear what "general handling" means) resides in the "low" byte of speed, and "the speed of the output side" (ospeed) — the "high" byte. It may therefore make more sense to present arg as a pointer to a struct { u8 ispeed, ospeed, pad[2]; u16 mode; };.

The speeds listed are the ones "supported by the DH-11 interface", lifted directly from DH11 asynchronous 16-line multiplexer user's manual, EK-ODH11-OP-002, 1st Edition,, Chapter 3 (Programming), 3.2.3 (Line Parameter Register), p. 3-5, Digital Equipment Corporation, Maynard, Massachusetts, September 1976. Which are:

0 Zero Baud 4 134.5 Baud 8 600 Baud 12 4800 Baud
1 50 Baud 5 150 Baud 9 1200 Baud 13 9600 Baud
2 75 Baud 6 200 Baud 10 1800 Baud 14 External Input A
3 110 Baud 7 300 Baud 11 2400 Baud 15 External Input B
and compare 3.3.5 Zero Baud (ibid., 3-9), which says: "A speed selection of 0 Baud is provided so that the program may turn off any line.".

With two important differences: speed 0 is defined as "(turn off device)", and speeds and 15 are defined as "External A" and "External B". This has made a lot of people very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move.

The attentive reader may notice that the speeds are listed for an entirely different device – a DH11 incessantly called a "DH-11" – than supposedly has a manual page and supposedly contains the /dev/tty? device family – dc(IV): DC11 (likewise, "DC-11"). Indeed, the reference implementation of the UNIX system has just "DC-11 interfaces actually present", but the PREFACE states (Fourth Edition, ./man0/intro):

The number of UNIX installations is now above 20, and many more are expected. None of these has exactly the same complement of hardware or software.

The manual lists asterisks after the speeds supported by its DC11s (unwaveringly 134.5, 150, 300, 1200), warning that "if a non-starred speed is selected, it will be ignored and the present speed left unchanged.". Even further:

In the current configuration, only 150 and 300 baud are really supported, in that the code conversion and line control required for 2741's (134.5 baud) must be implemented by the user's program, and the half-duplex line discipline required for the 202 dataset (1200 baud) is not supplied.

One could say that this is a primordial version of inter-UNIX portability, like the outsourcing of mounting of /usr (and /sys), changing the mode of the DECtape nodes and spawning dpd(VII) (ibid., ./man7/dpd.7) from the init(VII) process itself to the new-in-Fourth Edition /etc/rc. Or, given that getty(VII) still uses a fixed table of remote teletype types and init(VII) — of local teletype lines to wait on, one could be reaching.

Beyond removal of the 2741 400, 1000, 2000 modes, 020 is re-described to echo "as CR-LF" despite a subsequent paragraph describing it and dc(IV) remaining unchanged as "LF-CR", and a new mode:

10000 no delays after tabs (e.g. TN 300)
which seems best-matched to tab0; it's unclear if 001 implies 10000, and likely that 002 (tab3) overrides it by removing tabs from the output entirely.

The console teletype kl(IV) (ibid., ./man4/kl.4)'s "line disciplines" "are identical to those for tty?", and it accepts gtty(II)/stty(II), with the only "salient differences" being the different key for SIGQUIT and that "the speed-select word is ignored". One could say that the latter isn't a difference, since that's the behaviour for most speeds on dc(IV), but.

stty(I) (ibid., ./man1/stty.1)'s raw parenthetical gains "parity bit passed back"(?), -nl also turns around as "CR-LF" to match the syscall, [-]delay also mentions form-feed (no functional change, presumably? given that form feed is mentioned in the Second Edition as well), and ebcdic corres are replaced with

tdelay calculate tab delays
-tdelay no tab delays

The BUGS section becomes

There should be 'package' options such as execuport, 33, or terminet.

UNIX Programmer's Manual, 4th Edition, add'l bibliog.

KL11 teletype control manual, DEC-11-HR4C-D, 3rd Printing,, Chapter 2 (General Description), 2.1 Introduction, para. 2, Digital Equipment Corporation, Maynard, Massachusetts, September 1970.

H720 power supply and mounting box manual, DEC-11-HR5B-D, 5th Printing,, Chapter 4 (Installation), LT33 Teletype, LT35 Teletype, pp. 4-7, 4-8, Digital Equipment Corporation, Maynard, Massachusetts, September 1970. As well as ibid., Table 4-1 (PDP-11 System Configurations), p. 4-1.

Technical Manual, Model 32 and 33, Bulletin 273B,, Section 7 (Principles of Operation), 7-2. Code, Fig. 7-1.a. (Character Arrangement), Teletype Corporation, 555 Touhy Avenue, Skokie, Illinois, 1962, 1963.

The Model 35 has a Shift key, so it could be used to type lower-case letters, but it inverts bit 5, so it can't be used to type special characters from xcase: 35 Keyboard and Base for Keyboard Send-Receive (KSR) and Receive-Only (RO) Teletypewriter Sets, Description and Operation, Bulletin 221B, Section 574-221-100, Volume 1,, Section 2 (Principles of Operation), 2.20 (Shift Key Mechanism), p. 12, Teletype Corporation, 555 Touhy Avenue, Skokie, Illinois, 1962, 1964, 1965.
It can't print lower-case characters: 35 Typing Unit, General Description and Principles of Operation, Bulletin 221B, Section 574-220-100, Volume 1,, Section 2 (Principles of Operation), 2.04 (Signaling Code), Fig. 5, p. 9, Teletype Corporation, 555 Touhy Avenue, Skokie, Illinois, 1963.

300-baud teletypes are now the default — K. Thompson and D. M. Ritchie, UNIX Programmer's Manual, Fifth Edition,, p. iv, Bell Telephone Laboratories, Incorporated, June, 1974, How to Get Started, Logging in.. So the getty (VIII) (ibid., p. 267) speed ordering is reversed to try it first, then fall back to 150-baud on BREAK. The 300-baud "login:" prefix additionally returns "the GSI terminal to non-graphic mode".

init (VIII) (ibid., p. 268) now reads /etc/ttys (ttys (V) (ibid., 211)) as a list of lines to listen on and programs to spawn when called (but "the only program currently specifiable is /etc/getty (q.v.).", since the program is an offset into an init-internal table) and accepts "the hangup signal (signal #1)" (SIGHUP) to reload and reprocess it "as in a reboot" — remnants of this remain in all present-day inits.

tty (IV) (ibid., p. 194) is re-instated as a description of all "low-speed asynchronous communications ports", with the hardware-specific peculiarities relegated to their respective dc (IV) (ibid., 180), dh (IV) (ibid., 181), and kl (IV) (ibid., 184) pages, all of which unchanged and equally uninteresting, except to see that the DC11 /dev/tty[01234567abcd] is described as "not currently connected", and appears replaced on the reference implementation by the DH11 at /dev/tty[f-u]. The only significant change is that the default speed is also 300 baud and individual settable speeds are not listed.

The "parity bit passed back" bit is clarified in the raw paragraph as

The input parity bit is passed back to the reader, but parity is still generated for output characters.
clarification is achieved, but thankfully half of the new BUGS also make the meaning not a tad clearer:
On raw-mode output, parity should be transmitted as specified in the characters written.

"If you find it hard to type" FS, "try control-\ or control-shift-L."; the other half of the new BUGS is that "Half-duplex terminals are not supported." — this is supported by the nonexistence of type.

stty (II) (ibid., p. 131) loses asterisks after "supported speeds" and generalises the unknown-speed ⇒ ignored behaviour to all the aforementioned devices for the aforementioned reasons. Besides that, it appears unchanged — the dc (IV) speeds are stil listed as if globally true and mode 10000 (tab0) is crossed out by hand entirely, with the description of mode 001 (nl0 cr0 tab0 ff0) crossed out and "hangup on last close" penned in — this is [-]hupcl, with that exact phrasing of the flag surviving to IEEE Std 1003.1-202x (“POSIX.1”), Draft 2.1 .

It's unclear what this means, especially given that stty (I) (ibid., p. 79) is unchanged entirely.

Sees the introduction of /dev/tty, corresponding to the process's control typewriter (the console is exclusively /dev/tty8, a synonym in the Fifth edition), as present-day, "a variety of delays after function characters", rather than model-class enumeration for each "function" (NL/CR/tab/FF), speed changes explicitly predicated on "if the hardware permits" — K. Thompson and D. M. Ritchie, UNIX Programmer's Manual, Sixth Edition,, ./man/man4/tty.4, May, 1975, tty (IV).#’ and ‘@’ are "By default", and EOT is finally parenthesised as "control-D".

init (VIII) (ibid., ./man/man8/init.8) always runs getty, and the third ttys (V) (ibid., ./man/man5/ttys.5) column is instead passed as an argument thereto:

For normal lines, the character is '0'; other characters can be used, for example, with hard-wired terminals where speed recognition is unnecessary or which have special characteristics. (Getty will have to be fixed in such cases.)

getty (VIII) (ibid., ./man/man8/getty.8) mentions no such modes, simply predicating the description of the former 300-/baud operation on being passed ‘0’. However, the getty of the reference system is available at, ./s1/getty.c. And reveals: a ‘-’ mode for the "Console TTY" whose 110 icrnl onlcr tab3 iuclc olcuc xcase cr1 point to it continuing to be the same Model 33, with an entry in the default table after the 150-baud mode.

There's also a ‘1’ table, which contains only the 150-baud entry, and a ‘2’ one, described only as "9600" — 9600 icrnl onlcr tab3 ff1.

stty (II) (Sixth Edition, ./man/man2/stty.2) finally sees a new SYNOPSIS:

(stty = 31.)
(file descriptor in r0)
sys stty; arg
arg:  .byte ispeed, ospeed; .byte erase, kill; mode

stty(fildes, arg)
struct {
        char    ispeed, ospeed;
        char    erase, kill;
        int     mode;
} *arg;

The erase, kill members are self-explanatory. The mode table is vastly expanded:

100000 Select one of two algorithms for backspace delays
040000 Select one of two algorithms for form-feed and vertical-tab delays
030000 Select one of four algorithms for carriage-return delays
006000 Select one of four algorithms for tab delays
001400 Select one of four algorithms for new-line delays
000200 even parity allowed on input (e. g. for M37s)
000100 odd parity allowed on input
000040 raw mode: wake up on all characters
000020 map CR into LF; echo LF or CR as CR-LF
000010 echo (full duplex)
000004 map upper case to lower on input (e. g. M33)
000002 echo and print tabs as spaces
000001 hang up (remove 'data terminal ready,' lead CD) after last close
Which matches the scribble in Fifth Edition.

The delays are very similar to present-day, but described in terms of narrow-bit integers, rather than bit-fields, and form-feed is overloaded with vertical tab, and a zeroed delay value corresponds to no delay for that function byte; respectively, they correspond to: BSDLY, FFDLY=VTDLY, CRDLY, TABDLY, NLDLY, and are expounded as follows.

Value Field Equiv. Description
100000 BSDLY =1 bs1 " currently ignored but will be used for Terminet 300's."
040000 FFDLY =1 ff1/vt1 " about 2 seconds."
030000 CRDLY =3 " is unimplemented and is 0."
20000 CRDLY =2 cr3 " lasts about .16 seconds and is suitable for the VT05 and the TI 700."
10000 CRDLY =1 cr2 " lasts about .08 seconds and is suitable for the Terminet 300."
006000 TABDLY=3 unimplemented, 0
4000 TABDLY=2 unimplemented, 0
2000 TABDLY=1 tab1 " dependent on the amount of movement and is tuned to the Teletype model 37."
001400 NLDLY =3 " is unimplemented and is 0."
1000 NLDLY =2 nl1 " useful for the VT05 and is about .10 seconds."
400 NLDLY =1 " dependent on the current column and is tuned for Teletype model 37's."

Mode 000001 corresponds directly to [-]hupcl, and "is useful when a port is to be used for some special purpose; for example, if it is associated with ACU used to place outgoing calls.", with "ACU" presumably standing in for an Automatic Calling Unit.

stty (II) is "also used with certain special files other than typewriters" — it's the only non-I/O entry in the device driver interfaces, cf. Dennis M. Ritchie, The Unix I/O System,, Character device drivers, Bell Telephone Laboratories, ./iosys/iosys. And compare v6src.tar.gz ./usr/sys/conf.h bdevsw/cdevsw — "but since none of them are part of the standard system the specifications will not be given."; one could consider this a primordial ioctl(2).

stty (I) (Sixth Edition, ./man/man1/stty.1) allows no arguments, in which case it "reports the current settings of the options", much like present-day, The "[-]delay" and "[-]" options are removed in favour of:

cooked same as '-raw'
ek reset erase and kill characters back to normal # and @.
erase c set erase character to c.
kill c set kill character to c.
cr0 cr1 cr2 cr3 select style of delay for carriage return (see below)
nl0 nl1 nl2 nl3 select style of delay for linefeed (see below)
tab0 tab1 tab2 tab3 select style of delay for tab (see below)
ff0 ff1 select style of delay for form feed (see below)
tty33 set all modes suitable for Teletype model 33
tty37 set all modes suitable for Teletype model 37
vt05 set all modes suitable for DEC VT05 terminal
tn300 set all modes suitable for GE Terminet 300
ti700 set all modes suitable for Texas Instruments 700 terminal
tek set all modes suitable for Tektronix 4014 terminal
hup hang up dataphone on last close.
-hup do not hang up dataphone on last close.
0 hang up phone line immediately
50 75 110 134 150 200 300 600 1200 1800 2400 4800 9600 exta extb
Set typewriter baud rate to the number given, if possible. (These are the speeds supported by the DH-11 interface).
It should come as no surprise that "(see below)" points to nothing, except to clarify that "various delay algorithms are tuned to varous kinds of terminals", and reiterating that the 0-terminated options mean no delay.

Of these, cooked, [-]hup, and the speeds are retained verbatim (but see STANDARDS, Line Speed), ek using a system default (CERASE, CKILL), and erase kill are equivalent for the cc-is-single-byte case.

v6src.tar.gz ./s2/stty.c reveals that there are [-]LCASE, aliases for [-]lcase, as present-day, a 134 alias for 134.5, aliases for , respectively, which replace delay flags with cr1, ff1 cr2 tab1 nl1, , cr1, , ff1, respectively. The bs[01] delays, conspicuously missing from the manual, are there, but just conspicuously missing from the manual.

The no-argument output is ideologically much like present-day sane, deviations except much less formalised (and written to the standard error stream): the first lines are either

input speed  ispeed baud
output speed ospeed baud
speed speed baud
where the speed is an integer (i.e. 134.5 is truncated), and 0 for exta extb. The observant reader will notice that there's no way to set differing speeds with stty. It's unclear if they were used at all, at least on interactive lines. A line of
erase = 'cc'; kill = 'cc'
follows (these are unescaped and written verbatim), then a listing of the modes set as:
0200 even
0100 odd
040 raw
020 -nl
010 echo
04 lcase
02 -tabs
01 hup
followed by the non-0 delays (nl, tab, cr, , bs), separated by spaces, as the final line.

Many more and different models are listed, as expected from four years of increasingly affordable cash cows being bred; the TTY 37 terminal section is generalised as 1200- and 150-baud terminals to cover causing BREAKs until the correct speed is achieved, and a new Hard-wired terminals section appears, saying that they "usually begin at the right speed, up to 9600 baud", and defers to the normal instructions otherwise — UNIX™ Time-Sharing System: UNIX Programmer's Manual, Seventh Edition, Volume 1,, usr/man/man0/intro, Bell Telephone Laboratories, Incorporated, January, 1979, Introduction to Volume 1, How to Get Started, Logging in..

The "'break' or 'interrupt' key" — the one that generates the BREAK used to cycle between speeds — sends SIGINT, with the usual DEL method seemingly being second-class (ibid., How to communicate through your terminal., para. 4).

As for Stty and gtty, "These system calls have been extensively altered, see ioctl(2) and tty(4)." (ibid., Converting From the 6th Edition).

Indeed, they're now described in the new ioctl(2) (ibid., usr/man/man2/ioctl.2) as shims for ioctl(TIO[GS]ETP), and are provided as such by Standard C Library (libc, -lc); the formerly-stty (II) information is merged into tty(4) (ibid., usr/man/man4/tty.4), though it's now about "terminals", rather than "typewriters". The individual-device pages are shed, as are references thereto.

"The set of processes that thus share a control terminal is called a process group" — this has no bearing on the actual semantics of the system, and process groups are acquired (and shed) differently in present-day, but this is the first notion of the process group — kill(2) (ibid., usr/man/man2/kill.2), when signalling pid 0, signals the members of the caller's process group: is as present-day.

The argument format is the same, but now defined in <sgtty.h>, designated struct sgttyb, with members prefixed with sg_, and modesg_flags. The speeds themselves are defined with their present-day Bintspeed, EXTA, EXTB macros.

The TIOCSETN ioctl() is like TIOCSETP, but doesn't wait for output empty then dump input buffer. Mode 000001 (HUPCL) is moved to ioctl(TIOCHPCL) (description retained), and becomes "TANDEM".

The delay mask macros appear (humorously, with "VTDELAY" governing FF[01]), and "XTABS" becomes the third tab delay mode (present-day TAB3). Backspace delays are downgraded to "might".

Besides those, the low-order byte bit layout is the same:

EVENP 0000200 Even parity allowed on input (most terminals)
ODDP 0000100 Odd parity allowed on input
RAW 0000040 Raw mode: wake up on all characters, 8-bit interface
CRMOD 0000020 Map CR into LF; echo LF or CR as CR-LF
ECHO 0000010 Echo (full duplex)
LCASE 0000004 Map upper case to lower on input
CBREAK 0000002 Return each character as soon as typed
TANDEM 0000001 Automatic flow control
Of these, ECHO survives as a macro today and TANDEM as ixoff with an alias.

Raw mode is extended with

There are no delays and no echoing, and no replacement of one character for another; characters are a full 8 bits for both input and output (parity is up to the program).
It's unclear what this means.

The new "CBREAK" mode is described as

CBREAK is a sort of half-cooked (rare?) mode. Programs can read each character as soon as typed, instead of waiting for a full line, but quit and interrupt work, and output delays, case-translation, CRMOD, XTABS, ECHO, and parity work normally. On the other hand there is no erase or kill, and no special treatment of \ or EOT.
It's unclear what this means. Well, it's clear what it means, but unclear why — a reasonable guess would be, upon reflection on the modern [-] alias, a lack of sufficient fragmentation — the contemporary driver had all of eight bits without delays, modern ones barely make do with .

The TIOC[GS]ETC (misdocumented as TIOCSETC and TIOCSETP again) ioctl()s, allows changing the "special characters", with defaults outlined below, via the following <sgtty.>> type:

struct tchars {
	char	t_intrc;		/* interrupt */
	char	t_quitc;		/* quit */
	char	t_startc;	/* start output */
	char	t_stopc;	/* stop output */
	char	t_eofc;		/* end-of-file */
	char	t_brkc;		/* input delimiter (like nl) */

Character ASCII Default Printable Default
intr DEL ^?
quit FS ^\
start DC1 ^Q
stop DC3 ^S
eof EOT ^D
eol ^-
These all match present-day defaults.

Indeed — this is the first system with truly settable Special Control Characters and it includes a disabling functionality, though spelled as -1 (rather than today's _POSIX_VDISABLE).

start and stop are fully formed (in ixany mode).

eol is fully formed:

The t_brkc character, by default -1, acts like a new-line in that it terminates a 'line,' is echoed, and is passed to the program. The 'stop' and 'start' characters may be the same, to produce a toggle effect. It is probably counterproductive to make other special characters (including erase an kill) identical.

The new "TANDEM" mode sends t_stopc/t_startc in response to the input buffer water level: "It is useful for flow control when the 'terminal' is actually another machine that obeys the conventions.". The name hints that this was intended for talking with Tandem Computers, Inc. systems, presumably; it's not used in the userland of the distribution tape at all.

The BUGS lose the "parity should be transmitted" sentence and gain an even more indicting paragraph:

The terminal handler has clearly entered the race for ever-greater complexity and generality. It's still not complex and general enough for TENEX fans.

init(8) (ibid., usr/man/man8/init.8), rather than checking the console switches, just starts /bin/sh </dev/console (the latter replaced tty8), and boots multi-user when the shell exits; as expected, SIGHUP restarts the init sequence at single-user mode.

getty(8) (ibid., usr/man/man8/getty.8) is generalised to say that the "login:" message "can contain character sequences to put various kinds of terminals in useful states." and enumerates the following ttys(5) second-column values:

0 Cycles through 300-1200-150-110 baud. Useful as a default for dialup lines accessed by a variety of terminals.
- Intended for an on-line Teletype model 33, for example an operator's console.
1 Optimized for a 150-baud Teletype model 37.
2 Intended for an on-line 9600-baud terminal, for example the Textronix 4104.
3 Starts at 1200 baud, cycles to 300 and back. Useful with 212 datasets where most terminals run at 1200 speed.
5 Same as '3' but starts at 300.
4 Useful for on-line console DECwriter (LA36).
Which do not exhaust the actual tables available.

Special Control Characters are reset to their defaults together with setting the initial username-asking mode.

stty(1) (ibid., usr/man/man1/stty.1) lists bs[01] in the manual, replacing the ominous "(see below)"s on all delay modes and "various delay algorithms" note with a "(see ioctl(2))" on the first (cr), adds

cbreak make each character available to read(2) as received; no erase and kill
-cbreak make characters available to read only when newline is received
and allows erase and kill to "be of the form '^X' which is interpreted as a 'control X'". A cursory examination of the code (ibid., usr/src/cmd/stty.c) reveals that this is achieved by masking it to the bottom 5 bits, as present-day, and as-expected for ASCII. It's salient to note that the other new Special Control Characters are indeed not changeable.

[-]hup is replaced with just hup, calling ioctl(TIOCHPCL). It's unclear how you'd unset this. Removal of -hup is undocumented.

An undocumented gspeed mode, equivalent to ispeed 300 ospeed 9600 (but keep in mind neither primitive exists yet) appears, and tab3 is, naturally, removed (but not from the manual),

The no-argument output formats nonprintable (control) erase and kill in the expected way; the flag line is unchanged as much as possible, with the explicit singling-out of XTABS as -tabs (and no tab[]).

The section covering @# notes that "Most users prefer to use a backspace rather than '#', and many prefer control X instead of '@'", pointing to tset(1) (cf. Lies by Omission) and stty(1) to alter this — UNIX Programmer's Manual, Seventh Edition, Virtual VAX-11 Version,, Marshall Kirk McKusick, The CSRG Archives, CD-ROM 1, Berkeley Systems 1978-1986, 3bsd, usr/man/man0/intro, Computer Science Division, Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, University of California, Berkeley, California 94720, December, 1979, Introduction to Volume 1, How to Get Started, How to communicate through your terminal., para. 3.

getty,vm(8) (ibid., usr/man/man8/getty.vm.8) loses the table enumeration in the manual (and moves some tables around, but there are 13 with 16 total modes, one of which being an "LSI Chess Terminal"(?) whose login message is ""; these are out of scope) and special escapes before the login messages (except for table ‘1’), sends a line consisting of "Virtual myname", where the latter is a primordial form of hostname defined in <ident.h>, before the "login:" one, explicitly ignores (i.e. re-does the identification and prompt at the same speed) login names without letters, and sleeps for a second after prompting and before trying to read the name, then stty()s again to dump the buffer:

                 * Wait a while, then flush input to get rid
                 * of noise from open lines

There is a stty(2) (ibid., usr/man/man2/stty.2) but it's an odd mishmash of Sixth Edition values (esp. HUPCL) with Seventh Edition tty(4) format. tty(4) (Seventh Edition, Virtual VAX-11 Version, December, 1979, usr/man/man4/tty.4) is expectedly as in Seventh Edition.

stty(1) (Seventh Edition, Virtual VAX-11 Version, December, 1979, usr/man/man1/stty.1) removes the '^X' description, lists default values for erase kill and finally allows setting the Special Control Characters:

intr c set interrupt character to c (default DEL.)
quit c set quit character to c (default control \.)
start c set start character to c (default control Q.)
stop c set stop character to c (default control S.)
eof c set end of file character to c (default control D.)
brk c set break character to c (default undefined.) This character is an extra wakeup causing character.
These all — sans — match their present-day spellings.

By peeping the source (ibid., usr/src/cmd/stty.c), we find that despite the '^X' removal, it's both still valid, and ^? is accepted as DEL (, 0x7F), as well as that Special Control Characters not followed by a character is ignored instead of segfaulting.

The no-argument output is suitably updated as well: after the speed lines, the Special Control Characters are listed as such:

erase = cc; kill = cc; intr = cc; quit = cc
start = cc; stop = cc; eof = cc; brk = cc
Where cc is also as present-day: "<undef>" if 0377 (-1), else "M-" if the top bit set then "^?"/"^c"/"c".

The settings for non-delay modes (incl. XTABS ([-]tabs)) are always written, format otherwise unchanged.

Refuses input and rings the bell on input overflow (≅imaxbel) "if your prompt was a %" — that is, with csh(1), that is, with the "new" line discipline — and declares that "many prefer control-U instead of '@'" now; additionally, "Many users change this interrupt character to be ^C (control-C) using stty(1)."; finally,

It is also possible to suspend output temporarily using ^S (control-s) and later resume output with ^Q. In a newer terminal driver, it is possible to cause output to be thrown away without interrupting the program by typing ^O; see newtty(4).
If you use csh(1) the key ^Z (control-z) will cause jobs to "stop". If this happens before you learn about it, you can simply continue by saying "fg" (for foreground) to bring the job back.
UNIX Programmer's Manual, Seventh Edition, Virtual VAX-11 Version,, Marshall Kirk McKusick, The CSRG Archives, CD-ROM 1, Berkeley Systems 1978-1986, 4.0, usr/man/man0/intro, Computer Science Division, Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, University of California, Berkeley, California 94720, November, 1980, Introduction to Volume 1, How to Get Started, How to communicate through your terminal., paras. 2-4.

Indeed, as the PREFACE (ibid., usr/man/man0/intro) states: "This release finds the system in transition: a number of facilities have been added in experimental versions (job control, resource limits) and" "Applications which use facilities that are in transition should be aware that some of the system calls and library routines will change in the near future." — the extent to which the latter is not the case is remarkable: these facilities remain enshrined, essentially unchanged, to this day.

tty(4) (ibid., usr/man/man4/tty.4) more than doubles in size; this is reasonable, given that it describes double the amount of "terminal drivers used for conversational computing" (nominally three, but the third is the "net" NETLDISC one, used for Berknet, described in full in bk(4) (ibid., usr/man/man4/bk.4), and entirely out of scope here) — line disciplines, configurable with ioctl(TIOC[GS]ETD), with the "old (standard) terminal driver", "used when using the standard shell sh(1) and for compatibility with other standard version 7 UNIX systems" defined as OTTYDISC (0 by convention), and the "newer terminal drivers, with features for job control", which (must be used when using csh(1)), as NTTYDISC.

This is also the system that originates modern-day process groups — complete with [gs]etpgrp(), ioctl(TIOC[GS]PGRP), &c., cf. jobs(3J) (ibid., usr/man/man3/jobs.3j) — which are fully formed, to ε, with the "new" discipline, and as such so truly unremarkable that one may as well consult modern credentials(7).

The three major modes — cooked, CBREAK, RAW — are described completely and separately as "all driver functions" available, no input processing, and no processing (sans LFLUSHO), respectively. RAW returns BREAKs as NULs; this is the first time this is documented outside getty(8).

For input, NTTYDISC introduces "a literal-next character ^V" (lnext, as present-day) "which can be typed in both cooked and CBREAK mode preceding any character to prevent its special meaning.", which is preferred to escaping erase kill with a \, retained only for "historical reasons" (but even that sees an update with only the escaped character being echoed). as well as "The word-erase charactrer, normally ^W", which "erases the preceding word", "defined as a sequence of non-blank characters, with tabs counted as blanks" (werase, as present-day, to precision of ). and "Finally, the reprint character, normally ^R, retypes the pending input beginning on a new line.", which happens "automagically in cooked mode if characters which would normally be erased from the screen are fouled by program output."; it's unclear how this is mediated.

In OTTYDISC erase is just echoed and kill is additionally followed by a newline (as-if echok -echoke), "(even if the character is not killing the line, because it was preceded by a '\'!.)" (notably, this isn't documented in any manuals heretofore; it's unclear when exactly this stopped being -echok) — whereas "new terminal driver has several modes for handling the echoing of terminal input, controlled by bits in a local mode word." (notably, this is the first occurrence of the "local flags", so spelled and so separated). These flags are largely as present-day behaviourally, though decidedly not as present-day spelling-wise, and are outlined below.

For output, EOT is not transmitted in cooked mode (as opposed to only if RAW), so "programs using raw or cbreak mode should be careful"; NTTYDISC adds "a output flush character, normally ^O" (discard, as present-day), "which sets the LFLUSHO bit in the local mode word, causing subsequent output to be flushed until it is cleared by a program or more input is typed." (flusho, as present-day) — which happens in cooked and CBREAK modes and input is rprnted after resumption.

If LCASE, under NTTYDISC, upper-case bytes, in addition to the punctuation, are preceded by ‘\’es on ouypuy, which is finally as present-day. A provision for "Hazeltine terminals, which do not understand that ~ has been made into an ASCII character" is made via LTILDE, which outputs ~ ()s as ` ()s.

When the line is hung up, the "distinguished" (foreground) process group is signalled, as present-day; LNOHANG disables this.

The interface is, expectedly, insane: "there are 4 different structures which contain various portions of the driver data."; struct sgttyb sg_flags returns to being 16-bit by becoming short, with no other layout changes, but CR3 "is suitable for the concept-100 and pads lines to be at least 9 characters at 9600 baud." The former refers to Human Designed Systems Concept-series video terminals; the latter is unclear. This corresponds to no modern mode.

struct tchars is unchanged.

The new "Local mode", a word, applies (except for LNOHANG), to NTTYDISC only, settable with TIOCL[GS]ET, with bit-manipulation ioctl()s TIOCLBI[CS] having the expected result.

Macro Equiv. Description
LCRTBS (see below) Backspace on erase rather than echoing erase
LPRTERA echoprt Printing terminal erase mode
LCRTERA (see below) Erase character echoes as backspace-space-backspace
LTILDE Convert ~ to ` on output (for Hazeltine terminals)
LMDMBUF Stop/start output when carrier drops
LLITOUT (see below) Suppress output translations
LTOSTOP tostop Send SIGTTOU for background output
LFLUSHO flusho Output is being flushed
LNOHANG Don't send hangup when carrier drops
LETXACK Diablo style buffer hacking (unimplemented)
LCRTKIL (see below) BS-space-BS erase entire line on line kill
LINTRUP Generate interrupt SIGTINT when input ready to read
LCTLECH echoctl Echo input control chars as ^X, delete as ^?
LPENDIN Retype pending input at next read or input character

The erasure mode tree is slightly different; assuming echo:

backspace, space, backspace (present-day -echoprt -echoe);
backslash, columns, then slash on next output (present-day echoprt);
(present-day -echoprt echoe).
kills are backspace, space, backspace for the whole line if LCRTERA or backspace to the beginning of the line otherwise (closest to echok echoke) if LCRTKIL and unfouled, otherwise echo kill, newline (-echok -echoke).

LMDMBUF functions like TANDEM, but rather than reacting to water-marks, it does to carrier events, and only does something under the "new" DM-BB driver, which bears a "NB: WE HAVEN'T TESTED dhdm CODE ON VAX.", disclaimer. LETXACK is unused and otherwise undocumented. LPENDIN is a flag set internally by the driver to facilitate reprinting input after TIOCSET[PN] from CBREAK to cooked input (settable by userspace, but not used by the distribution userland).

LINTRUP is unused in the distribution userland except as stty [-]. A mode rather similar to LNOHANG may be found in clocal.

Likewise for the new "Local special chars", TIOC[GS]LTC:

struct ltchars {
	char	t_suspc;	/* stop process signal */
	char	t_dstopc;	/* delayed stop process signal */
	char	t_rprntc;	/* reprint line */
	char	t_flushc;	/* flush output (toggles) */
	char	t_werasec;	/* word erase */
	char	t_lnextc;	/* literal next character */
With expected present-day defaults of ^Z, ^Y, ^R, ^O, ^W, ^V, and expectedly disabled if -1.

The BUGS concedes to TENEX fans and that paragraph disappears.

This is undocumented, but the "Local special chars" are reset to kernel defaults when a teletype device is opened and doesn't have any open descriptors. This explains why getty (ibid., usr/src/cmd/getty.c) just resets the discipline to OTTYDISC.

stty(1) (ibid., 4.0/usr/man/man1/stty.1), rather than the "current settings", reports:

the speed of the terminal and the settings of the options which are different from their defaults. With the argument "all", all normally used option settings are reported. With the argument "everything", everything stty knows about is printed.

Character arguments may start with "u" to mean undefined (-1) — the manual describes this as "»u« or »undef«".

raw cbreak are updated to reflect their behaviour in tty(4), and hup -hup are removed (but only from the manual, hup remains unchanged in usr/src/cmd/stty.c). The only new options in the main block are, at last:

tandem enable flow control, so that the system sends out the stop character when its internal queue is in danger of overflowing on input, and sends the start character when it is ready to accept further input
-tandem disable flow control

A separate chunk of options is added, caveated on applying only to the new driver (with the new csh):

new Use new driver (switching flushes typeahead).
crt Set options for a CRT (crtbs, ctlecho and, if >= 1200 baud, crterase and crtkill.)
crtbs Echo backspaces on erase characters.
prterase For printing terminal echo erased characters backwards within "\" and "/".
crterase Wipe out erased characters with "backspace-space-backspace."
-crterase Leave erased characters visible; just backspace.
crtkill Wipe out input on like kill ala crterase.
-crtkill Just echo line kill character and a newline on line kill.
ctlecho Echo control characters as "^x" (and delete as "^?".) Print two backspaces following the EOT character (control D).
-ctlecho Control characters echo as themselves; in cooked mode EOT (control-D) is not echoed.
tostop Background jobs stop if they attempt terminal output.
-tostop Output from background jobs to the terminal is allowed.
tilde Convert "~" to "`" on output (for Hazeltine terminals).
-tilde Leave poor "~" alone.
flusho Output is being discarded usually because user hit control O (internal state bit).
-flusho Output is not being discarded.
pendin Input is pending after a switch from cbreak to cooked and will be re-input when a read becomes pending or more input arrives (internal state bit).
-pendin Input is not pending.
intrup Send a signal (SIGTINT) to the terminal control process group whenever an input record (line in cooked mode, character in cbreak or raw mode) is available for reading.
-intrup Don't send input available interrupts.
mdmbuf Start/stop output on carrier transitions (not implemented).
-mdmbuf Return error if write attempted after carrier drops.
litout Send output characters without any processing.
-litout Do normal output processing, inserting delays, etc.
nohang Don't send hangup signal if carrier drops.
-nohang Send hangup signal to control process group when carrier drops.
etxack Diablo style etx/ack handshaking (not implemented).
All of these correspond directly to the "Local mode" bits, except for "new", which, as expected, sets NTTYDISC, "crt", the positive "crt*" options that unset LPRTERA, and "" that unsets all "crt*" flags. The conspicuously-missing are present but undocumented; the less-conspicuously missing "old" sets OTTYDISC. There is a "" which is equivalent to "new crt", and is described only in tty(4).

And a similarly-caveatted (and "not normally changed") list of characters:

susp c set suspend process character to c (default control Z.)
dsusp c set delayed suspend process character to c (default control Y.)
rprnt c set reprint line character to c (default control R.)
flush c set flush output character to c (default control O.)
werase c set word erase character to c (default control W.)
lnext c set literal next character to c (default control V.)
These are all entirely as present-day.

There is an (undocumented, of course) query: speed, which writes the output speed of /dev/tty to the standard output stream and exits 0 (or writes "unknown" and exits 1 if the speed is unknown).

"crt", additionally to described, clears LPRTERA; the rationale is, naturally, found in tty(4): "At speeds less than 1200 baud, the LCRTERA and LCRTKILL processing is painfully slow" — and can be approximated at a tenth of a second per column erased at 300 baud.

The output format is globally compressed; the first line starts with "net discipline, " if bk(4) is in use, "new tty, " if NTTYDISC, or "old tty, " if "everything". The speeds are printed on the same line (by just dropping the newline from the end of the speed printing function; this, of course, means that if the input and output speeds are different, like in "gspeed" mode, they're written as "input speed 300output speed 9600"; this once more supports the point that split-speed teletypes just weren't in use). Thus the line ends if "everything" or a semicolon separates otherwise.

The mode output is identical (sans "[-]", after "[-]lcase") if "everything", otherwise the "defaults" are EVENP | ODDP, !RAW, CRMOD, ECHO, !LCASE, !TANDEM, (XTABS always reported), !CBREAK, and no delays. If "all" or "everything" the line is broken.

The default "Local mode"s are all unset; in NTTYDISC, they follow in (mostly) the order listed. The only quirk is that "crt" is coalesced and listed as-if a first-class option if the "crt*" and "" all match, except that it's considered to start to include LCRTERA | LCRTKIL at 600 baud, and if "everything" is listed as "crt: (crtbs crterase crtkill ctlecho)"; the line is broken here if any flags were listed.

In no-argument output, unless under bk(4), non-default Special Control Characters (and, under NTTYDISC "Local special chars") are written in the same format as previous, but only if they differ from the defaults (as described, except for erase which is ^H); otherwise, if "all" or "everything", they're listed in a two-line tabulated format:

erase  kill   intr   quit   stop   eof
for OTTYDISC, with undefined ones not written, and in the stop column either stop or start listed if just one is set (or they're the same) or both but separated by a /. The same holds for eof and eol in eof. For NTTYDISC, the columns are:
erase kill werase rprnt flush lnext susp intr quit stop eof
additionally, the susp column can list susp and/or in the same manner.

This is, perhaps, best illustrated with an example; for a VT05 in a reasonable stty 1200 vt05 new crt kill ^X rprnt u susp u nohang mode, stty all yields:

new tty, speed 1200 baud; nl2
crt nohang
erase kill werase rprnt flush lnext susp intr quit stop eof
^H ^X ^W ^O ^V ^Y ^? ^\ ^S/^Q ^D
and for a Model 37 in a reasonable stty 150 new tty37 nl prterase mode stty yields:
speed 150 baud; nl nl1 tab1 cr1 ff1 prterase
erase #


LDECCTQ /* only ^Q starts after ^S */
LNOFLSH /* dont flush output on signals */

Which are equivalent to [-]ixany and [-]noflsh.

Computer Science Division, Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, University of California, 4.1BSD,, Marshall Kirk McKusick, The CSRG Archives, CD-ROM 1, Berkeley Systems 1978-1986, 4.1/4.0.upgrade, sys/h/ioctl.h, sys/dev/ttynew.c.

getty, taking the table name, reaches its full potential by iterating through a (fully-formed) termcap at /etc/gettytab, which includes a default with the (now actual) hostname — UNIX Programmer's Manual, 4.2 Berkeley Software Distribution, Virtual VAX-11 Version,, Marshall Kirk McKusick, The CSRG Archives, CD-ROM 1, Berkeley Systems 1978-1986, 4.2, usr/man/man8/getty.8, usr/man/man5/gettytab.5, Computer Science Division, Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, University of California, Berkeley, California 94720, August, 1983, getty(8), gettytab(5). The latter's BUGS note that:

Some ignorant peasants insist on changing the default special characters, so it is wise to always specify (at least) the erase, kill, and interrupt characters in the default table. In all cases, '#' or '^H' typed in a login name will be treated as an erase character, and '@' will be treated as a kill character.

The he capability is stupid.

Termcap format is horrid, something more rational should have been chosen.

A description of the he capability has been omitted here for the sanity of the reader; it is, by a long shot, the dumbest part of the source materials for this manual. Truly, this is the pinnacle of software.

The relevant revolutionary new part of getty(8) is that can hang up if the login name is not obtained in time (to property).

All mentions of stty()/gtty() are removed from ioctl(2) (ibid., usr/man/man2/ioctl.2), which just directs the reader to the section-4 page they're interested in; stty(3C) (ibid., usr/man/man3/stty.3c), where C is for Compatibility, is described as defunct and obsolteded by ioctl(2).

LINTRUP is "replaced by a call to fcntl and the SIGIO signal." — Samuel J. Leffler, Bug fixes and changes in 4.2BSD,, Marshall Kirk McKusick, The CSRG Archives, CD-ROM 1, Berkeley Systems 1978-1986, 4.2, usr/doc/uchanges/3.t, Berkeley, California 94720, July 28, 1983, Section 2.. The equivalent call is F_SETFL with FNDELAY | FASYNC.

tty(4) (4.2 Berkeley Software Distribution, usr/man/man4/tty.4) expands on LDECCTQ as "Only ^Q restarts output after ^S, like DEC systems"; LNOFLSH remains entirely undocumented.

struct ltchars t_dstopc is renamed to t_dsuspc (it's unclear why it hasn't been that from the beginning), and t_werasec to t_werasc (to fit in the 8-byte limit of older compilers, presumably).

stty(1) (ibid., usr/man/man1/stty.1) sees the addition of

dec set all modes suitable for Digital Equipment Corp. operating systems users; (erase, kill, and interrupt characters to ^?, ^U, and ^C, decctlq and "newcrt".)
decctlq After output is suspended (normally by ^S), only a start character (normally ^Q) will restart it. This is compatible with DEC's vendor supplied systems.
-decctlq After output is suspended, any character typed will restart it; the start character will restart output without providing any input. (This is the default.)
These all survive today as-described.

The DEC operating systems are pretty much any of them, to an extent: TENEX doesn't count, since that's originally BBN, but Third Berkeley Software Distribution says that "many prefer control X instead of '@'" — TENEX uses ^X: Theodore H. Myer, Jogn R Barnaby, and William W. Plummer, TENEX Executive Manual, TENEX Executive Language, Manual for Users, Bolt Beranek and Newman Inc.,, p. 18, 50 Moulton Street, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02138, January, 1971; revised April, 1973, II. Executive Language Structure, C. Editing and Errors in TENEX commands, 4. (CTRL)-X, Rubout. And single-character erasure echoes a \ followed by the erased column every time. ^R reprints the line after CR.

TOPS-20 is almost there: DEL is erase, ^U is kill — TOPS-20 System Manager's Guide, Version 6.0 Interim Release Draft,, p. 2-9, Digital Equipment Corporation, December 1984 (first printing October 1976), Creating the TOPS-20 File System, Step 13, DELETE Key.

VMS sees the full range here: ^O, ^S, ^Q, ^R, ^U, all as-described, and ^X which is equivalent to ^U in the UNIX context — VAX/VMS I/O User's Guide, AA-D028A-TE,, pp. 2-5, 2-6, 2-7, Digital Equipment Corporation, Maynard, Massachusetts, August 1978, Chapter 2, Terminal Driver, 2.2.6 Control Characters and Special Keys, Table 2-1, Termianl Control Characters.

Per the juices (4.2 Berkeley Software Distribution, usr/src/bin/stty.c), 19200 38400 speeds are added as aliases for exta extb and are written as such, rather than "0", in the current-option listing, "[-] " is #ifdefed away, and [-]noflsh added. Default characters are now part of the global <sys/ttychars.h>, as present-day, and with present-day names; the surprising difference is that erase kill intr got DECified into ^?, ^U, ^C (from #, @, ^? in the kernel and ^H, @, ^? in userspace (stty, resetSeventh Edition, Virtual VAX-11 Version, November, 1980, usr/src/cmd/reset.c)).

No longer "must" one "call UNIX from an appropriate terminal"; instead, a phone number is necessary only "If you will be accessing UNIX remotely". A direct connection "generally runs at 9600 or 19200 baud", and modem speed is "typically 300, 1200, or 2400 baud" — UNIX User's Reference Manual (URM), 4.3 Berkeley Software Distribution, Virtual VAX-11 Version,, Marshall Kirk McKusick, The CSRG Archives, CD-ROM 1, Berkeley Systems 1978-1986, 4.3, usr/man/man0/, Computers Systems Research Group, Computer Science Division, Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, University of California, Berkeley, California 94720, April, 1986, Introduction to User's Reference Manual, How to get Started, Logging in.. For logging out, the logout csh(1) primitive is recommended above EOFing the shell (ibid., Logging out.). The How to communicate through your terminal. section is adamant that DEL and ^H have replaced @# by default — there is no evidence of this: they remain ^H and ^U. And provides an ominous note:

If the terminal does not appear to be echoing anything that you type, it may be stuck in "no-echo" or "raw" mode. Try typing "(control-J)reset(control-J)" to recover.
Text processing. replaces the eternal (since Third Edition, which introduced the How to Get Started section) pr recommanedation ("paginates the text, supplies headings, and has a facility for multi-column output") with a more one ("is useful for preventing the output of a command from scrolling off the top of your screen.")

ttys(5), rather than being a trivial columnated list, is now fully comment-capable and paraeterised with regards to what to run with full cmdline, where, what type of terminal is on it, and arbitrary parameters to the programs run; this includes running xterms; this is as present-day in most Berkeley derivatives — UNIX Programmer's Reference Manual (PRM), 4.3 Berkeley Software Distribution, Virtual VAX-11 Version,, Marshall Kirk McKusick, The CSRG Archives, CD-ROM 1, Berkeley Systems 1978-1986, 4.3, usr/man/man5/ttys.5, Computers Systems Research Group, Computer Science Division, Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, University of California, Berkeley, California 94720, April, 1986. tty(4) (ibid., 4.3/usr/man/man4/tty.4) finally stops mentioning bk(4) (ibid., 4.3/usr/man/man4/bk.4) (though it's not fully removed, only marked "(obsolete)" with a BUGS section that lays out why it's not fit for purpose), and the listing is reworded to "there are two line disciplines available for use with terminals" which makes much more sense, given that bk(4) is (unsuitable) for uploading data from microprocessors; ominously, "Other disciplines may exist for special purposes, such as use of communications lines for network connections.".

TIOCNOTTY, detaching the caller from its controlling terminal, available since 4.2 Berkeley Software Distribution, is finally documented. eof is finally documented as one of the inputs that end lines in cooked mode in-line. The DECified defaults are propagated to the description. TIOCHPCL is now "usually done on outgoing lines and dialups.", and the userland agrees with this.

Rather than always outputting even parity, odd parity may be generated by setting ODDP !EVENP.

TIOCSTOP and TIOCSTART ioctl()s appear to emulate pressing stop start. It's unclear if TIOCSTIing them would suffice.

One new "Local mode" bit appears:

LPASS8 Pass all 8 bits through on input, in any mode
LNOFLSH Inhibit flushing of pending I/O when an interrupt character is typed.
LPASS8 (in place of LINTRUP) is additionally described as overriting normal parity validation in cooked and CBREAK modes (and supposedly what happens in RAW mode). It's unclear what this actually means. [-] survives as an alias; it's unclear if it retains its meaning.

Window size provisions appear fully-formed as present-day, "to accommodate terminals and workstations with variable-sized windows": SIGWINCH, TIOC[GS]WINSZ, and

struct winsize {
	unsigned short	ws_row;	/* rows, in characters */
	unsigned short	ws_col;	/* columns, in characters */
	unsigned short	ws_xpixel;	/* horizontal size, pixels */
	unsigned short	ws_ypixel;	/* vertical size, pixels */
stty(1) (PRM, 4.3 Berkeley Software Distribution, usr/man/man1/stty.1) is prefixed with a list of Queries:
speed The terminal speed alone is printed on the standard output.
size The terminal (window) sizes are printed on the standard output, first rows and then columns.
of which the latter is new, and as present-day; before job control flags are seen its corresponding setters:
rows n The terminal size is recorded as having n rows.
columns n The terminal size is recorded as having n columns.
cols n is an alias for columns.
equally as present-day.

The new "Local mode"s are prescribed as such

pass8 Passes all 8 bits through on input, in any mode.
-pass8 Strips the 0200 bit on input except in raw mode.
It's even more unclear how this relates to parity validation.

is implemented (ibid., usr/src/bin/stty.c), like "speed", by re-opening /dev/tty and exiting 0; the purpose of this is unclear.

The window size is written as ", ws_row rows, ws_col columns" after the speed, if "all" or "everything".

Sees a truly unique Logging in. section, alluding to well-developed port-specific getty tables:

Usually, the same telephone number serves terminals operating at speeds of 110, 150, and 300 baud. A different number may be used for 1200-baud service.
and caveats Higher-speed terminals on their performance:
Terminals designed to run at higher data rates than 300 baud (i.e., 1200 baud) can be utilized in full-duplex mode provided input remains character-by-character, typing speed.
(it's unclear what the latter means, but this would point at having two models of DC11s installed, since that particular combination of speeds is unavailable and DH11s can do all of these, and more, at once; but this is not the case, see below). Aside from the "TELETYPE® Model 37", used as an example of <300-baud teletypes, no devices, models, or brands are mentioned (conversely, Seventh Edition mentions no fewer than 7 models from 5 brands). It is also uniquely noted that: "The system may prompt you for a dialup password which is established by the system administrator (you need to know it to use any dial port into the system)." — this is mediated by login after the normal password prompt. And a special, shockingly content-free for the length, Non-dial Terminals section. J. D. Doan, CB-UNIX Programmer's Manual, Department 59473, Bell Telephone Laboratories, Incorporated, Edition 2.3, Volume 1,, cbunix_intro.pdf, pp. viii-ix; cbunix_man1_04.pdf, p. 4, Columbus, OH 43213, May 1981, How To Get Started; login(1).

A new Logging out, method of sitting around for a while is noted, based on (lack of) teletype activity. As compared to Sixth Edition (from which a "large part of the present manual's contents is descended" (CB-UNIX Programmer's Manual, cbunix_intro.pdf, ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS, p. iii)), ^S can "temporarily stop output", which "is useful with CRT terminals to prevent output from disappearing before it can be read.", and is only resumed with a ^Q — these are as-present-day stop start defaults in -ixany mode. Additionally,

On CB-UNIX only, output may also be stopped by typing the break or escape keys. In this case, typing another escape (or any other characters, for that matter) will cause output to be resumed.
which corresponds to ixany for this alternate keying.

2.3 is, of course, a late version of the system, but, in the words of an unnamed "retired CB/UNIX developer";

Other things that immediately come to mind that we added first in Columbus Unix were power-fail restart (myself and Jim McGuire did the initial work) and line-disciplines and terminal types (Bill Snider did the initial work).
we started using the C version in early 1975 as I recall.
as per, final para.. This mostly lines up with the citing of Sixth Edition: the manual includes parts of Seventh Edition, Virtual VAX-11 Version, December, 1979 and Seventh Edition, Virtual VAX-11 Version, November, 1980 — in some portions with the branding in tact. Nevertheless, given that
I was the supervisor of the group in Columbus for a number of years that was responsible for the development of CB-UNIX.
The SCCS version of UNIX had a number of unique features for the times: semaphores and line disciplines (in 1974!) for example. Hal Pearson was responsible for semaphores, and Bill Snider for line disciplines.
mostly lines up with the aforementioned — Dale DeJager, UNIX History, net.unix,, 1984-01-17. It's not outlandish to say that the extensive discipline system, outlined below, does land somewhere in the fore of the tail half of the 1970s more so than its aft, perhaps to the precision of its extent. pr (1)s of the kernel are also scanned, and dated; helpfully, it's "Sat Feb 9 09:01:00 1980" and "Jan 26 17:20" so using them as anything more than a disambiguation is useless — CB-UNIX Source Code,, cbunix3.pdf. Most (sans ioctl(2)) of the teletype-related lines are dated "November 1979" and branded CB-UNIX 2.1; the wording of tty (4) (CB-UNIX Programmer's Manual, cbunix_man4.pdf, p. 27)'s controllong-teletype-file and it mentioning dh (4) and kl (4) points the most recent common ancestor being Sixth Edition.

The core difference there is that that file is /dev/ln — this follows the console being ln00 and the dial-in lines being ln*. dh (4) (CB-UNIX Programmer's Manual, cbunix_man4.pdf, p. 2) is extended to also cover DZ11s (also incessantly called "DZ-11"s): "(For DZ-11 lines, output speed is always the same as input speed. The 200 speed and the two externally clocked speeds (exta, extb ) are missing on the DZ-11.)". The DZ11 supports a different set of speeds:

0 50 Baud        4 150 Baud      8 1800 Baud      12 4800 Baud     
1 75 Baud        5 300 Baud      9 2000 Baud      13 7200 Baud     
2 110 Baud        6 600 Baud      10 2400 Baud      14 9600 Baud     
3 134.5 Baud 7 1200 Baud      11 3600 Baud      15 Not used     
none of which correspond directly to the corresponding speeds on the DH11, and "The receiver clock is turned on and off by setting and clearing bit 12" — DZ11 asynchronous multiplexer technical manual, EK-DZ110-TM-002, 3rd Printing (Rev),, p. 3-10, Digital Equipment Corporation, Maynard, Massachusetts, October 1978, Chapter 3 (Programming), 3.3 Programming Features, 3.3.1 Baud Rate, Table 3-4 Baud Rate Selection Chart.

And the "Transmitter clock is always on." (ibid., Table 3-3 LPR Bit Functions, p. 3-8). How this is negotiated is not noted, but CB-UNIX Source Code, cbunix7.pdf, pp. 64-72 (dz.c), bears:

/* this array maps the standard unix transmit and receive speeds
 * into the speeds used int he dz11 hardware. If a speed is selected
 * that is not available on the dz11 it will be ignored.

char dzspeed[]
        0000,           /*  not available */
        0000,           /*    50 baud */
        0001,           /*    75 baud */
        0002,           /*   110 baud */
        0003,           /* 134.5 baud */
        0004,           /*   150 baud */
        0000,           /*  not available */
        0005,           /*   300 baud */
        0006,           /*   600 baud */
        0007,           /*  1200 baud */
        0010,           /*  1800 baud */
        0012,           /*  2400 baud */
        0014,           /*  4800 baud */
        0016,           /*  9600 baud */
        0000,           /*  not available */
        0000,           /*  not available */
and, in dzparam():
        lpr = ((dzspeed[tp->t_speeds.lobyte]<<8) | ((dev.d_minor&07) |
which is very obviously wrong: unmappable DH11 speeds all become baud.

The kl (4) (CB-UNIX Programmer's Manual, cbunix_man4.pdf, p. 6) ln00 name is "for historical reasons only": the canonical keying for "the real system console" is systty, and the current console if going single-user — "Init (1M) and reboot (1M) talk to this device" — is syscon, which telinit (1M) links to the invoking teletype when passed runlevel .

This nomenclature is matched with line(1) (ibid., cbunix_man1_03.pdf, p. 100) — "get line identification" — which "gives the name of the user's line in the form lnnn in the range 00 to 99" (or "lnxx if the standard input file is not a typewriter"); the familiar tty(1) (ibid., cbunix_man1_09.pdf, p. 21) interface is also available, writing the full path and accepting -s, as present-day.

Opening tty (4) "causes a wait to take place at the first read or write.", rather than waiting "until a connection is established.". The description for raw mode is extended; rather being "awakened on each character":

Control is returned to the reading program only when the read (2) character count has been satisfied (as well as if an alarm (2) signal occurs, or if the line hangs up).
And output parity, rather than being "generated" is noted as "all 8-bits are sent if parity is set to even and odd and the number of data bits is set to 8.". Expectedly, in non-raw mode, output parity is no longer listed as being always-even, too.

The start stop-and-friends spiel is reproduced here entirely, but "A BREAK character is treated like and ESC character when not in raw mode." only; this makes sense.

getty (1M) (ibid., cbunix_man1_03.pdf, p. 40) — "the second process in the series, init-getty-login-shell, that ultimately connects a terminal user with UNIX" — copies issue (5) (ibid., cbunix_man5.pdf, p. 32) to the calling teletype before the prompt, as present-day, and sees a primary SYNOPSIS of:

/etc/getty [ -h ] line [ speed [ type [ linedisc ] ] ]
(Though "Additional arguments may be typed after the login name. These are passed to login, which will place them in the environment." — the latter is part of the login calling convention, the former is presumably mediated by just adding whitespace after the username.)

-h suppresses the default behaviour of forcing "a hangup on the line by setting the speed to zero before"hand. It's unclear how this is supposed to work with DZ11s, given the above (it is: it doesn't, see above and note that RECV_ON is (bit 12)). line is the filename under /dev, speed is the gettydefs (5) (ibid., p. 26) entry, itself nothing more than the extraction of the built-in tables, and so tabulating the label, flags when reading the username (with hupcl -echo raw implied), final flags, speeds, the message, and the label to go to on BREAK. type describes "what type of terminal is connected to the line in question":

none default tektonix, tek Tektronix
tec TEC scope ds40-1 Teletype DS40-1
vt61 DEC vt61 hp45 Hewlett-Packard HP45
vt100 DEC vt100 ds40-2b Teletype DS40-2b
where "The default terminal is »none«; i.e., any crt or normal terminal unknown to the system."; this is more akin to present-day $TERM (coupled with terminfo(5)), but as a first-class kernel layer, complete with emulating missing functions. And linedisc describes "which line discipline to use in communicating with the terminal":
full_duplex, full default
transparent, trans transparent (see ioctl(2))
half_duplex, half half duplex
votrax votrax
"The default is »full_duplex«, i.e., line discipline zero."

The interesting differences in the username adaptation mode are:

In addition to the standard UNIX erase and kill characters, '#' and '@', getty also understands '\b'. If the user uses a '\b' as a rubout, getty sets the standard erase character to backspace and the standard kill character to '@' instead of '#' and '@'.
Which is, notably, the worst possible way to spell this, and How To Get Started continues to say "The ASCII »delete« (a.k.a. »rubout«) character", overloading it even further.


Getty also undertands the "standard" ESS protocols for erasing, killing and aborting a line, and terminating a line. If getty sees the ESS erase character, '_', or kill character, '$', or abort character, '&', or the ESS line terminator, '/' or '!', it attempts to set up the terminal into STDTTY mode (see ioctl(2)), which has those characters as the erase, kill, and line terminator characters. If it doesn't succeed, the standard erase and kill characters will be used.
Here, the ESS is the Electronic Switching System — AT&T's line of computerised telephone switches (cf. UNIX History: "The system was derived from the UNIX operating system that was used in the SCCS (Switching Control Center System), which incidentally was the first application of UNIX outside of research."). This spelling (so far as _, ! (7:25) and (9:27)) is attested on the mostly-contemporaneous 3ESS — Æstrid Smith and Sarah Autumn, Connections Museum Seattle, Booting up the 3ESS,, 7000 East Marginal Way South, Seattle, WA 98108, Mar 23, 2022.

The BUGS mention that none of the characters mentioned above (or "'^D'") is quotable.

gtty(1) (CB-UNIX Programmer's Manual, cbunix_man1_03.pdf, p. 58) appears, and bears recalling in its entirety:

gtty - get terminal line options
gtty [ line ... ]
Gtty will get certain I/O options on the lines specified. If no line is given the standard input is used (file descriptor 0). See stty(1) for an explanation of the options reported by gtty.
gtty(2), stty(1)
On devices which do not allow variable speeds, the input and output speed is meaningless.
it follows, then, that stty(1) (ibid., cbunix_man1_08.pdf, p. 38) sees a pre-Sixth Edition calling convention. In addition to the precise set of options in Fourth Edition, a list of new options follows.

Option Equiv. Description
hdplx half duplex (disable reception during transmission)
-hdplx full duplex
tstread test read (don't wait for carriage return to terminate read)
-tstread normal read termination
hangup hupcl dial-up line (hangup after last close)
-hangup -hupcl non dial-up
lfdelay nl1(?) line-feed delay
-lfdelay nl0 no line-feed delay
sccmod enable sccmode (special editing, break and del characters)
-sccmod disable sccmode
xclude exclude future opens of this teletype
-xclude Allow future opens of this teletype
tandemi ixon respond to xoff and xon when transmitted by the terminal by stopping and starting output.
-tandemi -ixon treat xoff and xon as normal input characters
[-] are highlit in pink — the meaning of this is unclear; perhaps this is to indicate that they should be bolded and aren't?

And these options, each taking a numeric argument:

speed allows the user to change the speed of a line
stop specify the number of stop bits to be transmitted
data data bits
vrow set the variable row on crts above which the screen will be frozen
The format for "speed" is unspecified, and could be either the actual baud-rate just as well as [0, 15].

"the terminal type" may also be specified, but "If this is done it must be the first option."; depending on the system configuration, the following may be meaningful (this is implied to not be an exhaustive list):

"none", "tec", "delta", "dta", "tektronix", "tex", "vt61", "ds40-1", "ds40-2b", "hp45"
note that here Tektronix is spelled correctly, and its short form is "", not "". The VT100 is missing, and an unexplained "" appears.

"When a terminal type other than »none« is in use, several more flags become valid:"

anl automatic new-line when character printed in column 80
-anl no automatic new-line
snl special new-line function (only implemented for "ds40-1")
-snl no special new-line function
lcf special action on last column of last line
-lcf no special action on last column of display
default set terminal flags to default for this terminal type

stty:o(2) (ibid., cbunix_man2_04.pdf, pp. 23-28) — where the :o denotes being for compatibility with "release 1 of CB-UNIX" (intro(2) (ibid., cbunix_man2_01.pdf, OLD C COMPILER, p. 4)) — is noted as superseded by ioctl(2) (ibid., cbunix_man2_02.pdf, pp. 1-7) but nevertheless contains a more cohesive overview of the system's general teletype system (though, notably, the mode layout and nomenclature outside of the core XTABS-EVENP spectrum are completely different between the two). Line disciplines 1, 2 are "reserved for project specific line disciplines", and [5, ] "for future common line disciplines". Of those, 0 (STD_LTYPE) is the "normal" full-duplex discipline; (HF_LTYPE) is the half-duplex line discipline — at last! — both of which "require no additional information". It's unclear how HF_LTYPE differs from setting HDPLX ("For those communicaitons controllers with the capability, disable reception during transmission.").

The interesing discipline is 3 (TRANS_LTYPE):

a line discipline that allows the user full eight bit transparency ion input and output with or without parity, For this line discipline, a write will perform no mapping. A read will return upon the occurrence of the first of the three conditions as specified by the user: 1)The requested number of characters have arrived. 2)The number of seconds, ts_quanta, has elapsed. 3)A break character has arrived.
If ts_quanta is zero, timing is disabled; otherwise, ts_quanta is the maximum wait time in seconds. If ts_brk0 and ts_brk1 are both zero, no break characters will awaken the process. If ts_brk1 is 0377 then ts_bbrk0 is taken as a single break character. Otherwise, both break characters are assumed valid. NCDELAY, XTABS, LCASE, ECHO, CRMOD, RAW, NTDELAY, NLDELAY, and STDTTY have no meaning for this line discipline.
Which is, to the precision of the temporal resolution and the explicit wake-up characters, the present-day raw mode.

Backronymising, it may be that "[-]" may actually be TranSparenT READ, otherwise it's unclear what it be, aside maybe from a murky description of the equally-murky NOSLEEP:

Return a zero if a read is performed and no characters are present. Don't wait to flush output on close or stty. Don't wait for carrier in the first read or write after an open if carrier is not up. Normally a process will block when waiting for carrier to come up after an open. This roadblock will take place in the first read or write not the open.

stty:o(2) has an explicit NLDELAY mode, ioctl(2) has a range of CR[0123] NL[0123] TAB[01] FF[01] BS[01] with the would-be TAB2 bit defined as NOAL ("no allocation", presumably), since XTABS is unmoved from 2. "[-]" corresponds directly to XCLUDE, described identically with addition of "Cleared upon last close.".

TANDEMI ("response to xon/xoff", [-]ixon) is contrasted with TANDEMO (but only in ioctl(2)) — "tranmission of xon/xoff": "turns off the keyboard when there are too many characters in the terminal hardware queue" — which itself is [-]ixoff.

erase kill are changeable, layout compatible with Sixth Edition. No other character is, hence STDTTY, which is exactly as-described (erase _ kill $ eol / eol2 !) with the addition of icrnl and a proverbial " &" ( to the primary DEL) (though, curiously, the flag itself does not (appear to, CB-UNIX Source Code, cbunix10.pdf, pp. 36-58 (tty.c), esp. ttyinput() (p. 45); the manual itself would suggest it does) imply the erase kill keyings, so those need to be set separately). This is likely [-] as Switching Control Center MODe.

ioctl(DIOCSETT) "is used to specify the type of CRT connected to a line":

 * Terminal types
#define	TERM_NONE	0	/* tty */
#define	TERM_TEC	1	/* TEC Scope */
#define	TERM_V61	2	/* DEC VT61 */
#define	TERM_V10	3	/* DEC VT100 */
#define	TERM_TEX	4	/* Tektronix 4023 */
#define	TERM_D40	5	/* TTY Mod 40/1 */
#define	TERM_H45	6	/* Hewlitt-Packard 45 */
#define	TERM_D42	7	/* TTY Mod 40/2B */
"If a type other than TERM_NONE is specified, input and output mapping will occur for the CRT language defined in the header file <sys/crtctl.h>. In this case, the ESC character takes on special meaning, escaping the subsequent characters on input and output." Helpfully, crtctl.h doesn't appear to have been scanned. Nevertheless, this points to a bizarre world where the motion/underlining/&c. interface is to the system, which then provides a Cohesive Baseline Video Terminal, shimming as required. Mayhap it was less bizarre before the monopolisation of ECMA-48 ("Control functions for coded character sets") et al. — the only terminal listed verifiably supporing these is the VT100.

The video-terminal-specific modes are as such:

TM_SNL Handle new line specially, if the terminal driver is so equipped.
TM_ANL Provide a carriage return and new line when writing beyond column 80.
TM_LCF Immediately before placing a character in the last column and now, delete the top line, print the character in the last column of the now second-to-last-row, and then move the cursor to column one of the new last line. This function is requires for terminals that move the cursor to "bad" places when printing in the last position.
TM_CECHO Echo the control sequences, such as "cursor up", when rewceived.
TM_CINVIS Do not pass the cursor control characters to the user program on input.
And agree with "[-]", "[-]", and "[-]".

"" is additionally noted as "for split screen operation". The actual semantics of this are unnoted.

ioctl(VIOC[GS]ETD) is described as "Get/set versatec parameters.". Votrax International, Inc. manufactured voice synthesisers, originally the VS4 "Votrax", and is attested as discipline 5 (VOT_LTYPE) (CB-UNIX Source Code, cbunix3.pdf, p. 95 (votrax.h); ibid., cbunix10.pdf, pp. 65-69 (vs.c)).

use of TM_SNL is attested, especially in ibid., cbunix7.pdf, pp. 59-63 (ds40.c), which is supposed to host it.

The lost-media <sys/crtctl.h> is also shed light upon via the emulation therein:

char ds40map[] {
        LCA,    NONE,           /* Load Cursor Address (simulated) */
        CUP,    SDESC|'7',      /* Move Cursor Up */
        CDN,    SDESC|'B',      /* Move Cursor Down */
        CRI,    SDESC|'C',      /* Move Cursor Right */
        CLE,    010,            /* Move Cursor Left */
        NL,     NONE,           /* Special DS40 newline */
        CRTN,   SDESC|'G',      /* Return Cursor to start of line */
        HOME,   SDESC|'H',      /* Home Cursor */
        CS,     SDESC|'R',      /* Clear Screen */
        EEOP,   SDESC|'J',      /* Erase to end of page */
        EEOL,   NONE,           /* Erase to end of line */
        IL,     SDESC|'L',      /* Insert Line */
        DL,     SDESC|'M',      /* Delete Line */
        IC,     SDESC|'^',      /* Insert Char */
        DC,     SDESC|'P',      /* Delete Char */
        STB,    SDESC|'3',      /* Start Blink */
        SPB,    SDESC|'4',      /* Stop  Blink */
        STAB,   SDESC|'0',      /* Set Single    Tab */
        ATAB,   SDESC|'1',      /* Set Column of Tabs */
        CTAB,   SDESC|'2',      /* Clear Tabs */
        USCRL,  SDESC|'S',      /* Scroll Up */
        DSCRL,  SDESC|'Y',      /* Scroll Down */
        ASEG,   SDESC|'U',      /* Advance Segment */
/*      KBL,    NONE,           /* Keyboard Lock */
/*      KBU,    NONE,           /* Keyboard Unlock */
        UVSCN,  NONE,
        DVSCN,  NONE,

Where NL is handled as \33G\33B, regardless of any mode. Mayhap it was optional in a previous version of the system?

For comparison, for the VT100 (ibid., cbunix10.pdf, pp. 70-74 (vt100.c)), the tables alone are at least twice that.

A unique feature of CB-UNIX is ioctl(DIOCSETS):

Set spy mode. All output directed to the termianal specified by fildes will be copied to the terminal of the process performing the ioctl. Only one spy operation may be active in the entire system at any time. The spy continues until explicitly turned off. Currently, spy is only effective on lines using the STD_LTYPE line discipline and is restricted to the super-user.
It's unclear how the explicit turn-off is accomplished.

Rattles off 110, 150, 300 and 1200 baud as "Common terminal speeds", with 2400, 4800, and 9600 "occasionally" available. The phone number spiel is generalised to

On some UNIX systems, there are separate telephone numbers for each available terminal speed, while on other systems several speeds may be served by a single telephone number.
and the itemised list of teletype speeds and how to handle them, depending on what the default is, to
In the latter case, there is a "preferred" speed; if you dial in from a terminal set to a different speed, you will be greeded by a a string of meaningless characters (the login: message at the wrong speed. Keep hitting the "break" or "attention" key until the login: message appears.
and likewise for the return/new-line post-login mapping tactics (rather, text lowered from the former 300-baud Terminals: section is used verbatim; the note of preference for the new-line key where supported, previously part of the TELETYPE® Model 37 (and other terminals less than 300 baud): section, is lost) — T. A. Dolotta, S. B. Olsson, and A. G. Petruccelli, UNIX User's Manual, Laboratory 364, Bell Telephone Laboratories, Incorporated, Release 3.0,, p. 7, Murray Hill, NJ 07974, June 1980, How To Get Started, Logging in..

A record low of "two ways to log out" is recorded, by losing direct-login (ibid., Logging out.).

The "On CB-UNIX only" note rings true — ^S/^Q are the only flow control method, but now in ixany mode (ibid., How to communicate through your terminal., para. 4).

The individual drivers are rich: dj(4) (ibid., p. 560) for DJ11s (all together now: incessantly called "DJ-11"s) — "Line speeds and other characteristics are not programmable but are set by switches in the hardware in groups of 4 lines. Only parameters such as character delays and mapping can be altered."† — dz(4) (ibid., p. 566) for DZ11s (dz), DZ11/KMC11s (dzk), and DH11s (dh) (yes.) — the DZ11 note is exactly the same as on CB-UNIX; "The behavior of dzk lines is indistinguishable from that of dz lines, except that on the dzk backspace delays are implemented using fill characters (rubouts) instead of timed delays.", which corresponds to hard [-]ofill based on the driver‡; "Note that the DH-11 is considered obsolete and is not supported on the VAX-11/780." — same old kl(4) (ibid., p. 571), though marked (PDP-11 only) in the header — on /dev/console, "Since they run at a constant speed, attempts to change the speed are ignored.".

init(8) (ibid., p. 681) distinguishes entries by arbitrary {state, id}, with no relation to line state; if no /etc/inittab (inittab(5), ibid., p. 618) is present or init is the only process, it runs a shell on /dev/console — this is described as more of a rescue state than a distinct single-user mode.

getty(8) (ibid., p. 674) sees a SYNOPSIS of

/etc/getty name type delay
since it now opens the line itself — "Name should be the name of a termianl in /dev/ (e.g., tty03)." — and "delay is relevant for dial-up ports only. It specifies the time in seconds that should elapse before the port is disconnected if the user does not respond to the login request.".

The text itself is a generalisation of the Sixth Edition into a mimickry of the Seventh Edition format. Rather than just the "Terminet 300 terminal" being put in full-duplex by the "login:" messages, they may additionally "take the DASI terminals out of the plot mode, or put a TELETYPE® Model 37 into full-duplex.". Returning "the GSI terminal to non-graphic mode" is lost.

The type table is compiled-in, but this is, at least, listed in the BUGS. A special (undisclaimed with the "(may vary locally)" for the others) type of ‘!type "tells getty to update /etc/utmp and exit". What this update does is unspecified. The types recognised in the distribution Release 3.0 are:

- B110; for 100 baud console TTY.
0 B300-B150-B110-B1200; normal dial-up sequence starting at B300.
1 B150; no sequence.
2 B2400; no sequence.
3 B1200-B300-B150-B110; normal dial-up sequence starting at B1200.
4 B300; for console DECwriter.
5 B9600; no sequence.
6 B4800-B9600; for Tektronix 4014.

The source itself is derived from Sixth Edition (provided to me by my good friend Juliano: UNIX System III Source Code,, src/cmd/getty.c. Don't be a cop if you're affiliated with whoever bought the rights from SCO Group) and modes ‘-’ and ‘1’ agree completely, the ‘0’ loop is extended with the 1200-baud mode, and the new ‘3’ just starts there, the ‘29600-baud mode is replaced, all up from there is new.

The utmp(5) (Release 3.0, p. 631) processing is done as the first thing and consists of setting the entry for name to {current-time, ∅} in /etc/utmp and appending the same to /usr/adm/wtmp.

name is ignored if the standard input stream is a teletype, and the name of the attached teletype used instead; this is, presumably, to be used in conjunction with ‘!’, explained as

/* If the term type arg is special, exit only,
   this is so you can update utmp without spawning
   an open line
which does just exit. Timing out on delay (if specified and non-zero) hangs up the line bimodally by setting it to B0|HUPCL and exiting. Some Special Control Characters are set to their defaults — intr 0177 quit ^\ ("/* FS, cntl | */") erase # kill @ eof ^D eol 00 — from <termio.h> (ibid., src/head/termio.h), under the present-day V-prefixed indices and C-prefixed default macros no less!

tty(4) (Release 3.0, pp. 585-592) sees, fore-mostly, a fleshed-out controlling teletype and process group system: /dev/tty is "a synonym for the control terminal associated with the process group of that process, if any", and "The very first terminal file opened by the process group leader of a terminal file not already associated with a process group becomes the control terminal of that process group,", "A process can break this association by changing its process group using setpgrp(2)." — this corresponds to final present-day semantics and this is where nigh-ubiquitous techniques like double-forked daemonisation take their root.

"A line is delimited by a new-line (ASCII LF) character, an end-of-file (ASCII EOT) character, or an end-of-line character." — this fore-shadows an almost-normal interface, but one would be remiss to not note that EOT is End Of Transmission, hence why it wouldn't be outlandish for a teletype to hang up on its receipt.

@’ "optionally outputs a new-line character." and the table of "Certain characters" is re-tagged in terms of the logical actions, rather than the raw (now-default) values, and includes all characters with special meaning:

INTR (rubout or ASCII DEL) [same text as Seventh Edition , incl. its all-processes-with-this-controlling-terminal target])
QUIT (Control-| or ASCII FS) [likewise, though the core-dump filename is expounded]
ERASE (#) erases the preceding character. It will not erase beyond the start of a line, as delimited by a NL, EOF, or EOL character.
KILL (@) deletes the entire line, as delimited by a NL, EOF, or EOL character.
EOF (Control-d or ASCII EOT) [likewise]
EOL (ASCII NUL) is an additional line delimiter, like NL. It is not normally used.
STOP (Control-s or ASCII DC3) can be used to temporarily suspend output. It is useful with CRT terminals to prevent output from disappearing before it can be read. Wile output is suspended, STOP characters are ignored and not read.
START (Control-q or ASCII DC1) is used to resume output which has been suspended by a STOP character. While output is not suspended, START characters are ignored and not read. The start/stop characters can not be changed or escaped.
The observant reader will note that (sans NL), these correspond directly to V-prefixed indices, Additionally, "The character values for INTR, QUIT, ERASE, KILL, EOF, and EOL may be changed to suit invividual tastes. The ERASE, KILL, and EOF characters may be escaped by a preceding \ character, in which case no special function is done." This EOF handling is appears to be unique. No trimming of EOT on output is done.

<sgtty.h> as the container for the structure used by the "primary calls" <termio.h>:

#define	NCC	8
struct	termio {
	unsigned	short	c_iflag;		/* input modes */
	unsigned	short	c_oflag;		/* output modes */
	unsigned	short	c_cflag;		/* control modes */
	unsigned	short	c_lflag;		/* local modes */
	char		c_line;		/* line discipline */
	unsigned	char	c_cc[NCC];	/* control chars */
"The special control characters are defined by the array c_cc. The relative positions and initial values for each function are as follows:"
3 KILL @
6 reserved
7 reserved
This is the origin of the phrase "Special Control Characters", and, more importantly, struct termio is pretty much exactly as present-day, and so are the indices (mostly, see below).
"The c_iflag field describes the basic terminal input control", and is outlined below.

c_iflag Equiv. Description
IGNBRK ignbrk Ignore break condition.
BRKINT brkint Signal interrupt on break.
IGNPAR ignpar Ignore characters with parity errors.
PARMRK parmrk Mark parity errors.
INPCK inpck Enable input parity check.
ISTRIP istrip Strip character.
INLCR inlcr Map NL to CR on input.
IGNCR igncr Ignore CR cr.
ICRNL icrnl Map CR to NL on input.
IUCLC iuclc Map upper-case ot lower-case on input.
IXON ixon Enable start/stop output control.
IXANY ixany Enable any character to restart output.
IXOFF ixoff Enable start/stop input control.

The attentive reader may note that these are all as present-day, sans the lack of foreground/background process groups (signals are targeted as for SIGINT) and START/STOP always being stripped from the input (nowadays they're passed through if not IXON). The less-obvious flags are described below the original table; they are mostly found with mildly-evolved wording in IEEE Std 1003.1-202x (“POSIX.1”), Draft 2.1 , where IUCLC is lost. "The initial input control value is all bits clear.".
"The c_oflag field specifies the system treatment of output", and is outlined below.

c_oflag Equiv. Description
OPOST opost Postprocess output.
OLCUC olcuc Map lower case to upper on output.
ONLCR onlcr Map NL to CR-NL on output.
OCRNL ocrnl Map CR to NL on output.
ONOCR onocr No CR output at column 0.
ONLRET onlret NL performs CR function.
OFILL ofill Use fill characters for delay.
OFDEL ofdel Fill is DEL, else NUL.
NLDLY (mask) Select new-line delays:
NL0 nl0
NL1 nl1
CRDLY (mask) Select carriage-return delays:
CR0 cr0
CR1 cr1
CR2 cr2
CR3 cr3
TABDLY (mask) Select horizontal-tab delays:
TAB0 tab0
TAB1 tab1
TAB2 tab2
TAB3 tab3 Expand tabs to spaces.
BSDLY (mask) Select backspace delays:
BS0 bs0
BS1 bs1
VTDLY (mask) Select vertical-tab delays:
VT0 vt0
VT1 vt1
FFDLY (mask) Select form-feed delays:
FF0 ff0
FF1 ff1

They just don't miss! In IEEE Std 1003.1-202x (“POSIX.1”), Draft 2.1, OPOST is the only truly portable flag, all others are shaded XSI (X/Open Systems Interfaces — extension), and, symmetrically, OLCUC is lost (Release 3.0 even points out that "This function is often used in conjunction wiht IUCLC."). The description for the now-XSI parts lives verbatim in the standard. "The initial output control value is all bits clear.".
"The c_cflag field specifies the hardware control of the terminal", and is outlined below.

c_cflag Equiv. Description
CBAUD (mask) Baud rate:
B0 0 Hang up
B50 50 50 baud
B75 75 75 baud
B110 110 110 baud
B134 134 134.4 baud
B150 150 150 baud
B200 200 200 baud
B300 300 300 baud
B600 600 600 baud
B1200 1200 1200 baud
B1800 1800 1800 baud
B2400 2400 2400 baud
B4800 4800 4800 baud
B9600 9600 9600 baud
EXTA exta External A
EXTB extb External B
CSIZE (mask) Character size:
CS5 cs5 5 bits
CS6 cs6 5 bits
CS7 cs7 6 bits
CS8 cs8 7 bits
CSTOPB cstopb Send two stop bits, else one.
CREAD cread Enable receiver.
PARENB parenb Parity enable.
PARODD parodd Odd parity, else even.
HUPCL hupcl Hang up on last close.
CLOCAL clocal Local line, else dial-up.

"For any particular hardware, impossible speed changes are ignored.", and note that this is a global (RX and TX) speed — this further supports the hypothesis that no-one has ever actually used uneven speeds.

The same deal as for c_iflag applies; the speeds are a separate table with specialised setters (see below), but are otherwise identical, except EXTA, EXTB are spelled as B19200, B38400 with the expected descriptions; IEEE Std 1003.1-202x (“POSIX.1”), Draft 2.1 has an additional explicit side-effect for CLOCAL as functioning as-if O_NONBLOCK: this is attested in the drivers and makes logical sense, but not laid forth. "The initial hardware control value after open is B300, CS8, CREAD, HUPCL.".
"The c_lflag field of the argument structure is used by the line discipline to control terminal functions. The basic line discipline (0) provides" flags outlined below.

c_cflag Equiv. Description
ISIG isig Enable signals.
ICANON icanon Canonical input (erase and kill processing).
XCASE xcase Canonical upper/lower presentation.
ECHO echo Enable echo.
ECHOE echoe Echo erase character as BS-SP-BS.
ECHOK echok -echoke Echo NL after kill character.
ECHONL echonl Echo NL.
NOFLSH noflsh Disable flush after interrupt or quit.

Same deal here, but this is the first field that's missing flags found in IEEE Std 1003.1-202x (“POSIX.1”), Draft 2.1 (IEXTEN and TOSTOP). ISIG is, naturally, not yet SUSP-capable. The standard defines ECHOE as its function — erasing the last character — rather than the output sequence. ECHOK is allowed to do either [-] echoke mode — this system reasonably does -echoke since it doesn't have the flag. XCASE is lost.

The only weirdness here is that in the !ECHO ECHOE case, in Release 3.0 "the erase character is echoed as ASCII SP BS". It also says "Note that an escape character preceding the erase or kill character removes any special function." (and likewise for EOT); this is allowed for in modern standards, cf. IEEE Standard Portable Operating System Interface for Computer Environments, Approved August 22, 1988. ECHONL is noted to be "useful for terminals set to local echo (so-called half duplex).". "The initial line-discipline control value is all bits clear.".

The "lost" flags all last appear in Version 2 of the Single UNIX Specification (“SUSv2”) and are only defined for the POSIX locale. This is a bit of an issue when the kernel has to process them (alternatively, "mangle my preferred non-seven-bit-ASCII encoding").

The ISIG "special input functions may be disabled individually by changing the value of the control character to an unlikely or impossible value (e.g. 0377).". Admittedly, the common spelling is _POSIX_VDISABLE nowadays, and that value is usually handled explicitly, but yeah. There's also nothing preventing this working from other remappable values in ICANON, this is likely just suboptimal phrasing location.

"The MIN and TIME values are stored in the position for the EOF and EOL characters respectively.", and to this day IEEE Std 1003.1-202x (“POSIX.1”), Draft 2.1 requires that indices for all Special Control Characters are unique, "except that the VMIN and VTIME subscripts may have the same values as the VEOF and VEOL subscripts, respectively.".

Quite funnily, there is a marked of function against Seventh Edition, since START and STOP can't be remapped. There is also a provision for this (but a lesser one, in that they may just be ignored when setting, but must be otherwise provided).

Admittedly, there is also a loss of ioctl()s: since all parameters are integrated into one complete package, the struct tchars TIOC[GS]ETC requests are lost entirely, the new spellings (well, the old ones are still supported as <sys/ttold.h> compat shims, but)

TIOCGETPTCGETA Get the parameters associated with the terminal and store it in thetermio structure referenced by arg.
TIOCSETNTCGETA Set the parameters associated with the terminal from the structure referenced by arg. The change is immediate.
TCSETAW Wait for the otput to drain before setting the new parameters. This form should be used when changing parameters what will affect output.
TIOCSETPTCGETAF Wait for the output to drain, then flush the input queue and set the new parameters.

TIOCHPCL is removed, since it's once again provided by HUPCL.

The system ships with only one line discipline, 0, imaginatively branded

 * Line discipline 0
IEEE Std 1003.1-202x (“POSIX.1”), Draft 2.1 says in its stty RATIONALE:
The original stty description was taken directly from System V and reflected the System V terminal driver termio. It has been modified to correspond to the terminal driver termios.
But this doesn't appear to be supported by either the source or the manual itself — "termio" is just the "terminal ioctl()" argument and its declaration and arguments live in an eponymous header. This is like calling the pre-Release 3.0 tty.c "the UNIX driver". Parameterising it differently (hell, not even that much against Seventh Edition, if anything the driver is simpler) and putting the discipline-specific routines into tt0.c didn't really make it . "the terminal driver termios" is also just Release 3.0 tty(4) plus insubstantial wording fiddling to make it sstandard. To a degree.

A "synchronous terminal interface" is included as st(4) (ibid., p. 582), described as "a pseudo-device driver that enables a UNIX system to communicate with a TELETYPE® Model 40/0 ASCII synchronous terminal." utilising vpm(4) ("The Virtual Protocol Machine"; ibid., 594), itself a KMC11 (this time spelled correctly) driver and compiler toolchain that "translates a high-level language description protocol into an intermediate language that is interpreted by an interpreter running in the KMC11." — this machinery is entirely unrelated to the teletype driver and line disciplines, and driven entirely from user-space (though a default is provided the, cf. st(1M) (ibid., p. 343) and UNIX System III Source Code src/cmd/st/, in particular mod40.r therein; the corresponding st(4) driver lives in src/uts/pdp11/pwb/st.c and src/uts/vax/pwb/st.c, the former branded "Synchronous terminal interface for the PDP 11." and the port "TTY 40/4 driver for VAX 11/780").

ioctl(2) (Release 3.0, p. 446) is a stub even more so than the Seventh Edition one, giving only the prototype and errors.

login(1) (Release 3.0, p. 240) — "sign on" — is delightfully uneventful; passphrases may now expire, delightfully termed "password aging", and the "»dialup« password" becomes "a second »external« password", with a prompt of "External security:", and "If you do not complete the login successfully within a certain period of time (e.g., one minute), you are likely to be silently disconnected.", which goes hand-in-hand with getty's delay.

stty(1) (ibid., pp, 348-350) sees a SYNOPSIS of

stty [ -a ] [ -g ] [ options ]
and switches to using "the device that is the current standard input" (as opposed to output, and more a saner description). Without -ag, "settings of certain options" are reported; with -a, "all of the option settings", and with -g, "current settings in a form that can be used as an argument to another stty command." — the options are fully formed here, and the output is directed to the standard output stream.

It's odd that this is the first system noting that "many combinations of the options make no sense, but no sanity checking is performed". The settable options follow. ← indicates the argument is identical to present-day (⇐ with notes); → indicates the description is the same as in Seventh Edition (to the precision of whitespace, punctuation, and link to tty(4)).

Control Modes Description
parenb (-parenb) enable (disable) parity generation and detection.
parodd (-parodd) select odd (even) parity.
cs5 cs6 cs7 cs8 select character size (see tty(4)).
0 hang up phone line immediately.
50 75 110 134 150 200 300 600 1200 1800 2400 4800 9600 exta extb
Set terminal baud rate to the number given, if possible (these are the speeds supported by the DH-11 interface).
hupcl (-hupcl) hang up (do not hang up) DATA-PHONE® connection on last close.
hup (-hup) same as hupcl (-hupcl).
cstopb (-cstopb) use two (one) stop bits per character.
cread (-cread) enable (disable) the receiver.
clocal (-clocal) assume a line without (with) modem control.

Input Modes Description
ignbrk (-ignbrk) ignore (do not ignore) break on input.
brkint (-brkint) signal (do not signal) INTR on break.
ignpar (-ignpar) ignore (do not ignore) parity errors.
parmrk (-parmrk) mark (do not mark) parity errors (see tty(4)).
inpck (-inpck) enable (disable) input parity checking.
istrip (-istrip) strip (do not strip) input characters to seven bits.
inlcr (-inlcr) map (do not map) NL to CR on input.
igncr (-igncr) ignore (do not ignore) CR on input.
icrnl (-icrnl) map (do not map) CR to NL on input.
iuclc (-iuclc) map (do not map) upper-case alphabetics to lower case on input.
ixon (-ixon) enable (disable) START/STOP output control. Output is stopped by sending an ASCII DC3 and started by sending an ASCII DC1 .
ixany (-ixany) allow any character (only DC1) to restart output.
ixoff (-ixoff) request that the system send (not send) START/STOP characters when the input queue is nearly empty/full.

Output Modes Description
opost (-opost) post-process output (do not post-process output; ignore all other output modes).
olcuc (-olcuc) map (do not map) lower-case alphabetics to upper case on output.
onlcr (-onlcr) map (do not map) NL to CR-NL on output.
ocrnl (-ocrnl) map (do not map) CR to NL on output.
onocr (-onocr) do not (do) output CRs at column zero.
onlret (-onlret) on the terminal NL performs (does not perform) the CR function.
ofill (-ofill) use fill characters (use timing) for delays.
ofdel (-ofdel) fill characters are DELs (NULs).
cr0 cr1 cr2 cr3 select style of delay for carriage returns (see tty(4)).
nl0 nl1 select style of delay for line-feeds (see tty(4)).
tab0 tab1 tab2 tab3 select style of delay for horizontal tabs (see tty(4)).
bs0 bs1 select style of delay for backspaces (see tty(4)).
ff0 ff1 select style of delay for form-feeds (see tty(4)).
vt0 vt1 select style of delay for vertical tabs (see tty(4)).

Local Modes Description
isig (-isig) enable (disable) the checking of characters against the special control characters INTR and QUIT.
icanon (-icanon) enable (disable) canonical input (ERASE and KILL processing).
xcase (-xcase) canonical (unprocessed) upper/lower-case presentation.
echo (-echo) echo back (do not echo back) every charactet typed.
echoe (-echoe) echo (-echo) (do not echo) ERASE cahracter as a backspace-space-backspace string. Note: this mode will erase the ERASEed character on many CRT terminals; however, it does not keep track of column position and, as a result, may be confusing on escaped characters, tabs, and backspaces.
echok (-echok) echo (do not echo) NL after KILL character.
lfkc (-lfkc) the same as echok (-echok); obsolete.
echonl (-echonl) echo (do not echo) NL.
noflsh (-noflsh) disable (enable) flush after INTR or QUIT.

Combination Modes Description
evenp or parity enable parenb and cs7.
oddp enable parenb, cs7, and parodd.
-parity, -evenp, or -oddp
disable parenb, and set cs8.
raw (-raw or cooked)
enable (disable) raw input and output (no ERASE, KILL, INTR, QUIT, EOT, or output post processing).
nl (-nl) unset (set) icrnl, onlcr. In addition -nl unsets inlcr, igncr, ocrnl, and onlret.
lcase (-lcase) set (unset) xcase, iuclc, and olcuc.
LCASE (-LCASE) same as lcase (-lcase).
tabs (-tabs or tab3)
preserve (expand to spaces) tabs when printing.
ek set ERASE and KILL characters back to normal # and @.
sane resets all modes to some reasonable values.
term set all modes suitable for the terminal type term, where term is one of tty33, tty37, vt05, tn300, ti700, or tek.

The "134.5" spelling of "134" is retained, but undocumented.
"DATA-PHONE®" is a line of Bell modems. The only spelling change from "[-]hup" being trademarkisation of "dataphone" is, well.
[-]iuclc is predicated on iexten since its loss in Version 3 of the Single UNIX Specification (“SUSv3”).
"[-]" is the only psycho mode here. There's never been any mention of it anywhere before.
"[-]isig" is the same to the precision of Release 3.0 not having job control. Modern [-]echoe implementations are usually smarter than described and process tabs normally, and \-escaping is thankfully lost. Embedded backspaces in -echoctl mode are usually sufficiently confusing, though.
"echok" corresponds to echok -echoke mode.
"evenp" and "" are documented as parenb cs7 but are actually also -parodd, so as present-day.
"ek" uses CERASE and CKILL macros, so it is the same, but the system defaults are different.
"sane" is -ignbrk brkint ignpar -parmrk -inpck istrip -inlcr -igncr icrnl -iuclc ixon -ixoff opost -olcuc onlcr -ocrnl -onocr -onlret -ofill -ofdel nl0 cr0 tab0 bs0 ff0 vt0 cs7 cread parenb -parodd -clocal isig icanon -xcase echo -echoe echok -echonl -noflsh and all Special Control Characters default. This corresponds to, going from Release 3.0 to present-day, a loss of ignpar -parmrk -inpck istrip ixon cs7 parenb -parodd -clocal -echoe and gain of -ixany imaxbel -iutf8 echoe echoke -tostop echoctl -echoprt -flusho iexten -extproc.
The terms are the same as in Seventh edition, but the short forms are lost.
Due to the VMIN/VTIME VEOF/VEOL overlap, "raw" (all Input Attributes clear, -opost cs8 -parenb -isig -icanon -xcase) sets min 1 time 1 (or, since no parsing provisions are made for min time, "min ^A time ^A") "-raw"/"cooked" (brkint ignpar istrip icrnl ixon opost cs7 parenb isig icanon) set eof eol to default. The latter two (sans cs7) is as present-day.

The Control Assignments table reads, for "control-character c":

set control-character to c, where control-character is erase, kill, intr, quit, eof, eol, min, or time (min and time are used with -icanon; see tty(4)). If c is preceded by an (escaped from the shell) caret (^), then the value used is the corresponding CTRL character (e.g., "^d" is a CTRL-d); "^?" is interpreted as DEL and "^-" is interpreted as undefined.
and for "line i" — "set line discipline to i (0 < i < 127 ).". The argument is a decimal integer, and the range enforced by the kernel.

It's interesting to note here that "^-" — 0377 (UNIX System III Source Code, src/cmd/stty.c) — is explicitly described as "undefined", rather than just "unlikely". No special provisions are made for 0xFF in the kernel, it is just very unlikely — enough to be used as an undefined value. The gain of "^?" matches that of Seventh Edition, Virtual VAX-11 Version, December, 1979. It's unclear what "escaped from the shell" means — ^ doesn't appear to be special to to sh(1) (Release 3.0, pp. 237-333).

The -g format is the same as this implementation's (Saved Attributes), and read back the same way.

The first line of the no-argument format starts with

speed 300 baud; evenp
(or oddp as the case may be), or
speed 300 baud; -parity
if -parenb. This continues with the character size if parenb !cs7 or -parenb !cs8, and as usual with defaults of (though, if -cread, "cread" is written; this can only be a bug).

The second line starts with "line = c_line;" (if not 0) and continues with all Special Control-Characters separated with semicolons, as, given intr ^- quit ^? erase ^E kill K eof ^@ eol 0xD8 (which is uninputtable, but):

intr <undef>; quit = DEL; erase = ^e; kill = K; eof = ^`; eol = -X;

The third line is the Input Modes, with defaults of -ignbrk -brkint inpck -ignpar -parmrk istrip -inlcr -igncr -icrnl -iuclc ixon ixany -ixoff (ignbrk hides the value of [-]brkint; – of [-]ignpar; – of [-]ixany).

The fourth line is the Output Modes: either -opost, or flags in manual order, default off (except for ofill ofdel rendered as "del-fill" and ofill -ofdel rendered as "nul-fill") and 0 delays hidden. These (and two others, all listed below) are the only modes accepted as input but not noted in the manual.

The fifth line is the Local Modes, with defaults of isig icanon -xcase, [-]echo [-]echoe [-]echok always written, then of ,

The -a format is similar, but arranged differently: the first line lists the speed, line discipline, and Special Control Characters; the second the Control Modes, third – Input Modes (broken into fourth before [-]ixon), fifth – Local Modes, sixth – Output Modes, all in manual order with no aggregation.

Secret mode Is
fill ofill -ofdel
-fill -ofill -ofdel
nul-fill ofill -ofdel
del-fill ofill ofdel

DJ11 asynchronous 16-line multiplexer maintenance manual, EK-DJ11-MM-003, 4th Printing,, p. 1-5, Digital Equipment Corporation, Maynard, Massachusetts, August 1976, General Description, 1.6 Specifications, Performance, Receivers and Transmitters, Data Rate.

This configuration is called out explicitly in the manual:

A typical application of the KMC11 is the control of several peripheral devices attached to the UNIBUS. These devices, for example the DZ11 8-line asynchronous multiplexer, typically operate by programmed I/O, interrupting the PDP-11 processor for each character input or putput. However, with the addition of a KMC11, this processor overhead can be substantially reduced and I/O throughput increased.
ofilling delays doesn't appear to be a fundamental side-effect of this. KMC11 Programmer's Manual, AA-5244B-TC, Second Printing,, p. 1-2, Digital Equipment Corporation, Maynard, Massachusetts 01754, December 1977, Introduction, 1.2 KMC11 General Description, 1.2.1 Controlling Peripherals over the UNIBUS.

Yes, there's two of them, and yes, they're branded differently; this coincides with the Bell System break-up, and the User's Manual title page has a beautifully-crafted "we're kinda mad about this but don't wanna be openly super mad about it" blurb — UNIX System User's Manual, System V, Western Electric Company, Incorporated., 301-905 Issue 1,, p. 1, January 1983.

The manual sections are helpfully rearranged: i.a., devices ("Special Files") now live in section 7 — UNIX System Administrator's Manual, Release 5.0, Bell Laboratories, Inc., 301-926 ISS. 1,, p. 3, June 1982, Introduction.

The haphazard assembly of random uploadable code is productised as stermio(7) (ibid., p. 234) — "general synchronous terminal interface" — which roughly simulates the normal teletype interface, alongside stgetty(1M) (ibid., p. 160) and stlogin(1) (UNIX System User's Manual, System V, p. 351). We are, thankfully, saved from a hypothetical ststty(1), but not scat(1) (ibid., p. 305).

login(1) (ibid., pp. 231-232)'s "»external« password" reverts to its CB-UNIX spelling (or, more likely, the cross-pollination goes the other way, or, likelier still, since CB-UNIX is noted as a source system for Release 3.0 and post-dates it, both).

The same holds for getty(1M) (UNIX System Administrator's Manual, Release 5.0, pp. 116-117), they're both dated March 13, 1981 (with header for "CB-UNIX 2.3") in the CB-UNIX Programmer's Manual, so it's best-described in terms of the differences from . "[ -t timeout ]" "specifies that getty shold exit if the ope non the line succeeds and no one types anything in the specified number of seconds." — this is essentially a port of Release 3.0 delay. The type list is (unexpectedly?) :

none default
vt61 DEC vt61
vt100 DEC vt100
hp45 Hewlett-Packard HP45
c100 Concept 100
And caveatted:
Also, for terminal type to have any meaning, the virtual terminal handlers must be compiled into the operating systems. They are available, but not compiled int he default condition.
The more robust line discipline zero is infinitely better than the gang of CB-UNIX ones, so so is linedisc:
Again the hooks for line disciplines are available in the operating system but there is only one presently available, the default line discipline, LDISC0.

^U is also understood when reading the username, and kill adjusted. If the "»standard« ESS2" (note the odd updated branding) line editing characters are seen, "it arranges for this set of characters to be used for these functions.", rather than setting an exotic mode, since they all do map here, as intr & erase _ kill $ eol / eol2 ! — this checks out in the source, likewise provided to me by my good friend Juliano: UNIX SYSVr1 Source Code,, sysv-pdp11_usr-src/cmd/getty.c.

dz(7) (UNIX System Administrator's Manual, Release 5.0, p. 199) is marked "(DEC only)"; the "(3B20S only)" tn4(7) (ibid., p. 246) and tn74(7) (ibid., p. 257) appear, identical except the former is eight-line and the latter – two-line: "The c_cflag items of B200, EXTA, and EXTB are not available.", which sounds an awful lot like the DZ11.

tty(4) is split into tty(7) (ibid., p. 252) — "controlling terminal interface" — with the /dev/tty description paragraph and termio(7) (ibid., pp. 238-244) contains the rest, unchanged.

Of course, the header itself does change, if only to accomodate the STDTTY replacement — now <sys/termio.h>, VEOL2 is allocated as c_cc[6] (UNIX SYSVr1 Source Code, sysv-pdp11_usr-src/uts/sys/termio.h). Video-terminal-specific flags also appear — the list of terminals is taken verbatim, down to "Hewlitt", from CB-UNIX, as are the flags, and argument format (this is also copied verbatim, save for the new ioctl() names):

 * structure of ioctl arg for LDGETT and LDSETT
struct	termcb	{
	char	st_flgs;	/* term flags */
	char	st_termt;	/* term type */
	char	st_crow;	/* gtty only - current row */
	char	st_ccol;	/* gtty only - current col */
	char	st_vrow;	/* variable row */
	char	st_lrow;	/* last row */

stty(1) (UNIX System User's Manual, System V, pp. 355-357) is unchanged, save for the addition of some stermio(7)-specific modes. These are outlined below, but they aren't "actually" local, since that interface is much simpler (if insane).

Local Modes Description
stwrap (-stwrap) disable (enable) truncation of lines longer than 79 characters on a synchronous line.
stflush (-stflush) enable(disable) flush on a synchronous line after every write(2).
stappl (-stappl) use application mode (use line mode) on a synchronous line.

More importantly, a copy-paste error that meant -lcase included -xcase but -LCASE didn't is fixed — (UNIX SYSVr1 Source Code, sysv-pdp11_usr-src/cmd/stty.c).

This does leave the system in an odd state where VEOL2 is supported (ibid., sysv-pdp11_usr-src/uts/pdp11/io/tt?.c), but only settable by getty, and not even observable with stty. This must be a fun mode to try to get out of if you trigger it by accident.

The only way you'd know that these are AT&T System V Release 2 UNIX is by process of elimination, since that's the largest release number that appears on exactly one page out of the entire 530-page volume — Steven V. Earhart, UNIX Programmer's manual, AT&T, CBS College Publishing's UNIX System Library, Select Code 230-031, ISBN 0-03-009317-1, Volume 1: Commands and utilities,, pp. 77-78, 1986, convert(1).

Rather than saying that @ "»kills«" all prior characters on the line, it now "cancels" them (ibid., Introduction, How To Get Started, How to communicate through your terminal, para. 3, p. vii).

stermio(7) and friends appear to be gone, and the individual driver pages are lost — Steven V. Earhart, UNIX Programmer's manual, AT&T, CBS College Publishing's UNIX System Library, Select Code 230-033, ISBN 0-03-009313-9, Volume 3: System administration facilities,, pp. vii-viii, 1986, Table of Contents.

termio(7) (ibid., pp. 119-129) now has "SWTCH" allocated as c_cc[7] with no default listed, but the summary describes it as

(Control-z or ASCII SUB) is used by the job control facility, shl, to change the current layer to the control layer.
Picking SUB(stitute) is probably the only sane part of this model of "job control".

ISIG and NOFLSH also govern swtch p.a. to intr quit.

A c_cflag LOBLK ("Block layer output.") is added, described as

If LOBLK is set, the output of a job control layer will be blocked when it is not the current layer. Otherwise the output generated by that layer will be multiplexed onto the current layer.
Which is kinda like tostop if tostop just blocked instead of SIGTTOUing.

The SEE ALSO defers to shl(1) (UNIX Programmer's manual, Volume 1, 1986, pp. 397-398) — "shell layer manager", no-argument SYNOPSIS,

Shl allows a user to interact with more than one shell from a single terminal. The user controls these shells, known as layers, using the commands described below.
The I/O is as-expected — reading from a background "layer" blocks, setting "[-]loblk" "within the layer" (since all of these sessions are just on different teletypes) is as-described.
The stty character swtch (set to ^Z if NUL) is used to switch control to shl from a layer. Shl has its own prompt, >>>, to help distinguish it from a layer.
Notably, this is the only instance of special treatment of a character, and there is an established C-prefix convention which is used for everything else and this — CSWTCH is defined correctly — but the kernel doesn't use it, and initialises it to 0. At least the special treatment is only in the userspace, and shl sets swtch to CSWTCH if it's… CNSWTCH, which is defined to 0 just below its non-no variant. Note also that this with the default settings for eol eol2 — and takes precedent over them, so "EOL", whose description starts with "(ASCII NUL)" is invalidated by default if isig.
A layer is a shell which has been bound to a virtual tty device (/dev/sxt???). The virtual device can be manipulated like a real tty device using stty (1) and ioctl (2). Each layer has its own process group id.

There's a prompt, so this is naturally conversational. A of meaningful commands (for the full inglory, see the original) is included below, with their job control equivalents. For the purposes of this analysis, one could consider a ^Z here and ^Z, bg on a modern ("BSD-style") system the same fundamental operaition; things diverge from there.

Command Equivalent Add'l summary
create [ name ] PS1="name " sh The default name is a digit — the last character of the layer's sxt(7) device — in parentheses. Explicit "(digit)" names are therefore illegal.
delete name [ name ... ] kill -HUP %name Deletes the specified layers; the SIGHUPping is a result of that.
layers [ -l ] [ name ... ] jobs [%name…] Roughly. No--l lists just the names and "process group" (which is more akin to jobs -p). "The -l option produces a ps(1)-like listing.", which is closer to present-day no-flag jobs.
resume [ name ] fg or fg %name
toggle fg - "the layer that was current before the last current layer"
quit ^D All layers get SIGHUPped.
name fg %name
Of course, modern shells will decidedly object to being job-controlled, but in the context of Seventh Edition, Virtual VAX-11 Version, November, 1980 under csh (with a job-control-agnostic sh), this does hold (as verified on a 4.2BSD system). Not that in general you'd actually want to job-control entire shell sessions, but.

Hidden in the create description is the blurb that "A maximum of seven layers can be created.". This is by far the worst "job control" scheme ever devised; its only "redeeming" quality is that sxt(7) (UNIX Programmer's manual, Volume 3, 1986, pp. 116-118) provides almost-general virtual teletypes.

getty(1M) (ibid., pp. 64-66) appears to lose both the ESS and ‘’/‘^U’ processing, but doesn't, it just stops being documented. Also undocumented is that it starts setting xcase for lines it deems upper-case-only — this is apparent in the source, similarly provided to me by my good friend Juliano: UNIX SYSVr2 Source Code,, src/cmd/getty.c.

It's important to note that the manuals post-date the system by approximately two years — the kernel branding is for 1984 (ibid., src/uts/vax/os/main.c) and other, themselves unsourced, secondary sources agree.

login(1) (UNIX Programmer's manual, Volume 1, 1986, pp. 232-234) gains a fun facility where if the shell passwd(5) field is *, it chroots to the home directory and reexecs /etc/login,

The aforementioned swtch/eol[2] precedence is UNIX SYSVr2 Source Code, src/uts/vax/io/tt0.c, ttin(), if (flg) while (nchar--).

termio(7) Extends "or the timeout value TIME has expired" to "has expired between characters"; ibid. and tt[y1].c corroborate that this just a wording change.

Ibid., src/uts/sys/termio.h concretifies speeds:

#define	B19200	0000016
#define	B38400	0000017
			/* EXTA and EXTB should be deleted when */
			/* cleaned out of the source */
#define	EXTA	0000016
#define	EXTB	0000017
			/* they are aliases for b19200 and B38400 */
This clean-out doesn't appear to have been done, and there are zero users, but.

stty(1) (UNIX Programmer's manual, Volume 1, 1986, pp. 420-423) loses the stermio(7) references (but not the "st*" modes), gains the LOBLK proxy, below, adds SWTCH notes to "isig (-isig)", "noflsh (-noflsh)", and "raw (-raw or cooked)" and a swtch one to Control Assignments.

In "hupcl (-hupcl)" "a DATA-PHONE® data set connection" is reduced to "DATA-PHONE® connection".

The description for "clocal (-clocal)" starts with an 'n', for "n assume…". Unclear why.

Control Modes Description
loblk (-loblk) block (do not block) output from a non-current layer.

UNIX SYSVr2 Source Code, src/cmd/stty.c lines up with this, except all mentions of LOBLK and VSWTCH are predicated on not being built for the PDP-11. Presumably due to memory constraints? But enforcing this is odd.

The default for no-argument output is "-loblk".

UNIX® System V User's Reference Manual; AT&T System V.3 Administrator's Reference Manual

In this case the only way to figure out that this 350-page volume is for AT&T System V Release 3 UNIX is in the SEE ALSO section in UNIX® User's Reference manual, Prentice-Hall C and UNIX® Systems Library, ISBN 0-13-940487-2 025,, pp. 116-117, AT&T, 1987, 1986, getopts(1).

The "valid user name" requirement is changed to "valid login id" — the purpose of this is unclear, unless the editor was smoking on that psychoanalysis mid — and the "common"/"occasionally available" dichotomy is hegelised by commonalising all of them and removing 110, 150, and 300 baud, all of which between ten- and four-fold slower than the slowest listed, now 1200, 2400, 4800, and 9600 baud (ibid., Introduction, How To Get Started, Logging In, paras. 1-2, p. 4).

"you can simply hang up the phone" is for the first time predicated — "If you've dialed in," (ibid., Logging Out, p. 5).

The gnome is fired, replaced by impersonal language; automation gets to us all in the end (ibid., How to Communicate Through Your Terminal, para. 1, p. 5).

"(@ is called the line kill character.)" — which wasn't actually clear before (ibid., para. 3). One wonders what the purpose of changing the description in the forst place was.

The first occurrence of the "CONTROL-" notation explains how to type the characters described ("pressing the control key and aplhabetic s simultaneously"). The rest of the stop/start paragraph is rewritten to be almost cute (if you forget that this is AT&T product):

Thus, if you had typed cat yourfile and the contents of yourfile were bassing by on the screen more rapidly than you could read it, you would type CONTROL-S to freeze the output for a moment. Typing CONTROL-Q would allow the output to resume its rapid pace.
The "(or any other character, for that matter)" is removed, even though ixany is still the default (ibid. para. 4, pp. 5-6).

And the only extant archived document that should have getty(1M) instead defers to D-NIX-specific documentation — AT&T System V.3 Administrator's Reference Manual, 089-9717-00, Version A,, p. 264, Diab Data AB, S-183 02, Täby, Sweden, 89-11-01, Manual references, G.

termio(7) (ibid., pp. 229-236) finally describes what it means by "flushing" a buffer by expounding

When the input limit is reached, the buffer is flushed and all the saved characters are thrown away without notice.
and notes EOL2 in the summary as "is another additional line delimiter."; the allocation table remains unchanged. New c_cflags are listed below.

c_cflag Pos'd before Description
B19200 EXTA 19200 baud
B38400 EXTB 38400 baud
The pre-LOBLK insertions also move the values: LOBLK was , now that's RCV1EN, and they continue to be shifted left by one as-if normal.

These new flags are not described (in the manual or the comment) or indeed used anywhere on the system, so the only side-effect of this is that stty, the only user-space LOBLK user, needs to be rebuilt — thanks as ever to my good friend Juliano for lending me the dumps: UNIX SYSVr3 Source Code,, 32/usr/src/uts/3b2/sys/termio.h.

The system-default speed is set to 1200 baud on the U3B16 (ibid.).

In AT&T System V Release 3.2 UNIX specifically (cf. 31/usr/src/uts/3b2/sys/termio.h), TIOC[GS]WINSZ (ibid.) and the corresponding struct winsize appear, all as present-day (ibid., 32/usr/src/uts/3b2/sys/ptem.h; dated 1984, nominally predating 4.3 Berkeley Software Distribution by two years).

stty(1) (UNIX® User's Reference manual, 1987, 1986, pp. 257-259) starts with explaining the character format in the output (and failing to escape the accents into proper carets and backticks, so, especially in double quotes, they're absolute hash; this is fixed below), most notably:

For example, normally stty -a will report that the value of swtch is "^`"; however, if shl (1) or layers (1) has been invoked, stty -a will have the value "^z".
(Where layers(1) (ibid., pp. 148-149) is "layer multiplexor for windowing terminals", out of scope, impossible to characterise without the xt(7) (which may have "channel groups", likely some sort of generalisation of sxt(7), backing shl(1)) manual; layers are "manipulated in a terminal-dependent manner" and "Each layer is in most ways functionally identical to a separate terminal.", so you could think of it like the back of an xterm(1), whose front (render, display, windowing, &c.) is provided by the terminal hardware.)

Control Modes exta extb are replaced with 19200 38400.
"DATA-PHONE®" in "hupcl (-hupcl)" description is replaced with "Dataphone".
The descriptions for the three "st*" Local Modes all gain "(Does not apply to the 3B2.)".

Indeed, not even compatibility aliases remain, but secret "" and "" aliases appear (UNIX SYSVr3 Source Code, 301/usr/src/cmd/stty/stty.c). The output speed table is updated appropriately to not show the newly-numeric speeds as 0.

Additionally, sane doesn't reset swtch any-more, accompanied by a "/* SWTCH purposely not set */" comment. Maybe it would've been a better idea to just make the default… sane? And not have "stty sane" effectively turn off job control? We may never know.

termio(7), as found in the System V Interface Definition, Issue 1 (Spring 1985) is optional, X/OPEN Portability Guide, The X/OPEN Group Members, ISBN: 0 444 87839 4, Part II The X/OPEN System V Specification,, Chapter 1 Interface Definition, 1.2 Status of Interfaces, 1.2.2 Optional, The Netherlands, July 1985, xpg_2_xopen_system_v_specification_1.pdf.
Because "Some X/OPEN systems may not support any asynchronous lines, or may only support them over networks." (ibid., 1.10 Caveats, 1.10.2 Termio(7)). Provisions are made for awful V.24/RS232C implementations with no modem control — the carrier is to be assumed always-present.

Ibid., xpg_2_xopen_system_v_specification_3.pdf, Chapter 7 Special Files, console(7) (p. CONSOLE(7).1) — "System console interface" — and tty(7) (p. TTY(7)) are included verbatim, "except that the SVID states that the system console works through the termio interface. This is not necessarily true of X/OPEN systems.".

termio(7) (ibid., pp. TERMIO(7).1-TERMIO(7).11) — "general terminal interface (OPTIONAL)" — is "Identical to the SVID entry" "except for minoar changes to the first paragraph", but since that's lost to time, the delta below is presented from just AT&T System V Release 2 UNIX, and likely applies to both documents. Expectedly, the specific process names (like being "opened by getty") are generalised to "the system".

Rather than a hard 256 bytes, the current limit becomes "{MAX_CHAR} characters", defined in limits(5) (ibid., Chapter 5 Header Files, pp. LIMITS(5).1-LIMITS(5).2) — "Implementation Specific Constants" — in <limits.h> as "max size of character input buffer" with no minimum value.

If the process being STOPped hasn't "made other arrangements", additionally "the abnormal termination routines will be executed", rather than explicitly a core core dump.

SWTCH is missing from the summary (presumably because it just defers to a specific program?) and the subsequent list of Special Control Characters changeable by the user, but the c_cc allocation table is unchanged. This has the side-effect of continuing to omit VEOL2 and the out-of-order allocation and lack of VSWTCH default being unexplained in (now) a standards document.

NCC is generalised to

/* size of the array
 * c_cc for special control characters */
And the unlabelled delay macros gain descriptions in the form of (Carriage-return delay type N) (except it's "Backspace-delay" for some reason); NL[01] are instead described as "New-Line character type N" with no corresponding description change – the meaning of this is unclear.

EXT[AB] are removed entirely and replaced with B19200, B38400 (notably more extreme than AT&T System V Release 3 UNIX, but at that point no device in common use has supported the "external" speeds for years).

TC[GS]ETA spellings are replaced with TC[GS]ETS, with links to APPLICATION USAGE, noting:

TCGETA and are ioctl(2) commands that are reserved to maintain source code compatibility. Their use is even more system dependent than the termio interface and source code that uses these commands may not work correctly on all systems.
This may ring roughly true on some weird derivatives, but doesn't appear close to reasonable for the range of systems described herein so far. Of course, TCSETA[WF] remain unchanged.

A MIN/TIME Interaction section is added, expounding the minutiae of how min time govern -icanon input buffering. It's all as-described and the wording largely survives with editorial changes to IEEE Std 1003.1-202x (“POSIX.1”), Draft 2.1 — the prose re-states the in-line "This allows fast bursts of input to be read efficiently while still allowing single character input." "The time value represents tenths of seconds." prescription of purpose as "TIME is a timer of 0.1 second granularity that is used to timeout bursty and short term data transmissions.".

A notable mention is also found in ibid., Part VI Source Code Transfer, Chapter 5 Other Techniques (xpg_6_source_code_transfer.pdf, p. 5.1) with the following requirement from the "far from easy to use" uucp:

The TTY drivers should support XON/XOFF (ASCII DC1/DC3) handshaking and an 8-bit transparent mode.

X/Open Portability Guide Issue 2 (“XPG2”) doesn't appear to have been archived at all, and of Issue 3 only Volume 1 seems to've been, so tracking changes to the teletype interface is, unfortunately, impossible. Issue 2 is the first one to include utilities, and "Little material in this volume has been updated since Issue 2." — X/Open Portability Guide, XSI Commands and Utilities, X/Open Company, Ltd., Issue 3, ISBN 0-13-685835-X, Volume 1,, p. 1, Abbots House, Abbey Street, Reading, Berkshire, RG1 3BD, United Kingdom, December 1988, Chapter 1 Introduction, 1.1 OVERVIEW, 1.1.2 Important Note.

Notably, however, i.a., "the current descriptions of the utilities are incomplete and lack precision" and "There are many inconsistencies in the use of terminology in this volume", so

The IEEE P1003.2 Shell and Application Utilities Interface for Computer Operating System Environments Working Group is currently redefining most of the utilities in this volume. This volume will be aligned with IEEE Std. 1003.2-19xx after IEEE Std. 1003.2-19xx attains full use status. During this alignment process the problems noted above will be addressed.
Which is a bit of a cop-out from the back-cover "X/Open is not a standards-setting body.".

Ibid., Utilities, stty (pp. 252-256) is largely just the AT&T System V Release 2 UNIX one — with the first termios(7) reference appropriately updated to Volume 2 and the rest removed — and shaded UN ("Possibly unsupportable feature."). No changes from Issue 2 are noted.

"0" is generalised to

hang up line immediately. This applies to all terminal lines, not just modem lines. A SIGHUP signal is sent to all processes attached to the line.

The list of speeds becomes a "number" mode, described as

set terminal baud rate to the number given, if possible. (Not all speeds are supported by all hardware interfaces.)

The "hupcl (-hupcl)" "DATA-PHONE®" is debranded to "modem".
The stray "n" in "clocal (-clocal)" is pruned.

"loblk (-loblk)" is caveatted on

The loblk option is supported on systems that support shl. This option may not be supported by all hardware interfaces.

The odd "brkint (-brkint)" "INTR" sugnalling subject becomes a reasonabler "SIGINT".
"ixon (-ixon)" loses the description of how its "START/STOP output control" actually happens, and "ixany (-ixany)" loses the definition for the counterfactual.
All "NL"s and "CR"s are expanded to "newline"s and "carriage-return"s; for "onlret (-onlret)" "on the terminal NL performs" becomes "the terminal newline key performs"; "carriage returns" in "cr0 cr1 cr2 cr3" are matched to this new punctuation.
The VSWTCH erasure continues in its elision from "isig (-isig)", "noflsh (-noflsh)", and "raw (-raw or cooked)".
The "obsolete" "lfkc (-lfkc)" is removed and the "st*" modes naturally do not fit into the standard.
"swtch" in the Control Assignments is shaded OP ("Dependent on optional service in XSI."), and the line discipline range is rephrased as "[0, 127]".
"raw (-raw or cooked)" additionally says it means "and no parity". It's unclear what this could mean.
The "tabs (-tabs or tab3)" becomes "tabs (-tabs or tab8)" it's wildly unclear what that could mean, except maybe that the editor needs new glasses?
"ek" resets "back to the system defaults" rather than any explicit values.
The "term" combo group is gone.

The APPLICATION USAGE section notes that "Typical implementations of this utility require a communications line configured to use the termios interface" (and, if none exist, you may not ship stty) — this (or Issue 2, naturally) is the first occurrence of "termios", at least nominally distinct from any existing interface.

This isn't strictly spelled out in Volume 1, but "XSI Issue 3 is fully compliant with IEEE Std 1003.1-1988 (POSIX.1)." — XPG3-XPG4 Base Migration Guide, Version 2, X/Open Company Limited, ISBN: 1-85912-156-X, X/Open Document Number: G501,, p. 6, Apex Plaza, Forbury Road, Reading, Berkshire, RG1 1AX, United Kingdom, December 1995, Part 1: General Information, Chapter 1 Introduction, 1.3 Conformance to Standards.

The deltas listed for the interfaces agree (ibid., Part 3: System Interfaces and Headers Migration, Chapter 7 System Interfaces, all functions cf*( ) and tc*( ), pp. 127-128, 204-207) (ibid., Chapter 8 Headers, 8.3 Header Migration Information, <termios.h>, p. 235), so this is a reasonable proxy (± X/OPEN bugs) to the interface of Issue 3 (and Issue 2, presumably, it's hinted it used a draft ("IEEE P1003.1 Trial Use Standard (April 1986)" – Issue 3 Volume 1, Referenced Documents, p. xii)).

"{_POSIX_VDISABLE}" is defined as

Terminal special characters defined in <termios.h> §7.1.2 can be disabled using this character value, if it is defined. See tcgetattr() and tcsetattr() §7.2.1.
which is as present-day — IEEE Standard Portable Operating System Interface for Computer Environments 1003.1 POSIX, SH12211, IEEE Std 1003.1-1988, FIPS PUB 151-1, ISBN 1-55937-003-3,, p. 48, The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc, 345 East 47th Street, New York, NY 10017, USA, August 22, 1988, Table 2-9. Execution-Time Symbolic Constants.

And "{_POSIX_JOB_CONTROL}" as "If this symbol is defined, it indicates that the implementation supports job control." ibid., Table 2-8. Compile-Time Symbolic Constants — this is echoed through setpgid() (ibid., 4. Process Environment, 4.3 Process Groups., 4.3.3 Set Process Group ID for Job Control.), tcgetpgrp() (ibid., 7. Device- and Class-Specific Functions, 7.2 General Terminal Interface Control Functions., 7.2.3 Get Foregroud Process Group ID., p. 139), and tcsetpgrp() (ibid., 7.2.4 Set Foregroud Process Group ID.), all of which are allowed to ENOSYS out if job control is not implemented.

Job control is defined succinctly (ibid., 2, 2.3 General Terms., job control., p. 31) as

A facility that allows users to selectively stop (suspend) the execution of processes and contiue (resume) their execution at a later point. The user typically employs this facility via the interactive interface jointly supplied by the terminal I/O driver and a command interpreter. Conforming implementations may optionally support job control facilities; the presence of this option is indicated to the application at compile time or run time by the definition of the {_POSIX_JOB_CONTROL} symbol; see Symbolic Constants §2.10).
This agrees with Seventh Edition, Virtual VAX-11 Version, November, 1980 more so than AT&T System V Release 2 UNIX, and this is confirmed in IEEE Std 1003.1-1988, Appendix B. Rationale and Notes, B.2 Definitions and General Requirements., B.2.3 General Terms., job control. (pp. 197-201; yes, four and a half pages), Implementing Job Control Systems, para. 1 (p. 200):
The intent in adding 4.2BSD-style job control functionality was to adopt the nedessary 4.2BSD programmatic interface with only minimal changes to resolve syntactic or semantic conflicts with System V or to close recognized security holes.

Indeed, it's much more useful to look at the interface through the lens of the rationale — ibid., B.7 Device- and Class-Specific functions. (pp. 258-265) Appendix B. Rationale and Notes, B.7 Device- and Class-Specific functions. — "After considerable debate, a structure similar to, but more flexible than, the AT&T System III termio was agreed upon. The format of that structure, referred to as the termios structure, has formed the basis for the current section.", and brings with it in particular new tc*()-group functions which universally replace the traditional ioctl() agglomeration: tcsettattr() for TCSETA (and the rest, but unnoted; see below) and tc[gs]etpgrp() for TIOC[GS]PGPRP (ibid., B.7.2 General Terminal Interface Control Functions., B.7.2.3 Get Foreground Process Group ID. and B.7.2.4 Set Foreground Process Group ID., p. 265; "except for the additional security restriction that the referenced terminal must be the controlling terminal for the calling process" for both and "the specified new process group must be currnetly in use in the caller's session" for the latter), since they allow for full (any) type-checking, and for "networked implementations" it's impossible to pass arbitrary ioctl()s through, since "only the device driver knows for sure" in which direction data flows (ibid., B.7, paras. 9-15, p. 259).

The standard specifies that if an attempt to set the input baud rate to zero is made by cfsetispeed(), the input baud rate will be instead set to the output baud rate by cfsetispeed(). This allows implementations to provide support for split baud rates or not.
which is a bit of a cop-out (and, frankly, frivolous, since no-one has ever used them) in conjunction with
In historical implementations, the baud rate information is traditionally kept in c_cflag. Applications should be written to presume that this might be the case (and thus not blindly copy c_cflag) but not to rely on it, in case it is in some other field of the structure. Settinf the c_cflag field absolutely after setting a baud rate is a bad idea because of this.
(ibid., B.7.1 General Terminal Interface., B.7.1.2 Settable Prameters., B. Baud Rate Functions., p. 264); note also that "traditionally" starts at AT&T System III UNIX, which'd successfully shed the "just put device registers" day-one legacy, which is introduced, if anything.

Ibid., B. Special Control Characters.(!, p. 263) concedes that "Permitting VMIN and VTIME to overlap with VEOF and VEOL was a compromise", and that "Only when backwards compatibility of object code is a serious concern to an implementor should an implementation continue this practice.". Indeed, why AT&T System III UNIX did it, besides saving two bytes, is a mystery.


The alternate behavior possible when ECHOK or ECHOE are specified with ICANON is permitted as a cmpromise depending on what the actual hardware can do. Erasing characters and lines is preferred, but is not always possible.
(ibid., B. Local Modes.), and
Although a more optimal structure for implementations may be possible, the degree of change to applications would be significantly larger.
(ibid., B. termios Structure., p. 262).

The removal of all c_oflag values sans OPOST (ibid., 7, 7.1 General Terminal Interface., 7.1.2 Settable Parameters., Output Modes., p. 129) is rationalised as "There is nothing that a a portable application should do to its output for a terminal because that would require knowledge of the operation of the terminal. It is the responsibility of the operating system to provide postprocessing appropriate to the output device", and "Extensions to the standard to control the type of postprocessing already exist, and are expected to continue into the future. The control of these features is primarily to adjust the interface between the system and the terminal device so the output appears on the display correctly. This should be set up before use by any application." (ibid., Appendix B, B.7, B.7.1, B.7.1.2, B. Output Modes., p. 263).

VERASE is explicitly intended to erase by character, with proper handling of multibyte characters; at time of writing (appx. 34 years after this publication) a survey of common implementations reveals that this holds for Linux (if and input is UTF-8) and the illumos gate (which nevertheless fails). Analogously, t_werasc, spelled "4.3BSD"'s "WERASE character",

has not been specified in the standard because it is difficult to define in the international environment. It is only useful for languages were words are delimited by blanks In some idoegraphic languages, such as Japanese and Chinese, words are not delimited at all. The WERASE character should presumably take one back to the beginning of a sentence in those cases: practically, this means it would not get much use for those languages.
(ibid., B.7.1.1 Interface Characteristics., B. Canonical Mode Input Processing., p. 262).

Minutiae realign 4.2BSD job control edge cases (orphan processes EIOing instead of being killed) with present-day semantics (ibid., B. Terminal Access Control., p. 261, cf. ibid., 6. Input and Output Primitives, 6.4 Input and Output., 6.4.2 Write to a File., Errors., p. 115).

While "normal" controlling teletype allocation (getty) is outside the scope of the standard, open() isn't, so in another compromise;

The Working Group did not wish to require the traditional behavior, because it is not very straightforward or flexible for either implementations or applications. However, because of its prevalence, it was not practical to disallow this behavior either.
So O_NOCTTY is created "to allow applicaitons to avoid unintentionally acquiring a controlling terminal as a side-effect of opening a terminal file.", as present-day — ibid., Appendix B, B.5 Files and Directories., B.5.3 General File Creation., B.5.3.1 Open a File., para. 7, p. 244; ibid., B.7, B.7.1, B.7.1.1, B. The Controlling Terminal., pp. 260-261.

"The issue of modem control was excluded from POSIX" because Europeans didn't care (ibid., B.7, paras. 16-19, p. 260). It's unclear what this refers to.

It definitely shows why "This section has probably undergone more debate and revision than any other in the standard." (ibid., B.7, p. 258)!

With this in mind, it is now prudent to look at the re-defined teletype interface, unsullied by hard compatibility. Chapter 7 — ibid., pp. 123-140 — is indeed most similar to Release 3.0 tty(4), in that it also describes the controlling teletype and doesn't contain swtch. Of course, the new O_NONBLOCK flag is explicitly noted as equivalent to CLOCAL for open() (IEEE Std 1003.1-1988, 7., 7.1, 7.1.1. Interface Characteristics., Opening a Terminal Device File.. para. 2, p. 123), "If the implementation supports job control (if {_POSIX_JOB_CONTROL} is defined", "A terminal may have a foreground process group associated with it" which is what plays the "special role" for signal-generating characters instead of the "control terminal", and tc[gs]etpgrp() and setsid(), rather than [gs]etpgrp(), are meaningful in controlling it (ibid., Process Groups.) (and O_NOCTTY prevents it allocation; ibid., The Controlling Terminal., p. 124).

Conversely, ibid., Terminal Access Control. inserts the 4.2 Berkeley Software Distribution phonotactics governing SIGTTIN/SIGTTOU and TOSTOP for background process groups doing I/O or teletype mode control.

"{MAX_CHAR} in early drafts" of the standard is re-spelled as "{MAX_INPUT}" for obvious reasons (ibid., Appendix B, B.2, B.2.9 Numerical Limits., B.2.9.5 Pathname Variable Values), and

The system may impose a limit, {MAX_INPUT}, on the number of bytes that may be stored i nthe input queue. The behavior of the system when the limit is exceeded is implementation-defined.
Similarly, for all of the c_[iocl]flag and c_cc fields, the default values are implementation-defined (ibid., 7, 7.1, 7.1.1, Input Processing and Reading Data., p. 125).

"If {MAX_CANON} is defined for this terminal device, it is a limit on the number of bytes in a line." with implementation-defined results if overrun (ibid., Canonical Mode Input Processing., para. 2). The only new thing about these limits is nomenclature — the Minimum Value (prefixed with _POSIX_) is for both (notably, 1 less than heretofore documented; ibid., Table 2-5. Pathnale Variable Values, p. 46; ibid., Table 2-2. Minimum Values, p. 45).

For -icanon, when setting min > {MAX_INPUT}, "the response to the request" is explicitly implementation-defined (even though it falls out of the usual definition for this limit; ibid., Appendix B, 7, 7.1, 7.1.1, Non-Canonical Mode Input Processing., p. 126), and the min time interactions are editorialised to twice the volume, but remain at no functional change (ibid.,, pp. 126-127).

Ibid., Special Characters. (pp. 127-128) are, naturally, editorialised, with the targets for intr quit now being the same as for susp (below), and see the addition of:

SUSP If job control is supported (see Special Control Characters §, the SUSP special character is recognized on input. If the ISIG flag is enabled, receipt of the SUSP character causes a SIGTSTP signal to be sent to all processes in the foreground process group for which the terminal is the controlling terminal, and the SUSP character is discarded when processed.
CR Special character on input and is recognized if the ICANON flag is set; it is the '\r'. When ICANON and ICRNL are set and IGNCR is not set, this character is translated into a NL, and has the same effect as a NL character.
"It is implementaiton-defined whether the START and STOP characters can be changed." — this covers both ≥Release 3.0 and ≥Seventh Edition; but "The values for INTR, QUIT, ERASE, KILL, EOF, EOL, and SUSP (job control only), shall be changeable to suit individual tastes.". "If {_POSIX_VDISABLE} is in effect for the terminal file" ([f]pathconf(_PC_VDISABLE) isn't -1: IEEE Std 1003.1-1988, Table 5-2. Configurable Pathname Variables, p. 105), "special character functions associated with changeable special control characters can be disalbed individually", as present-day; if any two overlap, it's "undefined" what happens. Provisions are made for context-based disambiguation, like: "an implementation may define multibyte sequences that have a meaning different from the meaning of the bytes when considered individually." if iexten; the example is a red herring — this provision is actually for \-escaping erase kill eof, allowing for preservation of historical behaviour.

Ibid., 7, 7.1, 7.1.1, Modem Disconnect. (p. 128) concretifies hangup ∧ -clocalSIGHUP, retains subsequent read()s returning empty, and defines subsequent write()s to EIO – this appears to be new behaviour.

HUPCL is defined to take place after committing all output and flushing input, rather than instantly: this is the same behaviour as Release 3.0, but undocumented (IEEE Std 1003.1-1988, 7, 7.1, 7.1.1, Closing a Terminal Device File.).

Ibid., 7.1.2,, incl. Table 7-1-Table 7-5 (pp. 129-134) correspond to the bulk of the remainder of tty(4), and are reproduced faithfully below.

Table 7-1. termios Structure
Member Array Member Description
Type Size Name

tcflag_t c_iflag Input modes
tcflag_t c_oflag Output modes
tcflag_t c_cflag Control modes
tcflag_t c_lflag Local modes
cc_t NCCS c_cc Control characters
Where both types are "unsigned integral types" (as present-day, with the missing requirement of being smaller than a long), and the structure not being limited to these members.

Table 7-2. termios c_iflag Field
Mask Description

BRKINT Signal interrupt on break.
ICRNL Map CR to NL on input.
IGNBRK Ignore break condition.
IGNCR Ignore CR.
IGNPAR Ignore characters with parity errors.
INLCR Map NL to CR on input.
INPCK Enable input parity check.
ISTRIP Strip character.
IXOFF Enable start/stop input control.
IXON Enable start/stop output control.
PARMRK Mark parity errors.
Sans the removal of IUCLC (since characters are possibly multi-byte) and IXANY (unnoted, likely just doesn't really matter) the table is unchanged.

Long break conditions are explicitly amalgamated (cf. ibid., Appendix B, B.7, B.7.1, B.7.1.2, B. Input Modes., p. 263), and, if -ignbrk brkint, clear I/O queues and SIGINT the foreground process group (the former is unnoted in Release 3.0, nor is the target of the latter).

VSTART and VSTOP are only allowed to be discarded from the input if ixon (rather than always). The wording doesn't change, other than by omission, so ixon is allowed to function in either [-]ixany mode.

IXOFF is described more verbosely and explicitly mentions {MAX_INPUT}, but "The precise conditions under which STOP and START characters are transmitted are implementation-defined.". Output Modes.

Mask Description

OPOST Perform output processing.
"If OPOST is set, output data is processed in an implementation-defined fashion so that lines of text are modified to appear appropriately on the terminal device, otherwise characters are transmitted without change.", see above.

Table 7-3. termios c_cflag Field
Mask Description

CLOCAL Ignore modem status lines.
CREAD Enable receiver.
CSIZE Number of bits per byte*:
  CS5   5 bits
  CS6   6 bits
  CS7   7 bits
  CS8   8 bits
CSTOPB Send two stop bits, else one.
HUPCL Hang up on last close.
PARENB Parity enable.
PARODD Odd parity, else even.

*CSIZE has historically described "character" size.
See above for the reasoning for moving speeds, or below for the new list.

Oddly, CREAD is not rephrased in terms of bytes.
If hupcl, "The modem connection shall be broken." when the last file descriptor is closed.
Despite the age of this publication, provisions are made:

If the object for which the control modes are set is not an asynchronous serial connection, some of the modes may be ignored; for example, if an attempt is made to set the baud rate on a network connection to a terminal on another host, the baud rate may or may not be set on the connection between that terminal and the machine it is directly connected to.

Table 7-4. termios c_lflag Field
Mask Description

ECHO Enable echo.
ECHOE Echo ERASE as an error-correcting backspace.
ECHONL Echo '\n'.
ICANON Canonical input (erase and kill processing).
IEXTEN Enable extended (implementation-defined) functions.
ISIG Enable signals.
NOFLSH Disable flush after interrupt, quit, or suspend.
TOSTOP Send SIGTTOU for background output.
XCASE is replaced with IEXTEN; ISIG and NOFLSH expectedly mention "SUSP (job control only)". The TOSTOP description matches the Seventh Edition, Virtual VAX-11 Version, November, 1980 LTOSTOP one verbatim.

IEXTEN is fully defined as

If IEXTEN is set, implementation-defined functions shall be recognized from the input data. It is implementation-defined how IEXTEN being set interacts with ICANON, ISIG, IXON, or IXOFF. If IEXTEN is not set, then implementation-defined functions shall not be recognized and the cooresponding input characters shall be processed for ICANON, ISIG, IXON, and IXOFF.

The description for TOSTOP derives heavily from the Seventh Edition, Virtual VAX-11 Version, November, 1980 one as well (though, naturally, process groups aren't "distinguished" any-more).

ECHO is not rephrased in terms of bytes.

shall cause the terminal to erase the last character in the current line from the display, if possible. If there is no character to erase, an implementaion may echo an indication that this was the case or do nothing.
if icanon — this allows for the Release 3.0 behaviour of icanon echo echok yielding "\b \b" and icanon -echo echok " \b".
If icanon, ECHOK is allowed to either "erase the line from the display" — like Seventh Edition, Virtual VAX-11 Version, November, 1980 LCRTKIL — or "echo the '\n' character after the KILL character" — like Release 3.0.

Table 7-6. termios c_cc Special Control Characters
Subscript Usage
Canonical Non-Canonical Description
Mode Mode

VEOF EOF character
VEOL EOL character
VERASE ERASE character
VKILL KILL character
VMIN MIN value
"Implementations that do not support job control may ignore the SUSP character value in the c_cc array indexed by the VSUSP susbscript.", and similarly for start stop, but for them they "shall return the value in use when tcgetattr is called.".

Even if disabling is supported and enabled, "If ICANON is not set, the value of {_POSIX_VDISABLE} has no special meaning for the VMIN and VTIME entries of the c_cc array.".

Speed control is moved to the appropriately-named IEEE Std 1003.1-1988, 7, 7.1, 7.1.2, Baud Rate Functions. (pp. 134-135), with cf[gs]et[io]speed() — these either take or return speed_t (defined the same way as tcflag_t). The only surprising part is that cfsetispeed(B0) sets the input speed to be the same as the output speed, and only cfsetospeed(B0) actually hangs up. The pre-defined speeds follow.

Table 7-6. termios Baud Rate Values
Name Description Name Description

B0 Hang up B600 600 baud
B50 50 baud B1200 1200 baud
B75 75 baud B1800 1800 baud
B110 110 baud B2400 2400 baud
B134 134.5 baud B4800 4800 baud
B150 150 baud B9600 9600 baud
B200 200 baud B19200 19200 baud
B300 300 baud B38400 38400 baud

Ibid., 7.2, 7.2.1 Get and Set State. (pp. 136-137) provides tcgetattr() as an equivalent for ioctl(TCGETA) and

tcsetattr(TCSANOW) for ioctl(TCSETA),
tcsetattr(TCSADRAIN) for ioctl(TCSETAW), and
tcsetattr(TCSAFLUSH) for ioctl(TCSETAF).
Descriptions for the former decidedly mirror those for the latter.

UNIX® System V Release 4

"login id" becomes "login ID"; "common terminal speeds" are now "300, 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200, and 38400 baud" — UNIX® System V Release 4 User's Reference Manual, ISBN 0-13-947037-9,, para. 1, p. 4, AT&T: UNIX Software Operation, 1990, Introduction, How to Get Started, Logging In.

The special-character spelling is updated to the more reasonable "CTRL-s" (ibid., How to Communicate Through Your Terminal, para. 4, p. 6).

Unfortunately, "The shell layer manager continues to be supported in Release 4.0.", but "Release 4.0 offers an optional shell (jsh) that features a new implementation of job control that conforms to the POSIX standard." (of course, csh and the KornShell are also available, but the former is far cry from normal-sh-but-with-job-control) — UNIX® System V Release 4 Migration Guide, ISBN 0-13-933821-7,, p. 3-3, AT&T: UNIX Software Operation, 1990, 3. Migrating from Release 2, Release 2.0 Features, Shell Engancements (Job Control).

Worryingly, however,

In Release 4.0, the entire terminal (tty) subsystem in the kernel has been rewritten to use the STREAMS mechanism. The move to a STREAMS implementation increases the modularity of the tty subsystem and procides a more flexible framework for future enchancements. Pseudo-ttys (ptys) have been implemented under STREAMS as well.
And the same happens to pipes. (Ibid., 5. UNIX System V Release 4, Input/Output, STREAMS, p. 5-21)

login(1) loses provisions for the "second »dialup« password", but

If you make five incorrect login attempts, all five may be logged in /var/adm/loginlog (if it exists) and the TTY line will be dropped.
If the "first line of input" (actually just the login-name-and-environment line, so not if invoked from getty) doesn't contain a lower-case character, "the port's termio(7) options" are set to for an upper-case-only terminal (UNIX® System V Release 4 User's Reference Manual, pp. 272-273). These match getty for iuclc olcuc xcase, at least so says my good friend Juliano — UNIX SYSVr4 Source Code,, ATT-SYSVr4/cmd/login/login.c.

Opposite the title page, an ACKNOWLEDGEMENT is found in both UNIX® System V Release 4 User's Reference Manual and UNIX® System V Release 4 Programmer's Reference Manual, ISBN 0-13-947029-8,, Unix System Laboratories, Inc., A Subsidiary of AT&T or AT&T: UNIX Software Operation, 1990.

AT&T gratefully acknowledges the X/Open Company Limited for permission to reproduce portions of its copyrighted X/Open Portability Guide, Issue 3.

Indeed: insofar as the C interface, termios(2) (ibid., pp. 359-362), described succinctly as

termios: tcgetattr, tcsetattr, tcsendbreak, tcdrain, tcflush, tcflow, cfgetospeed, cfgetispeed, tcsetispeed, cfsetospeed, tcgetpgrp, tcsetpgrp, tcgetsid – general terminal interface
corresponds directly, down to the section names included verbatim, to IEEE Std 1003.1-1988 §§ , with the only addition being
Get Terminal Session ID
tcgetsid returns the session ID of the terminal specified by fildes.
which doesn't correspond to any POSIX function, and appears to be the counterpart to setsid() (ibid., 4, 4.3, 4.3.2 Create Session and Set Process Group ID., p. 75) which lives in setsid(2) (UNIX® System V Release 4 Programmer's Reference Manual, p. 318) and also copies the text verbatim, including some from Appendix B.

termio(7) is generalised slightly to the IEEE Std 1003.1-1988 symbolic limits, "control terminal" becomes "controlling terminal", and daemonisation is achieved by calling setsid() to change session rather than setpgrp() to change the "process grouo" — UNIX® System V Release 4 System Files and Devices Reference Manual for Motorola Processors, ISBN 0-13-035874-6,, pp. 381-395, AT&T, UNIX System Laboratories, Inc., Motorola, 2900 South Diablo Way, Tempe, Arizona 85282, 1993.

In general, all mentions of layer-based "job control" are pruned, and the compatibility "System V termio structure"'s icanon c_cc is laid out as

7 reserved
(finally!), and LOBLK is lost, but UNIX® System V Release 4 User's Reference Manual continues to have provisions for it (and shl(1)), so it's unclear where exactly it's cut.

Similarly, description of job control largely just adapts various parts of the scattered IEEE Std 1003.1-1988 descriptions. Description of -icanon is verbatim ibid., § and all four subsections (pp. 126-127) (plus some flavour text from the corresponding rationale in §B. (p. 262)), but of icanon is once again generalised to say "The ERASE character (by default, the character #)" rather than "By default, the character #" (and likewise for kill). werase is freshly defined as:

The WERASE character (the character control-W) erases the last "word" typed in the current output line (but not any preceding spaces or tabs). A "word" is defined as a sequence of non-blank characters, with tabs counted as blanks.
This is the wording in ibid., §B. (p. 262). Similarly,
The REPRINT character (the character control-R) prints a newline followed by all characters that have not been read. Reprinting also occurs automatically if characters that would normally be erased from the screen are fouled by program output. The characters are reprinted as if they were being echoed; consequencely, if ECHO is not set, they are not printed.
Being "fouled by" brands the first two sentences as good but nevertheless obvious adaptation of the Seventh Edition, Virtual VAX-11 Version, November, 1980 description. Being predicated on echo is undocumented there, but matches the actual behaviour (ibid., usr/src/sys/dev/ttynew.c, ntyretype(), ntyecho()).

In the Special Control Characters summary, intr quit spell it "a SIGQUIT signal"/"a SIGINT signal" instead of "a quit signal"/"an interrupt signal", but target "all frequent processes associated with the controlling terminal" (i.e., only "frequent" is added, and it's unclear how that makes it be job-controlly). erase kill finally correctly list eol2 as a character they won't erase past.

The unchanged-since-Release 3.0 eof trimming paragraph is moved up and extended with echoctl as

The EOF character is not echoed unless it is escaped or ECHOCTL is set. Because EOT is the default EOF character, this prevents terminals that respond to EOT from hanging up.

The "The start/stop characters can not be changed or escaped." sentence is lost. swtch is the only remnant of layer-based "job control"; its new description and the new synopses follow.

WERASE (CTRL-W or ASCII ETX) erases the preceding "word". It does not erase beyond the start of a line, as delimited by a NL, EOF, EOL, or EOL2 character.
REPRINT (CTRL-R or ASCII DC2) reprints all characters, preceded by a newline, that have not been read.
SWTCH (CTRL-Z or ASCII EM) is used only when shl layers is invoked.
SUSP (CTRL-Z or ASCII SUB) generates a SIGTSTP signal. SIGTSTP stops all processes in the foreground process group for that terminal.
DSUSP (CTRL-Y or ASCII EM) generates a SIGTSTP signal as SUSP does, but the signal is sent when a process in the foreground process group attempts to read the DSUSP character, rather than when it is typed.
DISCARD (CTRL-O or ASCII SI) causes subsequent output to be discarded. Output is discarded until another DISCARD character is typed, more input arrives, or the condition is cleared by a program.
LNEXT (CTRL-V or ASCII SYN) causes the special meaning of the next character to be ignored. This works for all the special characters mentioned above. It allows characters to be input that would otherwise be interpreted by the system (for example, KILL, QUIT).

The most obvious idiocy here is that ^Z is SUB (that's even internally inconsistent!), and the CNSWTCH/CSWTCH dichotomy is still there and it's initialised to CNSWTCH (UNIX SYSVr4 Source Code, ATT-SYSVr4/uts/i386/sys/termios.h, ATT-SYSVr4/uts/i386/io/ldterm.c).

These new Special Control Characters are all the same functionally and phonotactically as in 4.2 Berkeley Software Distribution, sans the "DISCARD" t_flushc spelling.

_POSIX_VDISABLE is 0, so eol eol2 swtch are all disabled by default (this also means that the default eol description continues to be wrong, but for a different reason this time, but oh well).

\-escaping erase kill eof is mentioned again here and doesn't appear to be predicated on IEXTEN; this is a very clear violation of the standard.

struct termios consists only of the POSIX-prescribed members, with tcflag_t and speed_t being unsigned longs and cc_t an unsigned char; the -icanon c_cc listing is the same as for struct termio, but for icanon, expectedly, it grows to:

16-19 reserved
The "VSTRT" is wacky: it's a typo; it's correctly VSTART in <sys/termios.h>. "VDISCRD" is equally wacky and equally just the editor's sticky keyboard. Conversely, the VSWTCH default is magically correct here.

Input Modes see the subsumption of all descriptions with their IEEE Std 1003.1-1988 equivalents, if there is one (i.e. not for IUCLC, IXANY and additionally not for IX*), though sometimes very poorly copied (as in "If INPCK is not set"), and with "bytes" reverted to "characters", plus the addition of

IMAXBEL Echo BEL on input line too long.
described as
If IMAXBEL is set, the ASCII BEL character is echoed if the input stream overflows. Further input is not stored, but any input already present in the input stream is not disturbed. If IMAXBEL is not set, no BEL character is echoed, and all input present in the input queue is discarded if the input stream overflows.
Which is spelled so obnoxiously as to sound a like standardese, but isn't; -imaxbel corresponds to the classic behaviour, and imaxbel – to that of Seventh Edition, Virtual VAX-11 Version, November, 1980 Ns 's NTTYDISC.

"The initial input control value is BRKINT, ICRNL, IXON, ISTRIP."

Output Modes see the addition of Seventh Edition Ns -style XTABS TAB3 alias.

"The initial output control value is OPOST, ONLCR, TAB3."

The mysterious RCV1EN XMT1EN and the all-too-well-described LOBLK Control Modes are removed in favour of

CIBAUD Input baud rate, if different from output rate
PAREXT Extended parity for mark and space parity

The former is exquisitely-adapted for the specific IEEE Std 1003.1-1988 split-speed interface:

If the CIBAUD bits are not zero, they specify the input baud rate, with the CBAUD bits specifying the output baud rate; otherwise, the output and input baud rates are both specified by the CBAUD bits. The values for the CIBAUD bits are the same as the values for the CBAUD bits, shifted left IBSHIFT bits.

The latter is undescribed and doesn't appear to be used at all outside the userland.

"The initial hardware control value after open is B300, CS8, CREAD, HUPCL."

Local Modes grow

TOSTOP Send SIGTTOU for background output.
ECHOCTL Echo control characters as ^char, delete as ^?.
ECHOPRT Echo erase character as character erased.
ECHOKE BS-SP-BS erase entire line on line kill.
FLUSHO Output is being flushed.
PENDIN Retype pending input at next read or input character.
IEXTEN Enable extended (implementation-defined) functions.

Of these, FLUSHO is the discard companion, equally as present-day as LFLUSHO was in Seventh Edition, Virtual VAX-11 Version, November, 1980. Likewise for [L]TOSTOP, which bears the IEEE Std 1003.1-1988 description.

ECHOCTL, ECHOPRT, and ECHOKE act as present-day re-spellings of LCTLECH, LPRTERA, and LCRTKIL. Similarly for [L]PENDIN, which has no present-day equivalent, and which bears in its only kernel-side usage, in ldterm.c (i.e. ldterm(7) — "standard STREAMS terminal line discipline module" — UNIX® System V Release 4 System Files and Devices Reference Manual for Motorola Processors, pp. 159-161):

 * Yuk.  The C shell file completion code actually
 * uses this "feature", so we have to support it.

ISIG and ICANON's domains grow by the new Special Control Characters and eol2.

If IEXTEN is set, the following implemnetation-defined functions are enabled: special characters (WERASE, REPRINT, DISCARD, and LNEXT) and local flags (TOSTOP, ECHOCTL, ECHOPRT, ECHOKE, FLUSHO, and PENDIN).
a more rigorous analysis may nickel-and-dime the system on the extension gating, or bring up this from ldterm.c:
 * EOL2/XCASE should be conditioned with IEXTEN to be truly POSIX conformant. 
 * This is going to cause problems for pre-SVR4.0 programs that don't
 * know about IEXTEN. Hence EOL2/IEXTEN is not conditioned with IEXTEN.

"The initial line-discipline control value is ISIG, ICANON, ECHO, ECHOK,"

struct winsize is explicitly noted now in the Terminal Size section, alongside its TIOC[GS]WINSZ ioctl()s. The ioctl()s taking struct termios, to which termios(2) decays, all correspond to the struct termio ones but with the final A substituted for S, just like X/OPEN Portability Guide (July 1985) fore-told.

A consequence of making the teletype interface layered, ttcompat(7) (ibid., pp. 413-418), described as "V7, 4BSD and XENIX STREAMS compatibility module" isn't insane as it sounds; of course, it is insane in just how relatively well it manages to map the entirely different and completely unrelated format of Seventh Edition, Virtual VAX-11 Version, November, 1980 struct sgttyb/struct ltchars with sometimes-unmappable modes to something that makes relative sense and provides a sufficient compatibility layer to Just work.

stty(1) (UNIX® System V Release 4 User's Reference Manual, pp. 432-437) escapes accents properly and removes the swtch/shl(1)/layers(1) paragraph. There are two new sets of modes for controlling the serial/modem hardware (Hardware Flow Control Modes and Clock Modes), which correspond to termiox(7) (UNIX® System V Release 4 System Files and Devices Reference Manual for Motorola Processors, pp. 396-400) but are otherwise outside the scope of this document, because most of them biblio down to single pins in EIA-232-D.

"0" hangs up "line", rather than "phone line"; "hupcl(-hupcl)" loses "Dataphone" and just hangs up "connection".

Input mode Description
parext(-parext) enable (disable) extended parity generation and detection for mark and space parity.
ispeed 0 110 300 600 1200 1800 2400 4800 9600 19200 38400
Set terminal input baud rate to the number given, if possible. (Not all hardware supports split baud rates.) If the input baud rate is set to zero, the input baud rate will be specified by the value of the output baud rate.
ospeed 0 110 300 600 1200 1800 2400 4800 9600 19200 38400
Set terminal output baud rate to the number given, if possible. (Not all hardware supports split baud rates.) If the output baud rate is set to zero, the line will be hung up immediately.

Input Modes-wise, "ixon(-ixon)" sends start stop rather than hard DC1/DC3. This courtesy is not extended to "ixany(-ixany)" (in description only; -ixany does actually accept the current start).

Local mode Description
tostop(-tostop) send (do not send) SIGTTOU when background processes write to the terminal.
echoctl(-echoctl) echo (do not echo) control characters as ^char, delete as ^?
echoprt(-echoprt) echo (do not echo) erase character as character is "erased".
echoke(-echoke) BS-SP-BS erase (do not BS-SP-BS erase) entire line on line kill.
flusho(-flusho) output is (is not) being flushed
pendin(-pendin) retype (do not retype) pending input at next read or input character.
iexten(-iexten) enable (disable) extended (implementation-defined) functions for input data.

"control character c" grows all the new characters, except min time which are split off, as below. Despite the long index macro, VREPRINT is rprnt.

Control assignment Description
min, time number Set the value of min or time to number. MIN and TIME are used in Non-Canonical mode input processing (-icanon)

Combination mode Description
spacep enable parenb, cs7, and parext.
markp enable parenb, cs7, parodd, and parext.
-parity, or -evenp disable parenb, and set cs8.
-oddp disable parenb and parodd, and set cs8.
-spacep disable parenb and parext, and set cs8
-markp disable parenb, parodd, and parext, and set cs8
async set normal asynchronous communications wehre clock settigns are xcibrg, rcibrg, tsetcoff, rsetcoff.
"-parity, or -evenp" retain the old (present-day) semantics, "-oddp" is changed to violate Issue 3; this (and spelling tab3 correctly, and POSIX-conformant 0/hang-up semantics (cf. X/Open CAE Specification, System Interface Definitions Issue 4, Version 2; X/Open CAE Specification, System Interfaces and Headers Issue 4, Version 2; X/Open CAE Specification, Commands and Utilities Issue 4, Version 2)) is the only incompatibility.

There's also a new Window Size section, corresponding directly to struct winsize members, outlined below. "rows" is as present-day; "columns" similarly, but survives as cols in IEEE Std 1003.1-202x (“POSIX.1”), Draft 2.1.

Window size Description
rows n set window size to n rows.
columns n set window size to n columns.
ypixels n set verical window size to n pixels.
xpixels n set horizontal window size to n pixels.

UNIX SYSVr4 Source Code, ATT-SYSVr4/cmd/ttymon/sttytable.c reveals that "spacep" is additionally -parodd, and that "loblk(-loblk)" is excluded from the PDP-11 implicitly (by the system not even remotely targeting it), rather than explicitly.

As hinted at, min time are parsed as decimal integers if they start with a digit (and like normal Special Control Characters otherwise; ibid., ATT-SYSVr4/cmd/ttymon/sttyparse.c). The Window Sizes are always parsed as decimal integers.

Accepting "line i" is predicated on not being attached to a termio(7)-only STREAM; conversely, accepting the new modes is predicated on being attached to a termios(7)-capable one.

On termios(7)-capable STREAMS, if a split speed is set and if the speeds are actually different, they're written as "ispeed is baud; ospeed os baud;" (ibid., ATT-SYSVr4/cmd/ttymon/stty.c). Bare/dual speeds are configured as present-day (input speed zeroed, output speed set).

The default-output cread sign mismatch bug is fixed; "parenb parext parodd" agglomerates to "" and "parenb parext -parodd" – "".

On TIOC[GS]WINSZ-capable STREAMS, the window size is written as

rows = rows; columns = cols; ypixels = ; xpixels = ;

If -icanon, min time are always written as

min = min; time = time;
eol2 is listed after after eol and on termios(7)-capable STREAMS, the new characters are written in index order.

All new modes are default-off for purposes of no-argument output. The -g mode is, naturally, longer, since NCCS > NCC, but all inputs that don't have the exact field count for the termios(7)-generated output are trimmed to termio(7) length.

A 4.3BSD-like stty is also found in /usr/ucb. It's been heavily tinkered with, but it retains most, if not all, of its idiosynchracies.

Includes what is essentially Release 3.0 stty(1) appropriately transduced to the "POSIX.1 {8} termios interface" — Standards Project, Draft Standard for Information Technology — Portable Operating System Interface (POSIX), Part 2: Shell and Utilities, IEEE P1003.2 Draft 11.2, ISO/IEC CD 9945-2.2, JTC,, pp. 613-622 (ll. 12124-12469), 346 East 47th Street, New York, NY 10017, USA, September 1991, Section 4: Execution Environment Utilities, 4.59 stty — Set the options for a terminal. This is a of IEEE Std 1003.2-1992, naturally, but I was able to confirm with ▒▒▒▒▒▒ that no further changes to stty occurred before the ratified version; additionally, this is the final draft before the one marked "[IEEE Standard Board Approves??]" (ibid., Editor's Notes, POSIX.2 Proposed Schedule, l. 256).

The 4.59.1 Synopsis, (ibid., p. 613 (ll. 12125-12127)) reads

stty [ -a | -g ]
stty operands
Without arguments, "it shall report the settings of certain characteristics, usually those that differ from implementation-defined defaults." ("an unspecified subset of the infomration written for the -a option"), with -a – "all the current settings for the terminal", and with -g – "all the current settings in an unspecified form that can be used as arguments to another invocation of the stty utility on the same system" (ibid., 4.59.2 Description & 4.59.3 Options, pp. 613-614 (ll. 12128-12151)). This is as present-day, except that -g is forbidden from yielding any word expansion at all (which makes pluralisation of the Release 3.0 "used as an argument to" phrasing all the more weird).

The modes are all in the same order and start with the same utilitarian descriptions (but add a reference to the specific macro flag they toggle). These are:
IEEE P1003.2 Draft 11.2, 4.59.4 Operands, Control Modes, pp. 614-615 (ll. 12155-12197): all non-speed modes: [-]parenb, [-]parodd, cs[5678] (additionally predicated on ", if possible"), [-]hupcl, [-]hup, [-]cread, [-]clocal;
ibid, Input Modes, pp. 615-616 (ll. 12198-12236): all except [-]ixany (which "could not be implemented on a POSIX.1 {8} system without extensions", but was only noticed after seven drafts — ibid., 4.59.10 Rationale., History of Decisions Made, para. 5 (ll. 12457-12458)): [-]ignbrk, [-]brkint, [-]ignpar, [-]parmrk, [-]inpck, [-]istrip, [-]inlcr, [-]igncr, [-]icrnl, [-]ixon, [-]ixoff;
ibid, Output Modes, p. 616 (ll. 12237-12241): unsurprisingly, just [-]opost:

Since POSIX.1 {8} doesn't specify any output modes, they are not specified in this standard either. Implementations are expected to provide stty operands corresponding to all of the output modes they support.

ibid, Local Modes, pp. 616-617 (ll. 12242-12278): sans [-]xcase (and [-]lfkc): [-]isig (expanded for susp), [-]icanon, [-]echo, [-]echoe, [-]echok, [-]echonl, [-]noflsh;
ibid, Combination Modes, p. 618 (ll. 12332-12344): evenp or parity (additionally enforcing the undocumented "disable parodd"), ek ("back to system defaults"), sane.

Control mode Description
number Set terminal baud rate to the number given, if possible. If the baud date is set to zero, the modem control lines shall no longer be asserted. This shall have the effect of setting the input and output termios baud rate values as defined in POSIX.1 {8}.
ispeed number Set terminal input baud rate to the number given, if possible. If the input baud rate is set to zero, the input baud rate shall be specified by the value of the output baud rate. This shall have the effect of setting the input termios baud rate values as defined in POSIX.1 {8}.
ospeed number Set terminal output baud rate to the number given, if possible. If the output baud rate is set to zero, the modem control lines shall no longer be asserted. This shall have the effect of setting the output termios baud rate values as defined in POSIX.1 {8}.
Note the copy-paste error in ispeed/ospeed, where "and output"/"input and" was removed, but "values" wasn't depluralised. This remains in all standards hence.

"It is unspecified whether stty shall report an error if an attempt to set a Control mode fails." (note the absolutely psycho phrasing, which could only result from hasty partial editing), but "Some combinations of operands are mutually exclusive on some terminal types; the results of using such combinations are unspecified.". It's unclear why you'd have both and ibid. 4.59.8 Exit Status, 0, p. 620 (l. 12403) reading "The terminal options were read or set successfully." if you explicitly specify that any given combination produces unspecified results?

All as present-day, including lack of any particular mapping from the speeds themselves to any of the macros; cf. STANDARDS, Line Speed.

Local mode Description
iexten (-iexten) Enable (disable) any implementation-defined special control characters not currently controlled by icanon, isig, ixon, or ixoff. This shall have the effect of setting (not setting) IEXTEN in the termios c_lflag field, as defined in POSIX.1 {8}.
tostop (-tostop) Send SIGTTOU for background output. …TOSTOP… NOTE: Setting TOSTOP has no effect on systems not supporting the POSIX.1 {8} job control option.

Combination mode Description
saved settings Set the current terminal characteristics to the saved settings produced by the -g option.
nl (-nl) Enable (disable) icrnl. In addition, -nl unsets inlcr and igncr.

"[-]nl" is not only defanged to the standard-available modes, but the keen-eyed reader may have noticed that the first sentence is the exact of what they've been historically (and, trivially, -nl shouldn't carriage-return-to-newline translation).

Naturally, the Output Attributes-dependent modes ([-]lcase/[-]LCASE, [-]tabs) are gone, and equally naturally so are the "term" ones. Much ink is spilled about "options raw and cooked (-raw)",

because the exact values that should be set are not well understood or commonly agreed on. In particular, termios has no explicit RAW bit, and the options that should be re-enabled (-raw) are not clear. General programming practice is to save the terminal state, change the settings for the duration of the program, and then reset the state. …it is not possible for a single invocation of stty to restore the terminal state (-raw) without knowledge of the prior settings. …it is impossible to implement this as a single option.
Also, it is not clear that changing word size and parity is appropriate. For example, requiring that cooked set cs7 and parenb would be disastrous for users working with 8-bit international character sets. In general, these options are to ill-defined to be of any use.
(ibid., 4.69.10, History of Decisions Made, para. 4, pp. 621-622 (ll. 12442-12454)).

Ibid., Special Control Character Assignments, pp. 617-618 (ll. 12279-12231) sees min time extracted as a common "min number", "time number" cell, described identically (±punctuation) to UNIX® System V Release's, and the rest now as "control-character string", which is fundamentally mostly unchanged but harbours what is possibly worst description in the standard:

Set control-character to string. If control-character is one of the charactter sequences in the first column of Table 4-9, the corresponding POSIX.1 {8} control character shall be recognized. This shall have the effect of setting the corresponding element of the termios c_cc array (see POSIX.1 {8} 7.1.2).

Table 4-9 – stty Control Character Names

control-character POSIX.1 {8} Subscript Description

eof VEOF EOF character
eol VEOL EOL character
erase VERASE ERASE character
intr VINTR INTR character
kill VKILL KILL character
quit VQUIT QUIT character
susp VSUSP SUSP character
start VSTART START character
stop VSTOP STOP character

If string is a single characte,r the control character shall be set to that character. If string is the two-character sequence "^-" or the string "undef", the control character shall bes set to {_POSIX_VDISABLE}, if it is in effect for the device; if {_POSIX_VDISABLE} is not in effect for this device, it shall be treated as an error. In the POSIX Locale, if string is a two-character sequence beginning with circumflex (^), and the second character is ont of those listed in the ^c column of Table 4-10, the control character shall be set to the corresponding tharacter value in the Value column of the table.

Table 4-10 – stty Circumflex Control Characters

^c Value ^c Value ^c Value

a, A <SOH> l, L <FF> w, W <ETB>
(this continues for ∀-NUL 31 ascii(7) control characters and their alphabetic 6th- and 7th-bit extensions plus [\]^_; the only interesting line is reproduced below)
j, J <LF> u, U <NAK> ? <DEL>

This is all as present-day, but unhinged, and doesn't stop here. Ibid., 4.59.10, History of Decisions Made, p. 621 para. 2 (ll. 12429-12434), regarding _POSIX_VDISABLE says:

two convenrions currently exist for specifying this: System V uses "^-", and BSD uses undef. Both are accepted by POSIX.2 stty. The other BSD convention of using the letter u was rejected because it connflicts with the actual letter u, which is an acceptable value for a control character.
One may recall that this is false: the only constraint for a Seventh Edition, Virtual VAX-11 Version, December, 1979 stty character argument to become 0xFF is to start with a ‘u’.

IEEE P1003.2 Draft 11.2, para. 3 (ll. 12435-12441) confirms that the "traditional mapping" must be specified in full because

although the mapping corresponds to control-character key assignments on many terinals that use ISO/IEC 646 {1} (or ASCII) character encodings, the mapping specified here is to the control characters, not their keyboard encodings.

The truly revolutionary part here is ibid., 4.59.6 External Effects, Standard Output, pp. 619-620 (ll. 12370-12394), which attempts to arrive at some consensus output format. Of course, this is largely folly, but -a is to write all of §4.59.4 Operands to the standard output stream, and

Unless otherwise specified, this information shall be written as <space>-separated tokens in an unspecified format, on one or more lines, with an unspecified number of tokens per line. Additional information may be written.
Which is a good effort, even if all it means is "don't invent random secret pseudo-modes like Release 3.0 Ns "; furthermore,
if the terminal input speed and output speed are the same, the speed information shall be written as follows:
"speed %d baud;", <speed>
Otherwise, speeds shall be written as:
"ispeed %d baud; ospeed %d baud;", <ispeed>, <ospeed>
with "baud" localisable. "control characters shall be written as:"
"%s = %s;", <control-character name>, <value>
where value is either the character, or some visual representation of the character if it is nonprintable, or the string <undef> if the character is disabled.
This is all as present-day.

The speeds-equal listing is compatible with Seventh Edition, Virtual VAX-11 Version, November, 1980 and Release 3.0; the speeds-different one is saner than all preceding ones.

The Special Control Characters listing format accomodates Release 3.0 (and none of the BSDs, due to their inconsistent separators) that it requires an equal sign before "<undef>" too.

There are obvious parallels to UNIX® System V Release 4 here, naturally, but the causation is likely converse: drafts were in circulation since the beginning of 1989 (IEEE P1003.2 Draft 11.2, POSIX.2 Proposed Schedule, l. 240). The modal additions ([-]iexten, [-]tostop) fall trivially out of the new macros, and their descriptions mirror those in IEEE Std 1003.1-1988; the []speeds, on the other hand, mirror those in IEEE P1003.2 Draft 11.2 and don't follow any previous spelling in system. Extraction of min time in the manual (and allowing numbers) mirror the standard, and the new description is identical. Another sign of influence here is that the "<undef>" spelling gains the now-requisite ; nevertheless, it is not made conformant: -oddp violates both Issue 3 and IEEE P1003.2 Draft 11.2, and modes are still agglomarated, which violates the latter.

The teletype attached to the standard input stream is used for security (cf. write(1)) and redirectability — ibid., 4.59.10, History of Decisions Made, para. 7, p. 622 (ll. 12459-12565) — in contrast to all non-Release 3.0 Ns -derived sttys.

/dev/tty is concerned with shell "procedures" rather than "sequences", but otherwise uses the same verbiage all Seventh Edition Ns -derived systems do (itself only differing from the Sixth Edition one by a "which" becoming a "that"), additionally predicated on the opening process a controlling teletype — IEEE P1003.2 Draft 11.2, Section 2: Terminology and General Requirements, 2.7 Required FIles, p. 109 (ll. 3506-3510) — but omits the part about feeding it to programs that "demand a file name for output, when typed output is desired and it is tiresome to find out which terminal is currently in use", because it never is.

The biggest area of change is a new terminal driver. The terminal driver is similar to the System V terminal driver with the addition of the necessary extensions to get the functionality previously available in the 4.3BSD terminal driver. 4.4BSD also adds the IEEE Std1003.1 job control interface, which is similar to the 4.3BSD job control interface, but adds a security model that was missing in the 4.3BSD job control implementation. A new system call, setsid, creates a job-control session consisting ofa single process group with one member, the caller, that becomes a session leader. Only a session leader may acquire a controlling terminal. This is done explicitly via a TIOCSCTTY ioctl call, not implicitly by an open call. The call fails if the terminal is in use.

With emulation for "both the old ioctl calls and old options to stty" — 4.4BSD User's Reference Manual (URM), ISBN 1-56592-075-9,, Marshall Kirk McKusick, The CSRG Archives, CD-ROM 3, Final Berkeley Releases, 4.4BSD-Lite2, usr/src/share/man/man0/title.urm, Computer Systems Research Group, University of California at Berkeley, April, 1994, Preface, 2. Changes in the Kernel, 2.4. POSIX terminal driver changes.

The typical speeds get bumped to 1200, 2400, and 9600 baud (ibid., Introduction, How to Get Started, Logging in, para. 2).

"The ^U (control-U) character", rather than DEL, is the default kill, and "the delete character (DEL) or sometimes the backspace character (control-H)", rather than just the latter, is the default erase.

lnext replaces ‘\’ as the escape for erase kill, but the wording stays the same (ibid., How to communicate through your terminal., para. 2).

If, in ttys(5), console isn't designated "", init(8) itself will prompt for the root passphrase — 4.4BSD Programmer's Reference Manual (PRM), ISBN 1-56592-078-3,, Marshall Kirk McKusick, The CSRG Archives, CD-ROM 3, Final Berkeley Releases, 4.4BSD-Lite2, usr/src/sbin/init/init.8, Computer Systems Research Group, University of California at Berkeley, April, 1994. tty(4) (ibid., usr/src/share/man/man4/tty.4) becomes a general overview of the teletype subsystem and ioctl() listing; the substantive change is that "The available line disciplines are listed in <sys/termios.h> and currently are:"

TTYDISC Termios interactive line discipline.
TABLDISC Tablet line discipline.
SLIPDISC Serial IP line discipline.
which marks the removal of OTTYDISC and relabeling, with the aforementioned updates, of NTTYDISC, and also I hope they recover from the injury.

Of which TABLDISC is described as

 * Line discipline for RS232 tablets;
 * supplies binary coordinate data.
(ibid., usr/src/sys/kern/tty_tb.c, available since 4.3 Berkeley Software Distribution), where "tablet" is used to mean a digitiser/graphics tablet.

"When the termios line discipline is in effect, the terminal file behaves and is operated according to the rules described in termios(4)." (ibid., usr/src/share/man/man4/termios.4) — "general terminal line discipline" — "describes a general terminal line discipline that is supported on tty asynchronous communication ports.". Job control, its edge cases, controlling teletypes, O_NONBLOCK, [-]icanon processing, base Special Control Characters, and "Modem Disconnect" are IEEE Std 1003.1-1988 verbatim, with choices for implementation-defined behaviour noted, if any. The value of _POSIX_VDISABLE is not listed, but the former -1 recommendation is reused (but spelled as 0xFF since cc_t is unsigned; 4.4BSD Programmer's Reference Manual (PRM), usr/src/sys/sys/termios.h).

{MAX_CANON} is a limit on the number of bytes in a line. The behavior of the system when this limit is exceeded is the same as when the input queue limit {MAX_INPUT}, is exceeded.
This appears to match UNIX® System V Release 4, but is undocumented there.

"The following special characters are extensions defined by this system and are not a part of 1003.1 termios.". eol's verbatim inclusion in the base listing essentially re-spells t_brkc.

EOL2 Secondary EOL character. Same function as EOL.
WERASE Special character on input and is recognized if the ICANON flag is set. Erases the last word in the current line according to one of two algorithms. If the ALTWERASE flag is not set, first any preceding whitespace is erased, and then the maximal sequence of non-whitespace characters. If ALTWERASE is set, first any preceding whitespace is erased, and then the maximal sequence of alphabetic/underscores or non alphabetic/underscores. As a special case in this second algorithm, the first previous non-whitespace character is skipped in determining whether the preceding word is a sequence of alphabetic/undercores. This sounds confusing but turns out to be quite practical.
REPRINT Special character on input and is recognized if the ICANON flag is set. Causes the current input edit line to be retyped.
DSUSP Has similar actions to the SUSP character, except that the SIGTSTP signal is delivered when one of the processes in the foreground process group issues a read() to the controlling terminal.
LNEXT Special character on input and is recognized if the IEXTEN flag is set. Receipt of this character causes the next character to be taken literally.
DISCARD Special character on input and is recognized if the IEXTEN flag is set. Receipt of this character toggles the flushing of terminal output.
STATUS Special character on input and is recognized if the ICANON flag is set. Receipt of this character causes a SIGINFO signal to be sent to the foreground process group of the terminal. Also, if the NOKERNINFO flag is not set, it causes the kernel to write a status message to the terminal that displays the current load average, the name of the command in the foreground, its process ID, the symbolic wait channel, the number of user and system seconds used, the percentage of cpu the process is getting, and the resident set size of the process.

Of these, eol2 is new (presumably for compatibility with UNIX® System V Release 4), and so is (and the rest of the infrastructure it describes). No note is made about automatic REPRINT on fouling.

"Values of the c_iflag field describe the basic terminal input control, and are composed of following masks:"

Input mode Description
IGNBRK /* ignore BREAK condition */
IGNPAR /* ignore (discard) parity errors */
PARMRK /* mark parity and framing errors */
INPCK /* enable checking of parity errors */
ISTRIP /* strip 8th bit off chars */
INLCR /* map NL into CR */
IGNCR /* ignore CR */
ICRNL /* map CR to NL (ala CRMOD) */
IXON /* enable output flow control */
IXOFF /* enable input flow control */
IXANY /* any char will restart after stop */
IMAXBEL /* ring bell on input queue full */

It's interesting to note that all of these descrptions are custom, but the order matches UNIX® System V Release 4; besides that, this is the standard set of IEEE Std 1003.1-1988 modes plus IXANY IMAXBEL, which are described compatibly with UNIX® System V Release 4 but worse:

If IXANY is also set, then any character may restart output.
If IMAXBEL is set and the input queue is full, subsequent input shall cause an ASCII BEL character to be transmitted to the the output queue.
(it's also described earlier to actually be the same).

IXOFF corresponds to the Seventh Edition, Virtual VAX-11 Version, November, 1980 TANDEM mode, ICRNL to the input half of CRMOD, and ISTRIP is the inverse of LPASS8; IXANY is the inverse of 4.1 Berkeley distribution LDECCTQ.

The other descriptions are verbatim the POSIX ones, sans changing the tense from "shall" to "does". This extends to the default value and ixoff conditions, which are also listed as "implementation defined" (note the loss of punctuation).

"Values of the c_oflag field describe the basic terminal output control, and are composed of the following masks:"

Output mode Description
OPOST /* enable following output processing */
ONLCR /* map NL to CR-NL (ala CRMOD) */
OXTABS /* expand tabs to spaces */
ONOEOT /* discard EOT's '^D' on output) */

OPOST is the inverse of the former LLITOUT, ONLCR helpfully points out it's the output half of CRMOD. and OXTABS – to XTABS, though on modern-day 4.4BSD derivatives this, if at all, survives as TAB3 (even if it's the only non-TAB0 delay mode) instead. ONOEOT was the default in cooked mode.

No note is made of the default value.

"Values of the c_cflag field describe the basic terminal hardware control, and are composed of the following masks."

Control mode Description
CSIZE /* character size mask */
CS5 /* 5 bits (pseudo) */
CS6 /* 6 bits */
CS7 /* 7 bits */
CS8 /* 8 bits */
CSTOPB /* send 2 stop bits */
CREAD /* enable receiver */
PARENB /* parity enable */
PARODD /* odd parity, else even */
HUPCL /* hang up on last close */
CLOCAL /* ignore modem status lines */
CCTS_OFLOW /* CTS flow control of output */
CRTSCTS /* same as CCTS_OFLOW */
CRTS_IFLOW /* RTS flow control of input */
MDMBUF /* flow control output via Carrier */

Same applies to the labeling, order, and descriptions (though the lack of indentation for CS* yields another sentence on them being masked by CSIZE), and CREAD is opined on with the appendage of

Not all hardware supports this bit. In fact, this flag is pretty silly and if it were not part of the termios specification it would be omitted.

It's unclear why CS5 is marked "pseudo"; it appears to be supported on the devices that do and not on those that don't.

CRTS_IFLOW is not additionally described, but Clear to send and Request to send are part of RS232 hardware flow control.

The CCTS_OFLOW (CRTSCTS) flag is currently unused.
But does actually appear to be used on some platforms (like 4.4BSD Programmer's Reference Manual (PRM), usr/src/sys/sparc/dev/zs.c).

MDMBUF ("output flow control is controlled by the state of Carrier Detect.") corresponds to the LMDMBUF ("Stop/start output when carrier drops") Seventh Edition, Virtual VAX-11 Version, November, 1980 mode.

No note is made of the default value.

"Values of the c_lflag field describe the control of various functions, and are composed of the following masks."

Local mode Description
ECHOKE /* visual erase for line kill */
ECHOE /* visually erase chars */
ECHO /* enable echoing */
ECHONL /* echo NL even if ECHO is off */
ECHOPRT /* visual erase mode for hardcopy */
ECHOCTL /* echo control chars as ^(Char) */
ISIG /* enable signals INTR, QUIT, [D]SUSP */
ICANON /* canonicalize input lines */
ALTWERASE /* use alternate WERASE algorithm */
IEXTEN /* enable DISCARD and LNEXT */
EXTPROC /* external processing */
TOSTOP /* stop background jobs from output */
FLUSHO /* output being flushed (state) */
NOKERNINFO /* no kernel output from VSTATUS */
PENDIN /* XXX retype pending input (state) */
NOFLSH /* don't flush after interrupt */

Same applies to the labeling (which is extra psycho here) and descriptions (down to "an implementation may echo an indication that" no erasing was needed for icanon echoe, and NOFLSH flushing "are not be done", which is "shall not be done" in the standard). The observant reader may notice that ECHOK is missing, but this just seems to be a documentation error, and it's in termios.h, commented "/* echo NL after line kill */", also as present-day.

ECHOKE does indeed seem to replace/override ECHOK, rather than being a mode flag for it like in UNIX® System V Release 4 and explicitly doesn't work with ECHOPRT (in which case it behaves like ECHOK; ibid., usr/src/sys/kern/tty.c, ttyinput()). This is odd, and in contrast with LPRTERA (and UNIX® System V Release 4).

ECHOE, ECHOCTL, FLUSHO, PENDIN, and NOFLSH correspond to LCRTERA, LCTLECH, LFLUSHO, LPENDIN, and LNOFLSH, and match UNIX® System V Release 4. It's unclear why PENDIN is "XXX"ed, it appears fully-functional (ibid., ttypend(), ttread()).

ALTWERASE, NOKERNINFO, and EXTPROC are new and defer to previous sections, except for the latter, which is undescribed. It appears to short-circuit appx. all line editing, echoing, prevent OXTABS (ibid., ttyinput(), ttyrub(), ttyecho(), ttyoutput()) and forward ioctl()s in pty(4) (ibid., usr/src/share/man/man4/pty.4) packet mode to the remote (ibid., usr/src/sys/kern/tty_pty.c, ptyioctl()).

The macro is actually as old as Seventh Edition, Virtual VAX-11 Version, December, 1979, described as "/* external processor (kmc) */" (usr/include/sys/tty.h), but unused until now.

No note is made of the default value.

Initial Special Control Characters values are "set according to the values in the header <sys/ttydefaults.h>." (of course, one is also directed to the nonexistent <ttydefaults.h> a few lines away instead). The entirely unsurprising summary from the manual follows; it's in declaration order, and doesn't match any other layout, not that it really ought to.

Index Name Special Character Default Value

VQUIT QUIT ^\\ \34
VMIN --- 1
VTIME --- 0

Notably: all (actual) delay modes and LCASE are lost, and thank god. This distribution supports close to a dozen platforms and post-dates the relative ubiquity of display terminals by close to two decades.

LTILDE is lost, presumably because the last Hazeltine-branded product that used ~s as escape introducers and didn't allow using ESCs was the 1500, released in 1977 — Hazeltine 1500 Series Video Display Terminals Maintenance Manual, HI-1053A,, pp. 1-1, 1-8, Hazeltine Corporation Computer Terminal Equipment, Greenlawn, N.Y. 11740, December 1977, 1. Introduction and Description, 1.2 General Description, 1.2.1 Model 1500 and 1.2.2 Model 1510.

So is LETXACK but that's because it was never actually implemented.

LCRTBS is superseded by faster video terminals not needing it (so also by ECHOE).

"RAW" mode survives as one of the Combos, and maps very well. "CBREAK" mode is much iffier (-icanon excludes lnext), and is unrepresentable per se.

Rather than being encoded in some flag, struct termios has c_[io]speed speed_t members (although speed_t is a long so it's non-conformant), and the standard cf[gs]et[io]speed() functions set/return that (4.4BSD Programmer's Reference Manual (PRM), usr/src/lib/libc/gen/tcsetattr.3). A cfsetspeed() extenion is also provided, expectedly just writing to both, and a cfmakeraw() that "sets the flags stored in the termios structure to a state disabling all input and output processing, giving a »raw I/O path.«" (-ignbrk -brkint -parmrk -istrip -inlcr -igncr -icrnl -ixon -opost cs8 -parenb -isig -icanon -echo -echonl -iexten but "/* XXX set MIN/TIME */"; ibid., usr/src/lib/libc/gen/termios.c). The remainder of the interface is uneventful; the speed effects defer to termios(4) and the rest copies IEEE Std 1003.1-1988 §7.2.1.

However, this is the first system the breaks away from the enshrined DH11 Line Parameter Register enumeration value, and "The value of the integer corresponds directly to the baud rate being represented" (with 134.5 baud truncated to 134); compatibility macros are defined (the usual EXTA EXTB for 19200 38400), but a speed finally is Just an integer, and many more pre-defined macros are provided (, , , 57600, , 115200, 230400 baud), presumably for means-testing.

We have been tracking the IEEE Std1003.2 shell and utility work and have included prototypes of many of the proposed utilities. Most of the traditional utilities have been replaced with implementations conformant to the POSIX standards. Almost the entire manual suite has been rewritten to reflect the POSIX defined interfaces.
(4.4BSD User's Reference Manual (URM), Preface, 3. Changes to the utilities); "rewritten" is very generous — IEEE P1003.2 Draft 11.2 §4.59.4 Operands is copied entirely (sans the explicit flag macro name sentences and "shall" retensed to "does"), and the DESCRIPTION likewise calques §4.59.2 Description. The new SYNOPSIS is:
stty [-a | -e | -g] [-f file] [operands]
with an option listing of
-a Display all the current settings for the terminal to standard output as per IEEE Std1003.2 ("POSIX").
-e Display all the current settings for the terminal to standard output in the traditional BSD "all" and "everything" formats.
-f Open and use the terminal named by file rather than using standard input. The file is opened using the O_NONBLOCK flag of open(), making it possible to set or display settings on a terminal that might otherwise block on the open.
-g Display all the current settings for the terminal to standard output in a form that may be used as an argument to a subsequent invocation of stty to restore the current terminal state as per IEEE Std1003.2 ("POSIX").

Additional flags matching the termio(4) extensions follow.

Control mode Description
crtscts (-crtscts) Enable RTS/CTS flow control.
Input mode Description
ixany (-ixany) Allow any character (allow only START) to restart output.
imaxbel (-imaxbel) The system imposes a limit of MAX_INPUT (currently 255) characters in the input queue. If imaxbel is set and the input queue limit has been reached, subsequent input causes the system to send an ASCII BEL character to the output queue (the terminal beeps at you). Otherwise, if imaxbel is unset and the input queue is full, the next input character causes the entire input and output queues to be discarded.
Output mode Description
onlcr (-onlcr) Map (do not map) NL to CR-NL on output.
oxtabs (-oxtabs) Expand (do not expand) tabs to spaces on output.
Local mode Description
echoke (-echoke) The KILL character shall (shall not) visually erase the the current line from the display, if possible.
echoctl (-echoctl) If echoctl is set, echo control characters as ^X. Otherwise control characters echo as themselves.
echoprt (-echoprt) For printing terminals. If set, echo erased characters backwards within "\" and "/". Otherwise, disable this feature.
altwerase (-altwerase) Use (do not use) an alternate word erase algorithm when processing WERASE characters. This alternate algorithm considers sequences of alphanumeric/underscores as words. It also skips the first preceding character in its classification (as a convenience since the one preceding character could have been erased with simply an ERASE character.)
mdmbuf (-mdmbuf) If set, flow control output based on condition of Carrier Detect. Otherwise writes return an error if Carrier Detect is low (and Carrier is not being ignored with the CLOCAL flag.)
flusho (-flusho) Indicates output is (is not) being discarded.
pendin (-pendin) Indicates input is (is not) pending after a switch from non-canonical to canonical mode and will be re-input when a read becomes pending or more input arrives.
Combination mode Description
kerninfo (-kerninfo) Enable (disable) the system generated status line associated with processing a STATUS character (usually set to ^T). The status line consists of the system load average, the current command name, its process ID, the event the process is waiting on (or the status of the process), the user and system times, percent cpu, and current memory usage.
extproc (-extproc) If set, this flag indicates that some amount of terminal processing is being performed by either the terminal hardware or by the remote side connected to a pty.
(Note that the [-]onlcr description uses a mis-spelled macro to mark up "CR-NL" and hence reads "to on output"; only the wording for [-]echoprt and [-]pendin is thinly ported, all other descriptions are (re-)written; [-]kerninfo doesn't combine anything, since it correspond directly to (the inverse of) NOKERNINFO; the same holds for [-]extproc (EXTPROC), but that's implemented with ioctl(TIOCEXT), which sends an appropriate packet and then (un)sets the flag (tty_pty.c, ptyioctl(); EXTPROC is unchangeable via tcsetattr() — ibid., usr/src/sys/kern/tty.c, ttioctl()).)

The description for [-]ixon is made aware of ixany with ", or if ixany is set, any character restarts output."; for [-]ixoff – respelled as "Request that the system send (not send) START/STOP characters when the input queue is nearly empty/full." for unclear reasons.

The world's worst table is appropriately expanded to cover the extended Special Control Characters, but see below.

size, columns number, cols number, and rows number are all retained as Combination Modes(?). So is "dec", but the modes turn into "ixany is disabled, and crt is enabled", and "[-]crt", but the description becomes a useless "Set (disable) all modes suitable for a CRT display device." (4.4BSD User's Reference Manual (URM), usr/src/bin/stty/modes.c says it's "echoe -echok echoke echoctl -echoprt"/"-echoe echok -echoke -echoctl", which is compatible, but assumes a ≥1200-baud connection). sane is spelled as "Resets all modes to reasonable values for interactive terminal use.".

A "speed number" "mode" is noted after the other speed-setting ones as "This sets both ispeed and ospeed to number.", but instead this is a misdocumented retainment of the speed query (which continues to report just the output speed, but now just as the integer value w/o lookup).

A "tty" pseudo-combination-mode is added to "Set the line discipline to the standard terminal line discipline TTYDISC.", mirroring the former "new"/"old".

"[-]raw" becomes

If set, change the modes of the terminal so that no input or output processing is performed. If unset, change the modes of the terminal to some reasonable state that performs input and output processing.
followed by, essentially, a re-telling of the IEEE P1003.2 Draft 11.2, 4.59.10, History of Decisions Made, para. 4 (ll. 12442-12454) litany, but gets it wrong and proclaims that the "recommended" way to restore the mode is with "stty "$save_state"", which isn't forward-compatible and goes the recommendation/example in ibid., 4.59.10, Examples, Usage, para. 2 (ll. 12412-12422), which does not quote the stty -g output.
"cooked", rather than being "-raw", becomes "sane". This is because so does -raw, but you wouldn't know it (4.4BSD User's Reference Manual (URM), usr/src/bin/stty/key.c, f_raw()).

Compatibility Modes, which "remain for compatibility with the previous version of the stty command" are tabulated below.

Mode Description
all Reports all the terminal modes as with stty -a except that the control characters are printed in a columnar format.
everything Same as all.
cooked Same as sane.
cbreak If set, enables brkint, ixon, imaxbel, opost, isig, iexten, and -icanon. If unset, same as sane.
new Same as tty.
old Same as tty.
newcrt (-newcrt) Same as crt.
pass8 The converse of parity.
tandem (-tandem) Same as ixoff.
decctlq (-decctlq) The converse of ixany.
crterase (-crterase) Same as echoe.
crtbs (-crtbs) Same as echoe.
crtkill (-crtkill) Same as echoke.
ctlecho (-ctlecho) Same as echoctl.
prterase (-prterase) Same as echoprt.
litout (-litout) The converse of opost.
tabs (-tabs) The converse of tabs.
brk value Same as the control character eol.
flush value Same as the control character discard.
rprnt value Same as the control character reprint.

This is ontologically problematic: how can "[-]tabs" be the converse of "tabs"? If [-]crterase ≡ [-]echoke ≡ "[-]crtbs" how is [-]crterase ≢ "[-]crtbs"?

We are, helpfully, treated to some dialectics in modes.c:

{ "tabs",	0, OXTABS },		/* "preserve" tabs */
{ "-tabs",	OXTABS, 0 },
{ "crtbs",	ECHOE, 0 },	/* crtbs not supported, close enough */
{ "-crtbs",	0, ECHOE },
through which we find that "[-]tabs" is actually equivalent to the "converse" of "[-]oxtabs", which is equivalent to tab[], which is as present-day; and that the latter is a solid approximation tending toward upgrade.

The observant reader may note that NOKERNINFO appears only as its inverse, which is odd, and ONOEOT doesn't appear at all. A truly pendantic reader may note that to exhaust all termios(4) flags, CRTS_IFLOW would also need to be added. Indeed, they are both missing, but "[-]" is one of the secret modes, below.

Secret mode Equiv. Huh?
-pass8 parity As-expected
[-]nokerninfo ¬[-]kerninfo
discard cc flush value Not mentioned in The Table, only implied in flush
[-]flow [-]ixon No precedent
char <undef> char undef Where char is any Special Control Character (incl. min time)

There's also a disinformation mode: ek doesn't exist despite the mandate and documentation.

It wouldn't be a stty if the documentation, where it described existing modes, wasn't lying, or actually said what they did (key.c; final ibid., usr/src/bin/stty/cchar.c, then usr/src/bin/stty/stty.c).

Mode Problem Huh?
nl Is -icrnl -onlcr Exact opposite of what they should be; [-]onlcr undocumented; -inlcr -igncr missing for -nl
(-nl) Is icrnl onlcr
-parity, -evenp, -oddp Also -parodd
dec Doesn't -echok crt does

Mode Is
raw cfmakeraw(), cs8 -parenb
sane c_iflag set to brkint istrip icrnl ixon ixany imaxbel c_oflag set to oxtabs opost onlcr c_cflag set to cs7 cread parenb hupcl with existing state of [-]clocal retained c_lflag set to isig icanon echo echoe echoke echoctl iexten with existing state of [-]echoe [-]echok [-]echoke [-]noflsh [-]tostop [-]echoctl [-]echoprt [-]altwerase retained
min number Decimal numbers, max. of UCHAR_MAX (0xFF) and rejected if parses to same as _POSIX_VDISABLE.
time number
number All take otherwise-unchecked decimal numbers. The bare-number form explicitly sets both speeds.
ispeed number
ospeed number

Note, that, per IEEE P1003.2 Draft 11.2 § para. 6 (p. 134):

If ICANON is not set, the value of {_POSIX_VDISABLE} has no special meaning for the VMIN and VTIME entries of the c_cc array.
so accepting "[<]undef[>]" and rejecting number = _POSIX_VDISABLE is definitely suspicious. Funnily enough, this appears to have absolutely no bearing on the system, since there are precisely zero mentions of VMIN/VTIME in kernel code, except for a "SYS5 style termio" mapping in the hpuxcompat module (4.4BSD Programmer's Reference Manual (PRM), usr/src/sys/hp/hpux/hpux_tty.c, hpuxtermio()), which says
		 * XXX since VMIN and VTIME are not implemented,
		 * we need to return something reasonable.
and, indeed, -icanon appears to be always in hard-min 1 time 0 mode(?) — tty.c, ttread().

Despite the purported emulation, there is a marked loss of functionality against UNIX User's Reference Manual (URM), 4.3 Berkeley Software Distribution, Virtual VAX-11 Version that doesn't correspond to removed unemulatable modes, below.

Lost Really?
exta extb No explicit provision; 134.5 gets by by the skin of its teeth because it gets truncated by atoi()
[tty]33 [tty]37 [vt]05 tn[300] ti[700] tek Additionally, the just-integer shorthands become speeds! How fun!
[-]evenp [-]oddp Could correspond to some combination of parenb parodd.
gspeed Trivial to port. Trivially, also, indicates lack of use.
ek 😖

Flags are parsed only as long as the entire argument is dashes or flags; this means, that -f device is disambiguated from -flusho by forbidding -fdevice. This is legal per IEEE P1003.2 Draft 11.2, 2, 2.10 Utility Conventions, 2.10.2 Utility Syntax Guidelines, Guideline 6: & 2.10.1 Utility Argument Syntax, (2), pp. 152,147 (ll. 5173-5174,5000-5021).

Additionally, as a "conversion aid", a "stdout appears redirected, but stdin is the control descriptor" is produced if you redirect the output to a different teletype:

 * Gross, but since we're changing the control descriptor from 1 to 0,
 * most users will be probably be doing "stty > /dev/sometty"
 * by accident.  If 1 and 2 are both ttys, but not the same,
 * assume that 1 was incorrectly redirected.

Unless under TTYDISC, the first line in non--g output starts with "tablet disc; "/"slip disc; "/"#decimal-discipline-number disc; ", for the expected cases. Speed(s) in conformant format follow. In -ae outputs, the first line ends with the window size in an updated "ws_row rows; ws_col columns;" format. In all non--g outputs, the flags are formatted as

lflags: icanon isig iexten echo echoe echok echoke -echonl echoctl
	-echoprt -altwerase -noflsh -tostop -flusho -pendin -nokerninfo
(then iflags, oflags, cflags), i.e. prefixed with the group, then broken after the first mode after the 72nd column, with groups w/o any listed modes skipped. Helpfully, continuations are indented with a tab, but the colon is followed with a space.

In -a (but not no-argument, in clear violation of IEEE P1003.2 Draft 11.2, §, ll. 12390-12394) output, this is followed by all characters in POSIX format with a cchars heading.
In -e and no-argument output, a saner rendition of the Seventh Edition, Virtual VAX-11 Version, November, 1980 columnated character listing is seen, insofar there's always one per cell; this listing broken it hits 72 columns, and so may look like

discard dsusp   eof     eol     eol2    erase   intr    kill    lnext
^O      <undef> ^D      <undef> <undef> ^?      ^C      ^U      ^V
min     quit    reprint start   status  stop    susp    time    werase
1       ^\      ^R      ^Q      <undef> ^S      ^Z      <undef> ^W
The Special Control Characters are listed alphabetically.

All formats use the same character rendering (POSIX- and Seventh Edition, Virtual VAX-11 Version, November, 1980 Ns -default-mode-compatible), but min time are rendered decimally. This is as present-day.

In no-argument output, the default-set flags are brkint icrnl ixon ixany imaxbel opost onlcr cread hupcl isig icanon echo iexten oxtabs, with * and [-]parenb always listed; this is a strict subset of "sane". No particular order for any of the modes can be discerned.

The -g output is perhaps the most novel, insofar as it starts with "gfmt:" through which it is discerned, but then is a list of colon-delimited fields, which are parsed in any order, distinguished as such: "cflag=%x:iflag=%x…" and likewise with [c_]lflag, [c_]oflag, all Special Control Characters by their primary names, and [io]speed (but in decimal). No exhaustiveness checking is performed, so this allows, at least theoretically, setting any subset of fields (4.4BSD User's Reference Manual (URM), usr/src/bin/stty/gfmt.c).

Also sometimes known as the The Single UNIX Specification (“SUS”) partially extract "IEEE Draft Standard P1003.2/D12" and "IEEE Std 1003.1-1990" — X/Open CAE Specification, System Interfaces and Headers Issue 4, Version 2, X/Open Company Limited, ISBN: 1-85912-037-7, X/Open Document Number: C435,, p. ii, Apex Plaza, Forbury Road, Reading, Berkshire, RG1 1AX, United Kingdom, September 1994.

And are "fully compliant" with "ISO/IEC 9945-1: 1990 (POSIX-1)" and "ISO/IEC 9945-2: 1993 (POSIX-2)" — XPG3-XPG4 Base Migration Guide, Version 2, 1, 1.3, p. 6.

And, through alignment with FIPS 151-2, "In Issue 3, job control is defined as optional; in Issue 4, it is mandatory." and "{_POSIX_VDISABLE} is supported on all XSI-conformant systems in Issue 4, meaning that all changeable special control characters can be disabled individually", likewise optional in Issue 3 (this means that {_POSIX_VDISABLE} is always "in effect"). Internationalisation support means IUCLC, OLCUC, and XCASE are marked "TO BE WITHDRAWN" (ibid., Chapter 2 General Portability Issues, 2.8 General Terminal Interface, p. 30).

The <termios.h> section (ibid., Chapter 8 Headers, 8.3 Header Migration Information, p. 235) fails to note the marking of XCASE (though it does happen both in X/Open CAE Specification, System Interfaces and Headers Issue 4, Version 2 (Chapter 4 Headers, <termios.h>, Local Modes, p. 849) and X/Open CAE Specification, System Interface Definitions Issue 4, Version 2, X/Open Company Limited, ISBN: 1-85912-036-9, X/Open Document Number: C434,, p. 126, Apex Plaza, Forbury Road, Reading, Berkshire, RG1 1AX, United Kingdom, September 1994, Chapter 9 General Terminal Interface, 9.2 Parameters That Can Be Set, 9.2.5 Local Modes. ).
And is additionally cleaned up to "align the text more exactly with the POSIX-1 standard" (explicitly disavowing any functional changes pursuant thereto) and marking all "mask name symbols for the c_oflag field", sans OPOST, as extensions.

In §<termios.h>, and only there, OFDEL is lost. It's unclear why, but that just means that where it lives isn't specified; all other references are intact.

tcgetsid() — "get process group ID for session leader for controlling terminal" — is imported from UNIX® System V Release 4 (XPG3-XPG4 Base Migration Guide, Version 2, Chapter 7 System Interfaces, p. 205; X/Open CAE Specification, System Interfaces and Headers Issue 4, Version 2, Chapter 3 System Interfaces, tcgetsid(), p. 650 , shaded UX ("X/Open UNIX Extension", "included to provide portability for applications originally written to be compiled on UNIX and UNIX-based operating systems"; ibid. Chapter 1 Introduction, 1.3 Feature Groups, 1.3.5 X/Open UNIX Extension, p. 4)).

stty omits the (formerly-optional) "SWTCH control character" and "loblk control mode because shl is not supported on all systems", as well as line discipline setting w/line "because there is no underlying support for it in the POSIX-1 standard" (XPG3-XPG4 Base Migration Guide, Version 2, Chapter 4 Utilities, 4.2 Utility Migration Information, p. 79).
The big head-scratcher is removed:

The Issue 3 description of Control Mode 0 says: "Hang up line immediately. This applies to all terminal lines, not just modem lines. A SIGHUP signal is sent to all processes attached to the line.". This description is incorrect and the Issue 4 description accurately reflects the processing of modem disconnects on historical systems.
And is replaced with "If the baud rate is set to 0, the modem control lines will no longer be asserted.", with the description mirrored for "ospeed number" — X/Open CAE Specification, Commands and Utilities Issue 4, Version 2, X/Open Company Limited, ISBN: 1-185912-034-2, X/Open Document Number: C436,, p. 665, Apex Plaza, Forbury Road, Reading, Berkshire, RG1 1AX, United Kingdom, September 1994, Chapter 3 Utilities, stty, OPERANDS, Control Modes, number.

In §stty, and only there, "onlcr (-onlcr)" is lost, It's unclear why, since it remains as a macro and as a mode.

It is of little surprise, then, that X/Open CAE Specification, System Interface Definitions Issue 4, Version 2 Chapter 9, 9.1 Interface Characteristics (pp. 115-120) mirrors IEEE P1003.2 Draft 11.2 §7.1.1 (Interface Characteristics.) perfectly, to the precision of editorial changes, except: in 9.1 Interface Characteristics, 9.1.7 Non-canonical Mode Input Processing (pp. 117-118),

The ISO POSIX-1 standard does not specify whether the setting of O_NONBLOCK takes over precedence over MIN or TIME settings. Therefore, if O_NONBLOCK is set, read() may return immediately, regardless of the setting of MIN or TIME. Also, if no data is available, read() may either return 0, or return -1 with errno set to [EAGAIN].
and a Release 3.0 Ns -equivalent erase kill eof \-escaping paragraph is appended to 9.1.9 Special characters, p. 120, predicated on iexten and shaded EX ("Extension", equivalent to modern-day XSI shading).

The same holds for §9.2 (pp. 121-127)/§7.1.2, resp., with the inclusion of IUCLC IXANY (same as Release 3.0, shaded EX, former TO BE WITHDRAWN, "In locales other than the POSIX lcoale, the mapping is unspecified.") Input Modes, the whole suite of Output Modes likewise (and OLCUC TO BE WITHDRAWN, "In locales other than the POSIX locale, the mapping is unspecified"), the Control Modes also inlining Table 7-6., and clarifying that

If ISTRIP is set, the value of all but the 7 low-order bits is zero, but the value of any other bits beyond CSIZE is unspecified when read.
(it's unclear what this means), and for Local Modes (likewise for XCASE), and Special Control Characters.

This is duplicated in X/Open CAE Specification, System Interfaces and Headers Issue 4, Version 2, <termios.h>, pp. 846-850.

/dev/tty's usefulness for "programs that demand the name of a file for output" is reinstated in full glory — X/Open CAE Specification, System Interface Definitions Issue 4, Version 2, Chapter 8 Directpru Structure and Devices, 8.1 Directory Structure and Files, p. 113.

Through X/Open CAE Specification, Commands and Utilities Issue 4, Version 2, stty (pp. 664-672)'s alignment, all the EX-shaded modes' operands are also shaded EX (as are "raw (-raw or cooked)", "lcase (-lcase)", "LCASE (-LCASE)", and "tabs (-tabs or tab8)") and "loblk (-loblk)" and "line i" are lost, and so are the references to output modes in "nl (-nl)" (the reasoning for this is unclear, they very well could just be individually shaded EX).

What's unexpected (and undocumented), though, is that in "raw …", rather than inheriting the prose description, becomes

Enable (disable) raw input and output. Raw mode is equivalent to setting:
stty cs8 erase ^- kill ^- intr ^- \
  quit ^- eof ^- eol ^- -opost -inpck
which is equivalent but nevertheless odd, and the lack of the obverse description remains, and the editor's hyperopia in "tabs …" is doubled down on by being described as "Equivalent to tab3.".

Ibid., STDOUT changes the disabled-character value to "<undef>".

Also sometimes Version 2 of the Single UNIX Specification (“SUSv2”); relabels the TO BE WITHDRAWN flags LEGACY — CAE Specification, System Interfaces and Headers, Issue 5, The Open Group, ISBN: 1-85912-181-0, X/Open Document Number: C606,, pp. 1185-1189, Apex Plaza, Forbury Road, Reading, Berkshire, RG1 1AX, United Kingdom, February 1997, Chapter 4 Headers, <termios.h>.
Where the former is removed (ibid., Chapter 1 Introduction, 1.4 Changes from Issue 4, 1.4.2 Changes from Issue 4, Version 2 to Issue 5, p. 6) and the latter is now defined as formerly-mandatory (ibid., 1.3 Feature Groups, 1.3.4 Legacy, p. 4).

This is mirrored in CAE Specification, System Interface Definitions, Issue 5, The Open Group, ISBN: 1-85912-186-1, X/Open Document Number: C605,, pp. 125-130, Apex Plaza, Forbury Road, Reading, Berkshire, RG1 1AX, United Kingdom, February 1997, Chapter 9 General Terminal Interface, 9.2 Parameters that Can be Set.

As well as CAE Specification, Commands and Utilities, Issue 5, The Open Group, ISBN: 1-85912-191-8, X/Open Document Number: C604,, pp. 690-694, Apex Plaza, Forbury Road, Reading, Berkshire, RG1 1AX, United Kingdom, February 1997, Chapter 3 Utilities, stty.

The editor's least favourite mode finally becomes "tabs (-tabs or tab3)", and loses "Equivalent to tab3." – the CHANGE HISTORY calls this "The description of tabs is clarified" (ibid., p. 696).

Equivalent to Version 3 of the Single UNIX Specification (“SUSv3”), removes LEGACY are removed and re-shades EX with XSI ("Extension", X/Open System Interface Extension) — 1003.1™, Standard for Information Technology — Portable Operating System Interface (POSIX®), Base Definitions, Issue 6, The Open Group, ISBN: U.K. 1-85912-247-7 U.S. 1-931624-07-0, Document Number: C950,, p. 190 (ll. 6777-6778) & pp. 191-194 (ll. 6807-6929), 6 Devember 2001, Chapter 11 General Terminal Interface, 11.1 Interface Characteristics, 11.1.9 Special Characters & 11.2 Parameters that Can be Set.

This is mirrored in ibid., Chapter 13 Headers, <termios.h>, pp. 379-381.

Setting the input baud rate to zero was a mechanism to allow for split baud rates. Clarifications in this volume of IEEE Std 1003.1-2001 have made it possible to determine whether split rates are supported and to support them without having to treat zero as a special case. Since this functionality is also confusing, it has been declared obsolescent.
It is unclear what these clarifications are, and the declaration is likewise not reflected in the text — 1003.1™, Standard for Information Technology — Portable Operating System Interface (POSIX®), System Interfaces, Issue 6, The Open Group, ISBN: U.K. 1-85912-252-3 U.S. 1-931624-08-9, Document Number: C951,, p. 178, 6 Devember 2001, Chapter 3 System Interfaces, cfgetispeed().

It may be that this corresponds to, rather than allowing tcgetattr() to return with a struct termios whose input speed is 0 if asymmetric speeds are unsupported (formerly shaded EX), requiring that

If the terminal device does not support split baud rates, the input baud rate stored in the termios structure shall be the output rate (as one of the symbolic values).
(ibid., tcgetattr(), pp. 1489-1490). This is additionally questionable, since implementations are free to support arbitrary speeds: if the output speed is not one of the baseline listed in the equivalent of IEEE Std 1003.1-1988 Table 7-6. and the device is symmetric — is the input speed to be fudged to one of the standard ones?

The removals and reshades are further mirrored in 1003.1™, Standard for Information Technology — Portable Operating System Interface (POSIX®), Shell and Utilitie, Issue 6, The Open Group, ISBN: U.K. 1-85912-257-4 U.S. 1-931624-09-7, Document Number: C952,, pp. 883-887, 6 Devember 2001, Chapter 4 Utilities, stty.
Notably, all -xcase are noted in the CHANGE HISTORY.

Additionally, "tabs (-tabs or tab3)" is moved up from Combination Modes up to the Output Modes, after the tab* delays, as "tabs (-tabs)" – "Synonym for tab0 (tab3)"; this is likewise unnoted in the CHANGE HISTORY, most likely because it is just editorial, as is the split of min time into separate cells with their own otherwise-identical descriptions.

Ibid., STDOUT (p. 888) changes the disabled-character value to "undef". This is very much in error (most likely as part of reducing other ‘’/‘’ pairs, like the ones in the format specification just above) and an invention of the editor.

Includes "IEEE Std 1003.1-2001/Cor 1-2002" (Technical Corrigendum 1), fixing "an error in the OPERANDS section for the Combination Modes nl( -nl).", which, indeed, now starts with "Disable (enable) icrnl." — The Open Group Base Specifications Issue 6, IEEE Std 1003.1, 2004 Edition, The IEEE and The Open Group,, 2004, XCU, 4. Utilities, stty, OPERANDS, Combination Modes.

The Open Group Base Specifications Issue 7, IEEE Std 1003.1™-2008

Unshades IXANY/"ixany  (-ixany)" [XSI] — The Open Group Base Specifications Issue 7, IEEE Std 1003.1™-2008, The IEEE and The Open Group,, basedefs/V1_chap11.html & basedefs/termios.h.html & utilities/stty.html, 2004, XBD, 11. General Terminal Interface, 11.2 Parameters that Can be Set, 11.2.2 Input Modes & XBD, 13. Headers, <termios.h>, DESCRIPTION, Input Modes & XCU, 4. Utilities, stty, OPERANDS, Input Modes.

The interpretation referenced for this change — Austin Group Interpretation 1003.1-2001 #144 — doesn't provide any rationale, and mentions it once, tersely, as "do it", in the editor's notes.

The meat of the interpretation is the only other change, and concerns the introduction of O_TTY_INIT, which is out of scope here.

The Open Group Base Specifications Issue 7, IEEE Std 1003.1™-2008, 2016 Edition

Reinstates "onlcr  (-onlcr)" with only editorial description changes as part of Technical Corrigendum 2 — The Open Group Base Specifications Issue 7, IEEE Std 1003.1™-2008, 2016 Edition, The IEEE and The Open Group,, 2016, XCU, 4. Utilities, stty, OPERANDS, Combination Modes.

Imports the inimitable PRM, 4.3 Berkeley Software Distribution SIGWINCH, TIOC[GS]WINSZ, stty size, stty rows, stty cols, and struct winsize, reduced to at least:

unsigned short ws_rowRows, in characters.
unsigned short ws_colColumns, in characters.
(one may recognise these descriptions as also imported verbatim) — stty P1003.1™-202x/D2.1, Draft Standard for Information Technology — Portable Operating System Interface (POSIX™), IEEE Computer Society, The Open Group, Issue 8,, p. 415, August 2021, XBD, Chapter 14 Headers, <termios.h>, The winsize Structure.

ioctl(TIOC[GS]WINSZ) is, naturally, imported as functions, freshly designated tc[gs]etwinsize() — ibid., XSH, Chapter 3 System Interfaces, tcgetwinsize() & tcsetwinsize() (pp. 2088-2091 & 2099-2100; ll. 67626-27765 & 67981-68045). The reason for not standardising ws_[xy]pixel is noted as "With current hardware, it is not obvious that the unsigned short type used for those fields is sufficient and no uses of these fields in portable code were found." (ibid., tcsetwinsize(), RATIONALE, p. 2100 (ll. 68031-68038)), which is perhaps too cautious on the former front.

tcsetwinsize(), like all other teletype-configuration functions, acts as a write() for the purposes of TOSTOP (this matches PRM, 4.3 Berkeley Software Distribution, but isn't documented there) — ibid., XBD, Chapter 11 General Terminal Interface, 11.1 interface Characteristics, 11.1.4 Terminal Access Control, para. 3, p. 185 (ll. 6522-6525).

stty is naturally extended with more PRM, 4.3 Berkeley Software Distribution Ns -compatible capabilities, outlined below (ibid., XCU, Chapter 3 Utilities, stty, pp. 3181-3190 (ll. 3181-108312)),

Terminal Window Size
rows number Set the number of rows in the terminal window size to the number given.
cols number Set the number of columns in the terminal window size to the number given.

Informational Queries
size Write the current terminal window size to standard output.

The no-output-if-operands clause is voided if Informational Queries are specified, and size fields are required to be separated by a space.

-g is forbidden from containing "any sequence that would form an Informational Query", which is relevant, because its restriction on all word expansions is lifted, in that its output is allowed to field-split. This is likely to allow a simple extension of existing implementations to just append rows cols, since, in what's possibly the most evocative standards phrasing, the new mandate is for "all the current settings, optionally excluding the terminal window size".

The example in ibid., APPLICATION USAGE, p. 3188 (ll. 108251-108256) is extended to save the size as "ttysize=$(printf "rows %d cols %d" $(stty size))" and restore it via a separate stty invocation. This, in many ways, a pre-admission of defeat. Or just good exposition.

Version 7 AT&T UNIX/32V is a straight-forward port of Seventh Edition to the VAX-11, and it's additionally unclear what the distribution tape looks like; the one available from the TUHS ( reads either heavily modified, or like a botched merge of Sixth Edition and Seventh Edition. Its derived systems (herein, Seventh Edition, Virtual VAX-11 Version, December, 1979) look like normal Seventh Edition derivations.

4.1aBSD/4.1bBSD/4.1cBSD: these naturally represent intermediate points in at least the kernel, and the latter's stty is wholly different from both 4.1 Berkeley distribution and UNIX Programmer's Manual, 4.2 Berkeley Software Distribution, Virtual VAX-11 Version.

4.3BSD-Reno stty is entirely different from both 4.3BSD-Tahoe (functionally the same as UNIX User's Reference Manual (URM), 4.3 Berkeley Software Distribution, Virtual VAX-11 Version, uses C-family macros for "" kill intr) and 4.4BSD User's Reference Manual (URM),

Likewise, 4.4BSD-Lite differs to ε from 4.4BSD-Lite2 kernel-wise and the latter fixes a minor "[-]" bug.

UNIX Programmer's Manual /etc/tabs (VII) (p. 212) and its various executable derivatives: while most often mentioned right next to stty(1) in the Introductions, these are concerned with (essentially) hardware configuration of the teletype itself, which explains why they've become part of Curses Library (libcurses, -lcurses), and are out of scope.

2BSD isn't a cohesive system and its tset(UCB) ("set terminal modes") doesn't target any particular system, and, again, uses proto-Curses via termcap(UCB). As it evolves, it much more obviously starts setting up the environment for visuals — now part of Curses Library (libcurses, -lcurses) — and the calling convention grows increasingly insane, from already solid base-line.

June 9, 2023 voreutils pre-v0.0.0-latest