DD(1) General Commands Manual DD(1)

ddblock-wise copy with conversions

dd [if=file] [of=file] [bs=size|[ibs=size] [obs=size]] [skip=blocks] [seek=blocks] [count=blocks] [status=none|noxfer|xfer|progress] [iflag|oflag=append|direct|directory|sync|dsync|nonblock|noatime|nocache|noctty|nofollow[,…]] [iflag=fullblock|skip_bytes|count_bytes[,…]] [oflag=seek_bytes] [conv=ucase|lcase|swab|sparse|compare|sync|fdatasync|fsync|noerror|excl|nocreat|notrunc[,…]] [conv=block|unblock|ascii|ebcdic|ibm cbs=size]

Copies if= (standard input default) into of= (standard output default) blockwise, ignoring the first skip= blocks of the input and seek= blocks of the output ( default for both; bytes if iflag=skip_bytes or oflag=seek_bytes, respectively).

There are two principal modes of operation: when bs= is specified and none of conv=block|unblock|lcase|ucase|swab are, each bs=-sized read corresponds to a write of the same size. Otherwise, reads are ibs=-sized, conversions are performed, and output written in obs=-sized blocks.

Copy statistics (amount of full (matching the corresponding block size) and partial blocks read and written) and average speed are written to the standard error stream at the end. These statistics can also be requested at any time by sending SIGUSR1 (SIGINFO) to dd. With status=progress, the speed statistics are displayed every second, unless blocked on I/O.

Unless conv=notrunc, the output file is truncated to its seek offset. If seeking is not available on either file, the file is read instead. If conv=sparse and the output file is seekable, output blocks consisting solely of null bytes are sought over instead of written. If writing to a regular file shorter than the input, this file will become sparse, and if the output ends with sought-over null bytes, truncated to the correct length. Similarly, if conv=compare and the output file is seekable and readable, output blocks identical to what's read from the output file will be sought over.

Copying continues until end-of-file, a read error without conv=noerror, a write error, or count= input blocks (bytes if iflag=count_bytes) were processed.

Conversions are applied as follows:

  1. Read input block
  2. If iflag=fullblock and read less than ibs=, attempt to read data until ibs= is matched
  3. If conv=sync and read less than ibs=, expanded with null bytes (spaces if conv=block|unblock) to match ibs=
  4. If:
    1. = and conditions noted above hold, block written
    2. Otherwise, continued
  5. If conv=swab, each consecutive pair of bytes swapped
  6. =ascii
  7. =ucase|lcase
  8. If
    1. =block, split into blocks on newline, space-pad or truncate to cbs=, and conv=ebcdic|ibm
    2. =unblock, read cbs=-sized blocks, strip trailing spaces, add newline
  9. Accumulate until at least obs= bytes available

Each block is written in its entirety as part of one write(2) call, or, if that returns short, retried until exhaustion.

conv=block|unblock view the input as a continuous stream of bytes: they do depend on the input block size, only on cbs=.

With conv=fsync|fdatasync, the output file is flushed at the end. With iflag|oflag=nocache, the kernel is advised that the just-read (just-written) parts of the corresponding file are not needed; this is likely to reduce the effected cache pressure.

The arguments to bs|ibs|obs|skip|seek|count= are in the format:

[integer][cwb|KMGTPEZY[B]][x[integer][cwb|KMGTPEZY[B]]]… (with at least one of {integer, cwb, KMGTPEZY, B} in each factor)
Multiple integers with optional units (if the integer is omitted, it's taken to be 1 and the unit is required) are multiplied together when separated by x, and are all decimal. KMGTPEZY are case-insensitive. The units are as follows:
(but see STANDARDS)
The relevant unit, base 1024.
Likewise, base 1000.
For example, 3wx6bx2MB corresponds to ·2 · ·512 · 2·1000^2, and is equal to (a ridiculous value, to be sure).

=file, of=file
Use file instead of the standard input/output stream.
Use size as the for input and output block size, and, if no incompatible conversions are specified, use a block-for-block copy algorithm (see above). This overrides ibs= and obs=.
=size, obs=size
Read/write in blocks of size instead of the default 512.

=blocks, seek=blocks
=skip_bytes, oflag=seek_bytes
Seek over the first blocks blocks (or bytes) of the corresponding file. If unseekable, like a pipe — read that many blocks (bytes).
Stop processing after reading blocks blocks (or bytes).

Verbosity of statistics issued to the standard error stream when finishing and receiving SIGUSR1 (SIGINFO):
Input and output block counts.
And the average transfer speed. This is the default.
Also write the average and momentary transfer speeds up to once per second during the transfer.

These correspond directly to their respective O_flag open(2) flags, and are set when opening if= and of=, respectively, or applied to the standard input/output streams. A short summary follows.
Always write to the end of the file.
Bypass caches. Special alignment and read sizes may be required.
Fail to open if not a directory.
All writes are flushed immediately.
The data of all writes is flushed immediately.
Error instead of waiting for any length of time. May not mean anything for devices and regular files.
Don't update access time on read.
Don't assign controlling teletype.
Error if final path component is a symlink.
Advise the kernel that the data read/written will not be used, and may hence be dropped from the cache.
In case of short read, continually re-try to fill a full ibs=-sized block.
Apply O_EXCL to the output file creation flags: fail if it already exists.
Remove O_CREAT from the output file creation flags: fail if it doesn't already exist.
Don't truncate the output file to its seek offset.

If possible, seek over the output instead writing blocks consisting solely of null bytes.
If possible, seek over the output instead overwriting blocks that would be unchanged by the write.
Flush the output data (and metadata) at the end.
When encountering input error, write statistics to the standard error stream, seek to next block, and continue instead of finishing. With conv=sync, process as if empty block, otherwise ignore.

Convert to upper (lower) case.
Swap each consecutive pair of bytes. If odd amount, the final byte is unaffected.
Pad input block with null bytes (spaces if conv=block|unblock) to ibs=.

=block cbs=size
Accumulate input bytes into blocks of size size, separated by newlines (or end of input). If a line is too long, it's truncated; the amount of truncated lines is included in the transfer statistics. If it's shorter than size, it's padded with spaces. The newlines are removed. Excludes conv=unblock.
=unblock cbs=size
Do the reverse: accumulate size-sized blocks from the input, strip trailing spaces, add a newline to the end. Excludes conv=block.

=ebcdic|ibm (implies conv=block)
Transliterate output into EBCDIC (or IBM EBCDIC). These exclude each other and conv=ascii.
=ascii (implies conv=unblock)
Transliterate iutput from EBCDIC (the inverse of conv=ebcdic). Excludes conv=ebcdic|ibm.

Display statistics and terminate by re-raising SIGINT.
Display statistics.

1 if a file couldn't be opened, write, read without conv=noerror, or fdatasync()/fsync() failed.

fcntl(2), fsync(2), open(2), posix_fadvise(2), toupper(3)

Conforms to IEEE Std 1003.1-2008 (“POSIX.1”), save for SIGUSR1 (SIGINFO): the standard mandates default handling of all signals except SIGINT — this behaviour is compatible with 4.4BSD; using SIGUSR1 where unavailable is compatible with the GNU system.

IEEE Std 1003.1-2008 (“POSIX.1”) doesn't specify iflag=, oflag=, status=, nor conv=excl|fdatasync|fsync|nocreat|sparse. NetBSD allows directly-O_-mappable flags. FreeBSD just iflag=fullblock|direct and oflag=fsync|sync|direct (with sync equivalent to fsync). Both support conv=sparse. Both and OpenBSD support conv=fsync.

status= is an extension, also present on the GNU system and FreeBSD (although without status=xfer). OpenBSD supports status=noxfer|none only.

conv=compare is an extension, mimicking the e2image(8) -c flag.

The standard also doesn't mandate that skip=, seek=, or count= take the same number format as the bs= family, but all known implementations do. However, the standard format is a simplified

This implementation extends the format available on the GNU system, which doesn't allow B without a unit and lower-case . w is nominally the word (int) size. Version 5 AT&T UNIX and AT&T System III UNIX hard-code 2, but 3BSD uses the actual size of an int; as all platforms capable of rendering this document have 32-bit ints, w is 4 on the BSD.

Appeared in Version 5 AT&T UNIX as dd(I):

dd - convert and copy a file
Supporting if=, of=, ibs=, obs=, bs=, cbs=, skip=, count=, and conv=ascii|ebcdic|lcase|ucase|swab|noerror|sync[,…], with numbers as
for 1024, 512, and 2, respectively.

This could be considered fully-formed: every semantic is as in modern day. SIGINT simply exits instead of re-raising. BUGS in Version 6 AT&T UNIX note that the (un)blocking should be forked out of conv=ascii|ebcdic. The only significant difference is the conversion tables are different than the ones mandated by POSIX, which, rather prophetically, is noted in the BUGS section:

The ASCII↔EBCDIC conversion tables are taken from the 256 character standard in the CACM Nov, 1968. It is not clear how this relates to real life.

Indeed, it's equally unclear where IEEE Std 1003.1-2008 (“POSIX.1”)'s tables originate, but judging from them being monochrome 500x GIFs, it'd be safe to go with the early Devonian.

Version 7 AT&T UNIX adds conv=ibm, with the same table as POSIX's, seek=, files=n (as in "copy n files from (tape) input"), barreling past n-1 end-of-files, default 1, and changes the w multiplier to be the size of an int (still 2 on the PDP-11, but 4 on the VAX with UNIX/32V).

AT&T System III UNIX uses ASCII↔EBCDIC tables "from a proposed BTL standard April 16, 1979"; they're identical to the ones specified by POSIX, except mapping ASCII 151 to 8 rather than 11, making them not strictly reciprocal, removes files=, and reverts to w equaling 2.

AT&T System V Release 1 UNIX uses BSIZE as the default block size and b multiplier; this varies depending on the default filesystem (which defaults to the "Original 512 byte file system" and 512), but for standalone programs is equal to 1024 on the VAX and 512 elsewhere.

AT&T System V Release 2 UNIX briefly alters the output format to call the I/O units truncated records "blocks".

AT&T System V Release 3 UNIX reverts this, re-gains files=, gains oseek=, equivalent to seek= (now a compatibility option), iseek=, which seeks the input instead of discarding it like skip=, and conv=block|unblock, which can be selected independently from the EBCDIC conversions. It's also rewritten to be a mess, with option parsing the length of this entire implementation.

3BSD uses the Version 7 AT&T UNIX dd. 4.1BSD adds conv=block|unblock. 4.3BSD-Reno uses the modern seek-or-read algorithm for skip=, and errors out if seek= and the output isn't seekable (rather than silently not seeking), as it still opens it write-only.

4.4BSD introduces the SIGINFO behaviour, also notes odd-length conv=swab blocks in the statistics, introduces transfer speed thereto, and adds conv=notrunc. conv=ascii|ebcdic|ibm have been replaced with tables from IEEE Std 1003.2 (“POSIX.2”), with Version 5 AT&T UNIX tables moved to conv=oldascii|oldebcdic|oldibm. What has somehow escaped the attention of every contemporary author and all documentation is that conv=ibm is as conv=oldibm.

4.4BSD-Lite2 adds conv=osync, padding output blocks with null bytes to obs=.

April 24, 2023 voreutils pre-v0.0.0-latest